WHEELS of INDUSTRY " The wheels of wealth unTU be slowed
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
Brighton Transport Merger Abandoned.
The Brighton Transport Bill, to which copious reference has been made in The Commercial Motor in every stage of the preliminary negotiations, has been abandoned as the result of a poll, of Brighton ratepayers taken on Saturday, January 3rd. This Bill was prepared by agreement between Brighton and Hove CorporeitMns and Thomas Tilling, Ltd., to pool the corporation tramways and privately owned bus services under the control of a board representing the three bodies, and shareholders_ of Thomas Tilling, Ltd., were actually informed recently of the suecessful termination of the negotiations.
At the Brighton poll only about 23 per cent. of those entitled to vote exercised their right, and the Bill was rejected. by 7,994 votes to 7,811—a majority of only 183. The result is rather unsatisfactory, for it cannot be said definitely to show the wishes of the Brighton inhabitants. As the Bill required the approval of both Brighton and Hove ratepayers, the Hove poll was not held. • New Road Schemes Approved.
The Minister of Transport announces that, during the month of December, schemes for widening, reconstruction and other improvements of classified roads and bridges, and for the construction of new roads and bridges of classification value, involving a total estimated expenditure of £1,667,000, were approved for Road Fund grants.
One of the most important schemes is the construction of a new road to bypass Chelmsford on the London-Great 'Yarmouth route; the cost is given as £163,000.
Financial assistance has also been indicated towards the improvement or construction of unclassified roads and bridges in various counties, including Cheshire ' (£114,000), Leicestershire (189,000). Lancashire (£42,000) and Cambridgeshire (£39,000), the total estimated expenditure being £522,000.
Two Qualified Passenger-vehicle Operators Available.
We know of two gentlemen with many years' experience of passenger transport by road, and who possess knowledge which should be of great value to concerns which have important administrative posts available.
The first served in the M.T. at home and abroad, then becoming managing director of a motor coach company in Surrey, later acting in the same capacity in Norfolk, and then as district manager to United Automobile Services, Ltd., with headquarters at Norwich. He has recently completed the reorganization of an important Irish bus service.
The second gentleman has recently returned from India after serving out there for 12 years in a municipal tram and motorbus undertaking. Previous to this he was for three years with the Brighton and Hove Omnibus Co., and for five years with Messrs. Rose and
Hollingbone, his apprenticeship being served at the Hove Electricity Co.
Both these gentlemen have excellent references, and letters regarding them should be addressed, in the case of the first mentioned. to " Fleet Manager," and, in the case of the second, to "Overseas," care of the Editor of this journal.
Important De Dion Development.
We are advised by Etablissemeets De Dion-Bouton, Puteaux, France, that it has officially appointed Batten and Stewart, Ltd., The Motor House, High Road, East Finchley, London, N.2, as its sole British agent for Great Britain and the British Colonies for its French manufactured motor Vehicles. It has also granted to its concessionnaire an exclusive licence to manufacture its chassis in England.
Messrs. Britten and Stewart have been connected with De Dion-Bouton in England, as works manager and assistant manager respectively for over 20 years.
Oil Coolers Required.
One of the largest manufacturers of motor-vehicle radiators in the U.S.A. is anxious to secure the American rights for useful inventions in Connection with oil coolers for the engines of motor vehicles, aeroplanes or meter boats. He , would also be glad to, consider inventions for the improvement of radiators for motor vehicles. Ideas or details of patents will be, welcomed from individuals or manufacturers In England.
Communications in this connection should be addressed to "Oil Cooler." care of the Editor of this journal.
Manchester Bus-station Scheme.
A joint meeting of representatives of the watch committee, transport committee and other committees of Manchester Corporation recently approved a scheme for providing a central bus station on that portion of the oId infirmary site at present bounded by Parker Street, which runs between George Street and Portland Street, behind Piccadilly.
The First Road Goods-clearance Station in Scotland.
A new departure in respect of goods distribution is shortly to be innovated in Glasgow and will take the form of a road goods-clearance station. The site chosen • is in Washington Street, and apart from its central position it is in Close proximity to the river wharves and principal docks. The building is not only intended to serve as a goads station with storage facilities, but, in addition, there will be sleeping quarters for about 20 men a recreation room, and what might be described as a miniature hostel.
As regards the handling of goods every effort is being made to deal effectively and speedily with bulk loads, as well as with small consignments, and an overnight accommodation for 20 lorries will be provided.
It is the intention of the proprietors to use the station as a goods-clearance house for Glasgow and the West of Scotland, receiving commodities from all parts and redistributing them within a radius of 20 or 30 miles around the city.
The concern reSponsible for this venture is the Road Transport Co. (Glasgow), Ltd., 136-138, Broomielaw, Glasgow, and, whilst the project is regarded as being ambitious, the company in question has had considerable experience in goods clearance. During the past six years it has been engaged in goods distribution between Glasgow, Stirling, Leith, Ayrshire and the surrounding counties.
The new scheme should be in full working order before the end of March.
Activity at Strachans.
When Stracha.ns (Acton), Ltd., the well-known coachbulIding concern of North Acton, London, W.3, has completed a contract for 39 general-purpose bodies, which are convertible for ambulance uses, for the India Store Depart: ment, it,wiil have built, during the past few months, as many as 86 bodies for this department, 77 of them. being mounted on Albion and Thornycroft sixwheeled chassis. In addition, nine bodies have been built on Eagle trailers, tsim being-workshop units and the others carrying electric lighting equipment. ,
Opposing Glasgow's Bus-extension Scheme.
From January 14th-16th an inquiry will be held in Glasgow to consider the prdposal of Glasgow Corporation to extend the municipal bus service into the parishes of Cathcart, Eastwood and Mearns, as well as other transport questions in the West of Scotland.
The inquiry is being held at the instance of the Minister of Transport, and objections to the proposal have been lodged by the Glasgow General Omnibus and Motor Services, Ltd., the Midland Bus Services, Ltd., the Scottish General Transport Co., Ltd., the Scottish Commercial Motor Users' Association, the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co., and certain private individuals.
Personal Pars.
The Minister of Transport has appointed Mr. Glee.son Edward Robinson, M.C., LL.D., to be the traffic commissioner for the Metropolitan traffic area, under the Road Traffic Act, 1930. Since February, 1925, Mr. Robinson has been the British member of the third division of the Anglo-German Mixed Arbitral Tribunal, set up under the Treaty of Versailles, to carry out the work of adjusting and deciding claims between British nationals and ex-enemy nationals and ex-enemy governments.
From 1920 to 1925 he acted as secretary to the Clearing Office (Enemy Debts). He was called to the Bar in 1920.
• Councillor C. 1 Pearse, a Member of the Leicester Watch Committee, has been appointed temporary honorary secretary and treasurer of the recently formed Leicester Area Motor Omnibus Owners' Association, a body formed to protect the interests of local bus proprietors.
We learn that Mr. 7, Stuart Broadbent, at present motor vehicle rolling stock engineer to Leeds Corporation and formerly chief engineer of the Devon General Omnibus Co., Exeter, has been appointed certifying officer for the Southern Area under Major-General Sir Reginald Ford, with headquarters at Reading.
A Manual of Military Vehicles.
The War Office has recently issued a new "Manual of Military Vehicles." It is a technical handbook, written in language as simple as the subject allows, of internal-combustion engines of every type and of the chassis of mechanical vehicles at present in use in the British Army. Not only are four-wheeled and six-wheeled vehicles fully described, but a special chapter is devoted to tracks and suspension, as applied to tanks, "dragons," and other cross-country vehicles. At the end of each chapter is a series of clear illustrations, so that the manual, which is published by the Stationery Office at 3s., is a complete and useful book of reference.
A New 14-seater Bus Body.
We learn that the Waveney Co., Ltd., which specializes in passenger coachwork, is producing at its works at Lowestoft a 14-seater bus body, which will meet the demand of proprietors who cater for carrying workmen at night and in the morning, as well as for country carriers. The company draws attention to the fact that, under the new Act, the covered lorry body will not be allowed for carrying passengers, and it is for this reason that it expects a good demand for its new product. The price at whiclWhis body is marketed is £120.
A Three-purpose Goods Body.
Hauliers, farmers, cattle removers and others interested in the transport of livestock are offered an economical body which is manufactured by Messrs. Clifton Carriage Works, of Clifton, York, for mounting on any 30-cwt. chassis. This body is known as the Clifton and is suitable for the conveyance of 'cattle, whilst it may also be converted into a doulle-decker for the
transport of sheep and pigs. A third use is that of general haulage, because, when the high, slatted sides are not in use, an open lorry body with hinged sides is available.
At the rear, a double folding ramp facilitates the loading of animals and, in the interior, there are rings to which the beasts may be secured.
The driver's cab is totally enclosed and provides accommodation for three Persons. The length of the body behind the driver is 9 ft., the width 6 ft. 3 ins. and the height of the sides, when the vehicle is used for general haulage, is 1 ft. 6 ins. This, useful body is moderately priced at in.
A Big Bridge Contract.
Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., has secured the contract for the erection of the new bridge across the River Tees at Newport. The bridge is the joint project of Durham and Middlesbrough County Councils, and the Ministry of Transport will be responsible for 75 per cent, of the cost. It is said that the contract price is about £500,000.
Transport Communication Across the A committee representative of business interests in Edinburgh and Leith has been formed on the initiative of the Leith Chamber of Commerce to investigate the propositions now before the public for an improved crossing of the River Forth at Queensferry, either by road bridge or ferry. Mr. Andrew Wilson, 0.13.E., C.E., has been appointed chairman of the committee.
British Chances in Brazil.
The Department of Overseas Trade announces that Mr. S. G. Irving, the Commercial Secretary to His Majesty's Embassy at Rio de Janeiro, is now in this country on an official visit. He will be available at the offices of the Department during periods from February 2nd to 6th and 23rd to 27th to interview manufacturers and merchants interested in the export of British goods to Brazil. Arrangements for interviews can be made by communicating with the Department at 35, Old Queen Street, reference 2111/1/30 being quoted.
Scottish Users and the Act.
Among the various points raised at recent meetings of the different transport associations in Scotland, Section 19 of the new Road Traffic Act, which limits a motor driver's periods of continuous service amounting in the aggregate to 11 hours, has given rise to considerable discussion and uneasiness. Many persons point out that in such areas as docks and wharves, it is often the ease that several hours elapse before a vehicle is actually loaded, with the re stilt that the driving time may be only four or five hours before the statutory maximum of duty is reached, and the driver placed under an obligation to leave his vehicle.
It is understood that representations are being made to the Ministry of Transport in the hope of securing some provision for dealing with such instances which will obviate the employment of two drivers.
Higher Chinese Duties.
Under the terms of the recently revised Chinese Customs Tariff motor. vehicles for commercial use bear an increased duty of 15 per cent. and Motorcars-, etc., 30 per cent, ad valoretn. Duties on agricultural machinery and machine tools have been reduced to 5 per cent. The new duties came into force on January 1st:
Glasgow Omnibus Co. Shows a Loss.
The report of the Glasgow General Omnibus and Motor Services, Ltd., for the year to September 30th last shows a loss of £5,606, to which sum falls to be added £34,000 as reserve for depreciation, making a total loss for the year of £39,606. In the previous year there was a net loss of £25,216, after providing £38,000 for depredation.
Compared with those for the preceding year, traffic receipts declined by £28,000. The report states that operations have suffered from the extreme industrial depression, whilst another factor was the granting to Glasgow Cur
poration "of what amounted to monopoly powers in regard to passenger traffic within the city."
In the terms of the offer recently made by the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co., to acquire the share capital at a price of 9s. per share, 90 per cent, of the capital has been transferred.
German Imports Coincidence.
Official returns just to hand show that during the 10 months ended October last exactly the same number of commercial vehieles-311—was imported into Germany as during the corresponding period ,of 1929, the value, however, increasing from f85,950 to
£91,350. The past year witnessed a marked decline in the export of vans and lorries from Germany, for they dropped from 2,525 (96,690) in the first 10 months of '1929 to 1,669 (£672,100) in the Comparable period of 1930.
Of the total, 864 vehicles had carrying capacities of 2 tons and under, 748, between 2 tons and 5 tons, and 48 over 5 tons. During the first 10 months of 1930 Germany imported 18 buses, valued at £10,100, and exported during the same period 47 "buses, valued at £48,150.
More Vehicles in British Malaya.
A return recently to hand shows that, during 1929, 1,658 vans and lorries were imported into British Malaya as compared with 1,437 during the preceding 12 months. Of the total 825 vehicles are credited to the United States, 620 to Canada, 206 to Great Britain (a decrease from 326), and 7 to other countries.
Llanelly Not to Purchase Tramways System.
Llanelly Borough Council has now been informed by the proprietary corn-pany of the Llanelly tramways that it could not see its way to carry any farther the negotiations with the corporation for the sale of the company's transport undertaking, so that the system might be converted to one of municipal motorbuses and trolley-buses. The company intimated that the revised terms of purchase suggested by the council were unacceptable.
It is, however, understood that the company -will, under its recently obtained powers, introduce, at an early dete, a trolley-bus and motorbus service.
Some G.W.R. Figures for 1930.
In a New Year message to his staff Mr. James Milne, general manager of the Great Western Railway Co., says that the railway's decrease in traffic and dock receipts in 1930 is anticipated to be in the neighbourhood of £1,750;000, the freight decreases for the 47 weeks to November 24th being:— Coal class, 3,553,847 tons; minerals, 1,317,609 tons'; merchandise, 500,074 tons.
In the year some 31,000 passengers between the G.W.R. system and the Continent used the Paddington-Victoria motor-coach service. The stock of railroad containers was increased from 530 to 838, and includes a number of insulated containers for meat traffic. Nearly 100,000 tons of goods were conveyed throughout by road in the company's vehicles.
Heavy-oil Engine Papers.
The programme of the Diesel Engine Users' Association for the early part of 1931 embodies several interesting items. On January 23rd the report of the committee of the Association on heavy-oil engine working costs will be considered, whilst on February 20th Lieut.-Com
A ThornyeroftSimonis 250-300 gallon fire pump recently shipped to the Straits Settlemeats. Apolished teak body with brass fittings and cast-brass lettering give a distinctive appearance to the machine, which combines good speed with moder
ate weight.
naander A. C. Yeates, R.N. A.M.I.E.E., will read a paper on "'Ile Development of the Horizontal Oil Engine." In March there will be a joint meeting with the Institution of Automobile Engineers and other bodies, when a paper entitled " Heavy-oil Engines," by Messrs. S. J. Davies, Ph.D., M.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., and E. Griffen, A.M.I.Mech.E., will be read.
United Service Transport Report.
The report of the United Service Transport Co., Ltd., for the year ended September 30th last shows a net profit, before allowing for depreciation, of 129,936, as against £43,141 in the previous year. After providing for depreciation and dividends on the preference and ordinary shares, a sum of £181 remains to be carried forward, as against £159 a year earlier, when £3,000 was carried to the reserve.
Fisk Tyre Development.
We are informed that, owing to the Fisk Rubber 'Co., of Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts, U.S.A., being unable to meet certain debenture liabilities which matured on January 1st last, a receiver has been appointed. We are asked to state that this will in no way affect the Fisk Tire Export Co., Inc., of Chicopee Falls, which is the parent company of the Fisk Tyre Co., Ltd., of 118-120, Great Titchfield Street, London, W.1, the operations of which will continue as before. Patent Applications in 1930.
During 1930 the number of patents applied for showed a reduction of about 600 on the figure for 1929, when 39,898 applications were taken out. The figure for last year is 1,342 higher than that for 1028, when the 38,556 applications constituted a record for any single year up to that time.
The Purllect-Dartford Tunnel Realized.
Mr. W. H. Morgan, Essex county surveyor, reports that the Bill for the construction of a tunnel between Furfleet and Dartford has received the Royal Assent. The county council agrees to pay 1250,000 towards the cost of providing the tunnel.
The advent of this important project
will necessitate a comprehensive review of the existing road system in south Essex. The highways committee will, therefore, at an early date, have to consider the construction of a new route between Purfleet and Brentwood, which will give direct communication between the tunnel and the North Orbital route, and Mr. Morgan has no doubt that many of the existing communications in the vicinity of the tunnel will require extensive imprOvements.
"The Motor Ship Reference Book."
"The Motor Ship Reference Book" for 1931 is now on sale. It has been brought thoroughly up to date and new features are embodied. A complete list, running to 285 names, with details and dimensions; engine power, type and other particulars, is published of all motor ships over 1,000 tons gross now on order throughout the world. Similar particulars are given of all the motor ships completed in 1930.
In the chapters dealing with marine oil engines all the new types of Diesel motor developed during 1930 have been
added, every int internal-combusti market being des The new re marine Diesel m in full, and a cha deals with the pr and marine oil c year.
The reference b or 5s. 6d. by pos from the publishe 5-15, Rosebery Av ortant large marine n engine on the ribed and illustrated. ilations relating to hinery are reprinted ter is included which gross of motor ships glass during the past ok is priced at 5s. net, . It can be obtained , Temple Press Ltd., nue, London, E.0.1.
A New Suspension Device.
Herbert Terry and Sons, Ltd., Redditch, has sent us particulars of its combined shock absorber and snubber, which is intended to supplement the suspension provided by ordinary leaf springs. It takes the form of a coil spring which is mounted on top of the laminated assembly, being anchored above and below.
The spring is screwed to a threaded boss on a base plate and, unless otherwise ordered, is 6 ins. high, taking a load -a 1 cwt. at 1-in. compression. The base plate is held in position by the existing spring clamps, but a hole must be drilled in the frame member to take the top bolt and nut. Angle plates will, of course, be required where the chassis frame is not in line with the springs. These shock absorbers are sold at 21s. per pair, 7s. extra being charged when angle plates are needed in the circumstances mentioned.
Farm "Tractors in Egypt.
The fourteenth Egyptian Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition which is to be held in Cairo from February 15th to March 16th next will include a sec tion for farm tractors and agricultural implements, for which there is an increasing demand. Details of the exhibition may be obtained from the Director, Royal Agricultural Society of Egypt, Post Office Box 63, Cairo.
Important Scottish Road Schemes.
Several important improvements of classified roads, and the construction of new roads and bridges in different parts of Scotland, involving a total expenditure of £242,000, have been sanctioned and approved for Road Fund grants, and work is expected to commence at an early date.
Ipswich Transport Profit.
The Ipswich borough accountant's report on the accounts of the corpora, tion for the year ended March 31st laststates that the surplus for the year onthe transport undertaking was £4,461. Of this sum £2,250 was carried to the reserve account, £385 was absorbed by special expenditure, and £1,806 additional credit carried forward on the netrevenue appropriation account. The credit balance on reserve account now stands at £2,179. The revenue from all sources amounted to £67,859. Working expenses were £49,672, whilst loan charges, including provision for an outstanding tramways debt, amounted to £13,725.
Summonses Under Repealed Act.
A good deal of publicity has been given to a judgment by the Swansea stipendiary magistrate, Sir E. Marley Samson, K.C., to the effect that persons having outstanding against them summonses under the Motor Car Act, 1903, could not, since the Act is now repealed, be convicted thereunder.The stipendiary ruled that the date when an Act became repealed was also the date when magistrates were dispossessed of power to convict under that Act.
The judgment has, however, since been found by the stipendiary to be unsound in law. In case persons have been misled by the judgment it has to he stated that the stipendiary has since called attention to the Interpretation Act of 1889, by which magistrates have the power to convict under terms of repealed Acts. Thus persons having outstanding against them summonses under the old Act should not neglect the preparation of their defence.
Converting Wheels for Pneumatic Tyres.
In the article on page 728 of our issue dated January 6th, describing the method employed by Cranes (Dereham), Ltd., South Green Works, East Dereham, Norfolk, for converting solid-tyre c24 wheels to take pneumatic equipment, through a misunderstanding we referred to the special rim, made in halves, as being of Michelin make. Actually the rim is not of this make but of a patent type which has, for some while, been embodied in wheels produced by Cranes (Dereham), Ltd. Michelin studs are, however, used to hold the halves together and to fix the rim to the wheel. The conversion system made available by the East Dereham concern is likely to be a boon to many vehicle owners.
The gas committee of MANCHESTER Corporation has accepted the tender of H. and J. Quick, Ltd., for a Ford Newt. van.
HULL Corporation has accepted the tender of the Brighouse Motor Agency, Ltd., Hull, for the supply of four Leyland Hybridge double-deck buses.
The tramways committee of LeicesrErt Corporation recommends the purchase of five double-deck buses, in lieu of two single-deck and four double-deck vehicles.
The libraries committee of MANCHESTER Corporation recommends the establishment of a travelling library, involving the purchase of a bus at a cost of £750.
BELFAST Corporation is seeking tenders for the supply of a petrol-driven tractor, a motor sweeper and collector, four 2-ton low-loading refuse-collecting vehicles and four 21-3-ton lorries. Forms of tender and particulars can be obtained from the city surveyor, City Hall (Room 85), Belfast, and tenders have to be delivered to the town clerk by January 19th.
Progress in Gearbox Design.
In our issue dated January 6th we published the concluding instalment of the article "Tendencies in Chassis Design." It dealt with transmission systems and reference was made to the silent-third-speed gearbox. It is interesting to note that a design of this kind has, for over a year, been a feature of Commer 2-21-ton and Invader models, the Commer concern being a pioneer of the system as regards commercial vehicles.
SOUTHEND Corporation is buying seven A.E.C. Regal single-deck buses.
The witch committee of LEEDS Corporation requires tenders for a fireengine.
Lookers, Ltd., is supplying MANCHESTER Corporation with a 5-ton tipping lorry.
The rivers committee of MANCHESTER Corporation is to purchase a tractor at a cost of £200.
The public works committee of SMETHvvicE Corporation has decided to purchase a 30-cwt. lorry.
The gasworks committee of OLDHAM Corporation has decided to obtain two Ford 14 h.p. light vans.
The health committee of Geeseow Corporation is seeking tenders' for two more Austin ambulances.
The fire-brigade committee of BENFLEET (Essex) Urban District Council has decided to purchase a fire-engine.
The cleansing committee of DUDLEY Corporation is in favour of the purchase of a 30-cwt. lorry for refuse collection.
The watch committee of MANCHESTER Corporation recommends the purchase of a fire-engine at an estimated cost of 11,850.
LEEDS Corporation has accepted the 'tender of Charles Roberts and Co., Ltd. for a combined prison van and ambulance.
The electricity committee of SALFORD Corporation is in favour of buying a Leyland Badger 2i-ton vehicle, having a special body, at a cost of £713.
The cleansing department of HULL Corporation has accepted the tender of the Brighouse Motor Agency, Ltd., Hull, for a Fordson industrial tractor.
LOWESTOFT Corporation has ordered eight A.E.C. Regent double-deck buses, one of which is being equipped with the maker's high-speed oil engine.
The parks committee of SALFORD Corporation recommends acceptance of the tender of H. and J. Quick, Ltd., for a Ford 30-cwt. lorry costing 1247.
The works committee of Sornrwenie Borough Council recommends the purchase of a Rushton tractor from Tractors (London), Ltd., at a cost of £434.
Ten Leyland Titan buses costing 117,200, two Daimler bus chassis at £2,040, and two Massey bodies costing £1,400 are to be bought by BIREENHEAD Corporation.