The Purchase Department.
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Where to Buy Your Necessary Supplies and Accessories.
Shako Ball Bearings.
The Skefko Ball Bearing Co., Ltd., Luton sole manufacturers in this country of 81.5eifkO (S.K.F.) double row self aligning ball bearings, has opened a new district office for Scotland at 45, iFiothweli• Street, Glasgow. The district manager, Mr. J. Allan, has been representing the company, technically, for several years past, and his services and experience are always at the disposal of Clients Goodyear Experiments.
Some interesting experiments were recently carried out by the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd., Central House, Kingsway, London, W.C., with a view to finding out the influence of warm weather upon the expansion of air in pneumatic tires. Another object of the tests was to discover whether it was necessary, and, if so, to what extent, to deflate a pneumatic tire under such conditions. After a number of exhaustive and conclusive tests had been made; the company decided that partial deflation was not necessary and would possibly do more harm to the tire than the slightly increased pressure due to expansion of the air.
Henley Tires.
W. T. Henley's Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., 18, New Union Street, Moorfields, London, B.C., notifies us that owing to the extended increase of its solid tire business in Scotland, it has been necessary to open a depot adjacent to its Glasgow branch office. We understand that a large stock of Henley solid tires is always held. It is interesting to note that a Hollings and Guest hydraulic tire press, of the latest type, has been installed, which will enable users to have the wheels of their machines shod without unnecessary delay. A copy of a booklet entitled "Abnormal Wear of Solid Tires—Cause and Prevention" is to hand from the same company. It is an interesting booklet and should be found extremely useful to users of solidtired machines, as it contains numerous extracts from various publications giving advice as to the best way to obtain satisfactory mileages from solid tires. Factory Sites.
When considering the design of a new factory, the first important point to be decided is as to whether the building is to be a one-storey north light roof affair—which type is efficient in respect of lighting and satisfactory foundation work for machines of all kinds and all weights, but which, on the other hand, is extravagant in that it is extremely inefficient as regards volume of building per sq. foot of ground surface—or is the new works to be a three or fourstories reinforced concrete one, built in the modern style wherein the walls are nearly all glass. The fear at the back of the minds of many when considering the latter type is that the structure may not be sufficiently rigid to allow accurate machiner,v, such as modern grinding, being disposed upon the top floor. In the current issue of " Kahncrete Engineering," the editor states that there is no difficulty in designing the floors of such a building strong enough to do the workfrequired, and he states that it is a known fact that there is an entire lack of vibration in reinforced concrete buildings. Furthermore, by concentrating the works organization in small units on the floor space in a several-storied building, the work can be done with greater efficiency than when the organization is spread out over the large area of a -single-storey building. The problem of lifting the raw material, at one time a serious one, is now almost entirely eliminated owing to the very general adoption of rapid and efficient goods lifts.
Several motor companies have of late adopted the multi-storey type of building, amongst others.: The Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd. ; Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd. • Vickers, Ltd. Arrol-Johnston, Ltd., and Belsize kotors, Ltd. 'We believe that the Trussed Concrete Steel Co., Ltd., of 94, Caxton House Westminster, London, S.W., was closely interested in the design and construction of all these buildings, and we understand that this same company has also devised a method of constructing. singlestorey buildings with north light roofs, in reinforced concrete, at a cost that is much less than that of a timber building, and which, moreover, has an advantage over the latter, in that buildings on its system are both permanent and fireproof.