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Dirty tank bugging you? Let us help

13th January 2005
Page 13
Page 13, 13th January 2005 — Dirty tank bugging you? Let us help
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

TIAVE YOU GOT BUGS in your mnker? Is there a thick sticky )lack mass in your storage tank rou just can't shift? Sounds like a bad case of Cladisporium Resinae or Hormoconis Resinae in your diesel.

Commercial Motor is looking for a fleet operator with on-site fuel bunkering which is experiencing contamination problems and would be interested in taking part in a free tank clean-up trial.

Expresslube, the company featured in CM back in September 2003, has recently expanded its diesel cleaning service to include large fixed storage tanks holding road diesel, red diesel or even heating oil.

Its equipment can handle bulk tanks above or below ground cleaning fuel at up to 8,500Ift/hr and comes on a trailer with its own power source. In addition to tackling fuel that's already tainted by the micro-organisms. Expresslube will advise on future prevention. Contact: Colin Barnett on 0208 652 3677; or e-mail colin.barnett@