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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by an diOzallies of transPort at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Austin's Financial Statement.
According to a preliminary financial statement issued by the Austin Motor Co.. Ltd., the results of the company's trading for the year ended September 30th last show a gross profit, including discounts and interest received, amounting to 1470,902. After making certain deductions, including interest on debentures, depreciation, maintenance of buildings, plant, fittings and tools totalling, in the aggregate, 1309,728, a net balance of 1161,174 remains.
The issue of the balance Sheet is delayed owing to the preparation of a scheme of reconstruction, but, when it is published, it will show approximately the following figures :—Cash in hand at bank, €23'1,231; debtors, 173,308; stock and tools, £932,187; sundry creditors and reserie.s, £.349,413.
Since September 80th, 1923, the directors have, by redemption and arrangement, reduced the first debentures from 1160,000 to 'nil, the second debentures from £285,000 to £225,000, the third debentures from £248,000 190,001:I. and mortgage on estate fram £75,000 to nil.
The statement makes it clear that sales of the company's products to date are satisfactory, and that the whole of the works output for 1.925 has been contracted for by distributors and agents.
• Conference on Richmond Bridge.
• A few days ago the Minister of Transport, accompanied by Mr. C. H. Bressey, the chief engineer of the Roads Department of the Ministry, paid a visit to 'Richmond and met on the Bridge representatives (if the Bridge Commissioners, highway authorities and other local bodies concerned in the proposal to widen Richmond Bridge. A general discussion took .place upon the inadequacy of the present structure, which was built so long ago as 1770, and has a width between the parapets of only 25 ft.
An important factor in connection with the problem is that at no distant date a new bridge will probably be constructed on the line of the new Chertsey Road., one-third of a mile north-west of the present bridge.
The views expressed by those present are to receive the full consideration of the Minister, who will, at a later date, communicate with the local authorities.
A.E.C. Resignation., The. Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., advise us that Mr. W. H. Workman has resigned his position as sales manager to the company as from December 31st last, and Mr..A. S. C. Chattey has been appointed to fill the position.
Tax on Motor Horse-boxes.
171)* Municipal Council of Paris has decided to impose an annual, tax of 460. francs on Motorvans which are used for the transport of racehorses from one. meeting to another. The tax on these vehicles has previously been 100 francs.
A New Six-cylinder Passenger Chassis. In our issue for December 16th we referred to a number of new Reo models which Harris and HaselL Ltd., the concessionnaires for this country, were about to put on the British market, and we now learn that the first of the Reo six-cylinder Pullman chassis has arrived in this country: We hope to be in a position at an early date to give a full technical description of the design of the new model, but it is worthy of mention in passing that the chassis is fitted with frontwheel brakes.
It is stated that the training school for drivers of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., will shortly be remove(' from Chelsea to Chiswick.
The Strain of Driving in London.
The ambulance committee of the Metropolitan Asylums Board reports that it has been led by certain occurrences in the service to consider the advisability (in view of the strain of driving in London traffic, the tendency towards increase in size and speed of vehicles, and the responsibilities thrown upon ambulance drivers) of instituting some forni of periodical re-examination of the men who have to undertake the conveyance of patients. Such re-examinations are already in force in the mercantile marine, railway services, and other occupations where men are responsible for the lives of passengers, and it has conic to the conclusion that they are equally essential under the conditions which hold in the ambulance work of a densely populated centre.
The committee has consulted the chief medical officer of the infectious hospitals service, and he concurs strongly in this view.. Dr. Geiger indicates a number of disabilities which may develop and be very prejudicial to an ambulance driver, and he recommends that the drivers should be re-examined at intervals of two years.
• The medical board would ascertain whether the physical disabilities which are known to have special importance in this occupation have developed with the lapse of time or as the result of accident subsequent to a man having entered the • service, and would report accordingly.
The Paris Plough and Tractor Show. The fourth annual Motor Plough and Tractor Show will he held in Paris from January 17th to 25th. As work upon the internal transformation of the Grand Palais for the summer exhibition of decorative arts is already in full swing, another home has had to be found for the Salon do is Machine Agriecile. Fortunately several large halls in the new eXhibitions park at the Porte de Versailles are now quite ready, arid this is where the show is to be held. There will be 310 exhibitors this time as compared with 463 in 1924.
Gas producers will probably be an interesting feature this year, as a considerable advance has been made in design since the 1924 salon. Amongst those companies exhibiting ploughs and tractors the American contingent will again be very strong.
Speed Regulations in European Countries.
In accordance with an order of the House of Lords, the Ministry. of Transport has presented to Parliament a return which shows the regulations in force in the principal European countries with respect to the speed of motorcars. The countries include Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland, and the restrictions in the matter of speed are generally confined to heavy vehicles and to towns and
inhabited localities. In certain cases greater speeds can be authorized on roads which are considered specially suitable for heavy vehicular traffic.
Orders for Six-wheel Buses.
The rigid six-wheeler is undoubtedly making considerable headway in America, and proof of this statement can be found in the fact that the American Motor Body Corporation has just manufactured 36 double-deck six-wheeled buses for the Detroit Motor Bus Co., and these vehicles were put into service just before the close of last year.
The Detroit Bus Co. have built several vehicles on the Philadelphia sixwheeled chassis, and during a period of several months' experience with them they have proved quite satisfactory in use.
W. and G. Developments.
The price of the new W. and G. passenger chassis is £525, and not as stated In the advertisement of W. and G. du Cros, Ltd., which appeared in our last issue.
We are informed that Rossleigh, Ltd., are now the sole concessionnaires for W. and G. lorries for the whole of Scotland and Newcastle, and it may be generally known that this company have in the past sold very large numbers of these vehicles.
Johannesburg Wants Tenders.
The Municipal Council of Johannesburg is calling for tenders, to be presented not later than February 11th, for the supply of a petrol-driven lorry and a trailer. Local representation is desirable, but those who are without this facility can obtain the names of companies having offices in the United Kingdom and the Union of South Africa, who may be willing to act for them in connection with the present tender, from the Department of Overseas Trade, 85, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1, quoting reference No. A.X. 1610.
New London-Soutbend,.Road.
It is anticipated that the new road from London to Southend, which has been in course of construction for three years, will be formally opened eirly next month. It is said to be the longest new road which has yet been undertaken by the Ministry of Transport, and it forms part of a general scheme to construct new arterial roads round London. Its purpose is to spare traffic the necefisity for passing through congested areas of the Metropolis on their way to Southend.
The road is 30 miles long and 100 ft. wide, and has cost about one million pounds to construct. The work has been carried out in conjunction with the Essex County Council, and the London County Council and the Southend Borough Council have contributed towards its cost.
Chromium Valves for Fordson Engines.
It is with interest that we learn that chromium-silicon alloy steel is now being used for the valves of the engine employed in the Fordson tractor. From tests which have been made, it is Said that the new valves are better able to withstand the high temperatures which are Reveloped in heavy-duty internalcombustion power units. Moreover, it is claimed that they will not warp, and that oxidation and scaling are considerably reduced, so that pitting and breaking off of valve heads arc prevented.
The new valves are heat-treated, hardened and ground, and this minimizes wear which often occurs at the end of the stem coming into contact with the tappet and between the stem and guide, The hardness of the new alloy which is employed should result in the frequency of regrinding operations being lessened.
• New Kentish Roads.
The tenders of Messrs. William Griffiths and Co., and the Roads and Public Works. Co. have been accepted for the construction of the new road from Maidstone to Folkestone. The total expenditure on the work, which has just been started, will amount to £400,000.
Leicester's Bus Purchases.
Leicester Corporation tramways comndttee recommends the purchase of eight Tilling-Stevens petrol-electric chassis at £1,002 each, and eight double-deck bodies from the Brush Electrical Engineering Co. at £670 each. It is proposed to erect a garage at the Abbey Park depot at a cost of .£11,000.
American Production.
The United States Department of Commerce announces that the number of commercial motor vehicles produced in America during November was 26,848, as compared with 31,455—the revised figure--for October.
Exports of goods and passenger vehicles (eleetrics excepted) from the country in October totalled 2,124.
Left-hand Drive Vetoed.
In order to eliminate left-hand drive buses from public transport services in the town and neighbourhood, and thereby reduce dangers to pedestrians and other road users, the Darlington Corporation Hackney Carriage Committee
has taken a strong stand. In temporarily renewing licences for five vehicles coming under this heading, they have intimated that no further renewal will be granted upon the expiry of the licences on January 31st unless the vehicles be provided with steering gear fixed on the right-hand side of the chassis.
An Abandoned Tramway.
Dudley Corporation Tramways Coinmittee reports that it has been in communication with other interested authorities respecting the proposed abandonment of light raiiiVays Nos. I, 2 and 3, which commence at Stourbridge Road in the borough and terminate in the township of Amblecote, and recommends that the town clerk be instructed to oppose the application of the Dudley, Stourbridge and District Electric Traction CO., Ltd., and take such other steps as may be necessary to protect the interests of the corporation.
Co-operatively Owned Fire-engine.
At its last meeting Clitheroe Rural Council considered a letter from the Clitheroe Corporation, asking if the authority would be willing to contribute towards the cost and upkeep of a motor fire-engine, the vehicle to serve the joint districtS of the authorities concerned. The chairman said that the same question was raised some years ago, and the council appointed a sub-committee to discuss the matter with the corporation. but a meeting was not called. The opinion was expressed that the suggested scheme, if carried out, would be a distinct benefit to the district, and it was -decided to inform the corporation of the council's willingness to participate in the scheme.
Diverting Traffic in York.
The streets and building committee recommends that approval should be given by the York County Council to a motion that the ,committee makes arrangements to confer with representatives of local authorities of neighbouring districts on a scheme for diverting cress-country traffic from the city.
For Fuel Transport.
One of those spheres of commercial activity in which the tank wagon is of the greatest value is in, connection with the transport of fuel, and such a machine in the service of the British Petroleum Co., Ltd., of Britannic House, London, E.C.2, is illustrated on this page.
The chassis on which the tank is mounted is a 4-ton Bristol, and the tank, which has a capacity of 1,200 gallons, is divided into three compartments, and, instead of being of circular section, which, perhaps, is the more usual form consteuction, is of oval section. Tanks of this type have been made in large numbers by Thompson Bros. (Hilston), Ltd., of Bilstou, Staffs.
The main• advantage whiah .is claimed for a tank of this shape is that it can be mounted with greater ease on the chassis, in so far as only four retaining bands are required in place of the usual six or eight. The reduction in the number of bands is made possible by the fact that an oval tank cannot be twisted or distorted. Two of the bands prevent horizontal movement, whilst the remaining bands exert a direct vertical pull, thereby guarding against any endwise movement.
Another feature of the vehicle is the manifold at the rear, which enables all the compartments to be emptied one after the other through a joint tap.
The company inform us that they will shortly be putting into service three more vehicles of this type.
Taxicabs as Emergency Military Transport.
Having in mind, no doubt, the part played by the Paris taxicabs in the early part of the Great War, when the vehicles were commandeered by the late General Gallieni to convey troops quickly to the Marne, Major-General A. -C. Dalton, Director of the Motor Transport Division of the L'S. Army, recently held a conference with the American National Association of Taxicab Owners in Chicago to discuss the question of forming a provisional emergenby force composed of the nation's
B22 road transport facilities, the first stap in which is the organization of the taxicabs and their drivers into companies of 64 men and three officers. The men would be required to go through a course of drill and to hold themselves and their cabs ready to respond to any emergency call by the U.S. War Department.
Inst. P.E. Meeting..
A general meeting of the Institution of Production Engineers will be held at the Engineers' Club, Coventry Street, London, W.1, on January 21st, at 7.30 p.m. On this occasion Mr. H. A. Randall, of the Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., will read a paper on "Instruments and Gauges."
An Historic Bridge Condemned.
The Ministry of Transport has condemned the historic Carmarthen Town Bridge, dating back to the beginning of the 13th century. The bridge, which is on the main east-west road through South Wales, is to be replaced by a structure, the design for which is to be selected from three .schemes now being prepared. The Ministry will bear 75 per cent. of the cost of the new bridge, the remainder to be found by the several local authorities.
Lighter Buses for South Shields.
South Shields Corporation Tramways Committee has asked the manager to report on the sum which can be obtained from the sale of six buses now in use on the Boldon Colliery route, and to obtain information and prices for the supply of lighter buses.
The Bradford Bus Appeal.
The appeal to the Minister of Transport of a Wakefield omnibus company against the decision of the Bradford Corporation to refuse permission for the company's buses to run into the city of Bradford has been upheld, and the corporation has been informed that the permission asked for should be granted. We understand that it is the intention of the authorities to pursue the matter further, as the decision of the Minister is not acceptable to them.
Warrington Bus Results.
The accounts dealing with the Warrington Corporation bus service for the year ended March 31st last, show that the results on the undertaking over, this period were comparatively normal. The net profit of £1,140 was added to the balance brought forward on apprepristion account from the previous year, and carried to the current year's account. The balance on this account has since been wiped out by the purchase of two additional omnibuses, and it i$ understood that there is at the present time a deficiency of approximately £1,000 which it is hoped will be wholly met out of the current year's profits. The undertaking is now free of loan debt.
The balance sheet shows capital assets at an outlay of £5,087. A sum of £900 of this cost was met out of revenue and appears on the balance sheet, per contra, as a liability to that account. The resultant " balances " disclose a surplus of assets over liabilities, on capital of £4,187 and a sum of £1,759 on revenue. It would thus appear that the financial • position of the bus services is exception
ally strong. It is probable, however, that as the undertaking has in past years been run at a loss, and as no provision beyond sinking fund could be made towards renewal of the rolling stock, the outlay figure of £5,087 appearing on the balance sheet is far in excess of to-day's actual value of the asset.
A New Petrol Station for London. The 13rixton Estate Co., Ltd., have recently completed their purchase of the island site at the -corner of Brixton Road and .Camberwell New Road from the British Motor Cab Co., Ltd., and in the near future Kennington wilt as a result, possess one of the largest petrolservice stations to be found in London. The purchase, it is stated, has been made at a cost of more than £200,000, and a subsidiary company, the Brixton Garages, Ltd., are to convert the frontage in Brixton Road and to retain a portion of the premises for garaging commercial vehicles andears. The original: structure was built 17 years ago, and was designed to accommodate 2,000 taxicabs.
Ribble Motor Services Appeal.
The Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., have intimated to the Rochdale Corporation that, in view of the excessive delay in the granting of licences to the company to run motorbus services between Rochdale and Halifax, and Rochdale and Huddersfield, they have lodged an appeal with the Ministry of Transport.
It will be recalled that recently the tramways committee of the Rochdale Corporation decided to seek Parliamentary powers to run Motorbuses in the town and surrounding districts by consent of the local authorities concerned.
Police Ambulance Charges.
Merthyr Tydvil Watch Committee has decided to make the following charges for the use of the police ambulance : Removal of a private person residing within the borough to an institution within the borough, 5s.
Removal of a private person to an institution outside the borough, 5s. to the borough boundary, and 1s. Sd. per mile beyond the boundary, inward and outward journey.
Removal of employees of companies to home and/or institution, 2s. per mile, with a minimum of 5s.
York Bus Services.
York Corporation Tramways Committee has made an arrangement with the Derwent Valley Light Railway Co. whereby the committee will arrange for omnibuses to meet certain trains at the Layerthorpe station on Saturdays, convey passengers to the Market Place, and later back to the Layerthorpe Railway station, at a reduced fare.
The committee has also decided that passes to travel on the tramways and omnibuses shall be issued to the various corporation departments for the Use of such members of the staffs as the several committees concerned shall decide, at an annual charge of 16 per pass, it being understood that such passes should only be used when the official holding the same is on corporation business.
A Paper on Low-pressure Tyres.
A paper entitled "Low-pressure Pneumatic Tyres" will be read by Mr. Colin Macbeth before the Scottish centre of the Institution of Automobile Engineers on January 19th at the Royal Technical College, Glasgow. Mr. Macbeth will also read the paper at the Engineers' Club, Wolverhampton, on the following day.
A Scheme to Assist Rural Workers.
The North Riding County Council Rural Development Sub committee, which performs a valuable service in the way of fostering village trades and handicrafts affected by the expansion of city enterprises, has under contemplation a novel scheme, which aims oat assisting village blacksmiths and other rural workers throughout the county. The proposal is to buya fully equipped .demonstration inotorvan containing oxyacetylene welding plant, emery grinding and drilling machines, lathe, work bench, vices and a serviceable outfit of small tools in order to demonstrate the value of 'modern appliances in applicable trades.
At the same time, the committee is desirous of extending the market open to these rural workers for disposing of their goods, and with this end in view is considering the advisability of attaching a trailer to the van, to act as a sales compartment. This would be loaded and hauled to market towns on
busy days, and should do much to improve contact between producer and purchaser.
A Morris Publicity Vehicle.
We have on several occasions in the East published illustrations of the special types of publicity vehicle employed by Electrolux, Ltd., and one of the latest additions to the company's fleet takes the form of a very striking advertising vehicle, the basis of which is formed by an 11.9 h.p. Morris chassis, Although, as will be seen from our illustration, the body is strikingly original in construction, it is not only Ornamental, but is capable of taking a certain amount of goods, and is to be seen in daily use around London delivering examples of Electrolux electric cleaning machines.
This particular body was designed and built by Stewart and Ardern, the main London agents for Morris chassis.
Haulage Comparisons.
At a meeting of the Ilkeston Corpoxition the borough eagineer submitted comparative figures showing that the cost of haulage by horses was is. 31d. per ton-mile as against 10d. per tonmile for motor haulage.
Newport's Bus Plans.
The Newport (Mon.) Town Council is promoting a Parliamentary Bill, amongst the provisions of which powers are being sought for sanction to expend £35,400 on the acquisition of new motor omnibuses and £9,500 for providing suitable accominotlation for them.
A Book on Body Painting.
A companion volume to " Motor Bod5 work," published by Messrs. W. II Howell and Co., is "Motor Car an Coach Painting," by Mr. Charles E Oliver, edited by Mr. A. S. .Tennings The price of this volume is 28s. 6d. Th, whole of the processes of preparing meta and wood surfaces, of priming, stopping rubbing down, facing, flatting, finishing varnishing and enamelling of bodyworl is very full:, dealt with, whilst chapters are devoted .to. renovation and repainting: In addition there are chanters on painting for Mass, production, the stoving of wings, lamps, etc., the paint shop, the preparation. of materials, and their treatment, staving and maturing, whilst the question of estimating the cost of various specifications and of preparing specifications is covered very completely. The work is well illustrated by photographs, plans and drawings, specimen letterings and style sheets, whilst of Very great use to readers will be the innumerable plates giving examples of colours manufactured by various concerns in the paint industry.
Wheels for Six-wheelers.
It will interest many of our readers to hnow that the wheels employed in the Bussing rigid-frame, six-wheeled, singledeck omnibus, described on page 581 of our issue dated December 23rd, were made by The Electric Steel Castings Co., Ltd., of Wentworth Chambers, Pinstone Street, Sheffield, and are marketed under the name of Esco Simplex. These wheels are of the latest type, made specially for use with giant pneumatic tyres. They are fitted with demountable rims, etc.
It will be remembered that we described some special Eseo wheels, but in this case for solid tyres, a few months ago.
A Bolton Appeal.
The Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., have appealed against the refusal of the Bolton Watch. Committee to grant them licences to run new omnibus services out of Bolton, and the Ministry of Transport has held an informal inquiry into the matter.
Bedwellty to Buy Buses.
In the Parliamentary Bill about to be presented by the Bedwellty Urban District Council, the council, in seeking authority to run a municipal bus service, asks that £10,000 may be allocated to the purchase of vehicles and £3,000 for the provision of garage accommodation.
Local Proceedings.
Great . ,Burstead Parish Council, Ef,SPX, proposes to purchase a motor fire-engine at a cost of about £450.
Chesterfield Corporation electricity committee has decided to purchase a Morris motorvan at a cost of £247.
York Corporation Tramways Committee recommends the purchase of two Leyland motorbuses at a cost of £1,77S.
Bolton Corporation is to seek Parliamentary powers to enable it to run bus services beyond the borough boundaries.
The police superintendent at Ilkeston has informed the corporation that the police cannot undertake the inspection a omnibuses.
Basingstoke Corporation finance committee recommends postponement of a Proposal to purchase an electric vehicle for refuse collection.
The Cardiff City Council has approved the recommendation of the tramways committee that £20,000 be spent on the acquisition of new buses.
Oldham Corporation has decided to invite tenders for the supply of four light motor vehicles for the use of the gas and electricity departments.
Chesterfield Corporation tramways committee has decided to fit one of the Bristol motorbuses with pneumatic tyres as an experiment at a cost of £140..
Asked by the Tradesmen's Association to impose a speed limit through the main streets, Ilkeston Watch Committee reports that it is not desirable to adopt such a course of action.
Chesterfield Corporation tramways committee has asked a deputation to inspect the trackless-trolley systems of the Keighley Corporation and the Teesside Railless Traction Board.
The Darlington Corporation has accepted the tender of Messrs. George end Jobling for .the supply of a 1-ton Ford truck for use in connection with the electricity department.
Dover Corporation reports that the distance travelled by the motor ambulance during the last 13 weeks is 321.5 miles, and the petrol consumed 34 gallons. which gives an average of 9.4 mites per gallon.
Bolton Corporation Tramways Committee has purchased two 3-ton chassis from Leyland Motors, Ltd., and decided to obtain quotations for an extending tower for one and a tipping body for the other.
Bolton Corporation Tramways Committee has accepted the tender of the Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., for the installation of a 2,000-gallon petrol tank and pump adjoining the bus garage now being erected.
At a meeting of the surveyors' committee of the Oldham Corporation, the borough engineer reported on the results of tests he had made with a Fordson tractor which he had had on trial, and it was decided to purchase the machine.
Oldham Corporation has instructed the general manager to give public notice to the effect that, when the motorbus service from TIollingwood to Mumps is put into operation, the Union Street West to Waterhead tramway service will be discontinued.
1324 Birkenhead Corporation is to construct a motor ambulance garage at a. cost of 11,649.
Dorking Joint Isolation Hospital Committee is considering_the purchase of a motor ambulance..
Dundee Corporation electricity department has decided to purchase a 30-cwt. lorry at a cost of £500.
Manchester Watch Committee has decided to call for tenders for a motor ambulance and a motor. ambulance. chassis.
Birkenhead Watch Committee is to allocate £190 in the next estimates. for the purchase of a Leyland petrol motor pump.
Manchester Corporation tramways committee has purchased a Ford van for the parcels department from Manchester Garages, Ltd.
Cowes Urban District Council is applying to the Ministry of Health for sanction to borrow £400 for the purchase of a tipping lorry.
Birkenhead Corporation tramways committee has accented the tender of the Mersey Motor Co. for the supply of eight Leyland motorbuses for £12,428.
Birkenhead Corporation tramways committee has accepted the tender of Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., of Manchester, for the supply of tyres for motorbuses.
Warrington Watch Committee has given permission to the North Western Road Car Co., Ltd., to run. a service of motorbuses between Warrington and Northwieh.
The tramways committee of the Ilford Urban District Council does not consider it expedient at the moment to ask the Ministry of Transport to restrict or prohibit motorbuses in the district.
Ripley (Derby) Urban District Council is seeking tenders for the supply of a 30-ewt. lorry fitted with tipping body suitable for carrying house refuse. The load line of the vehicle must be approximately 4 ft. 4 ins.
York Corporation Highways Committee has decided to consider the purchase of a motor road sweeper in Mareh next, and, in the meantime, inform:Aloe is to be obtained concerning the construction and use of such vehicles.
Cardiff Wants Bus Bodies,
The Cardiff City Council inviteg tenders for the supply of six single-deck bus bodies and six double-deck bus bodies. Contractors must be on the King's National Roll and submit quota tions by January 17th. Specifications and particulars may be obtained on application to the tramways general manager, The Hayes, Cardiff.
Terry's Stall Addition.
Mr. Raymond F. Terry, B.A. (economics and law), whose portrait is reproduced on this page, has recently joined the staff of Herbert Terry and Sons, Ltd., of Redditch.
After leaving Jesus College, Cambridge Mr. Terry spent 12 months with Haps Cam bridge, Ltd., of Manchester, pass ing through the administration and sales sides of this company's up-to-date organization. Mr. Terry has been appointed to a position with the company where his training and experience will be of considerable value to the future development of their business.
Mr. Raymond F. Terry is the eldest son of Mr. Charles Terry, J.P., C.C., the senior director of the company.
Demonstrating Automatic Hardening.
Automatic and Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Eleefurn Works, 173-175, Earringdon Road, London, E.C.1, inform us that B.S.A. Tools, Ltd., have arranged to give a public demonstration of automatic hardening of their products in a Wild-Barfield electro-magnetic furnace. The demonstration will take place at the electric showrooms of the Birmingham Corporation, 21, Paradise Street, Birmingham, and will commence on 'January 19th and continue each day throughout the week.
Beemac Accessories.
We learn that C. 13; Harrison (1909)., Ltd., have taken over the controlling interests of the Birmingham Motor Accessories Co., of which they were the parent concern, and that in future all correspondence will be dealt with front the Endurance Works, Sheepcote Street, Birmingham. The Birmingham Motor Accessories Co. are known in connection with a range of motor accessories sold under the trade name ".Beemac."
• Solex Carburetter Prices Down. •
S. Wolf and Co., Ltd., 115, Southwark Street, London, S.E.1, inform us that the prices Of Solex carburetters, 'of which they manufacture a wide range, have been reduced for the 1925 season. Full particulars of the reductions can to obtained from a brochure which the company has just issued, and which can be obtained from the address given above.
Barimar Number Plates.
In connection with the new motorcar registration regulations, Berliner, Ltd., 14-18, Lamb's Conduit Street, London, W.C.1, asks us to point out that their cast-aluminium number plates de luxe, with raised, polished letters and figures and stippled backgrounds, are expressly allowed by the regulations.
In addition to the acknowledgments made in our last issue, we have to thank the Lancashire United Tramways, Ltd., Allen, Stewart and Co.. Ltd., and Crofts (Engineers), Ltd., for calendars, which we have received.