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By "The Extractor."
"There's a Peace On."
Men want'to strike these days. and any old, excuse will suffice. The mechanics at Mr. 'T, Garner's motor works at Manchester found, the shops too cold for their comfort; so they downed tools. At the same time anthracite stoves were already there, requiring a minimum of fitting, but no workmen could be ohtamed taihed from the stove people. The malcontents could easily have fitted up the stoves and carried on, but that is not the way of the British workman. Now there is a peace on, out they came.
An Opportunity.
A gentleman whom I know very-well, who has held important positions in the motor trade, and had varied experience, is proceeding to the 17.8.A. on a business trip, starting towards the end of this month. He knows the other side extremely well, having already made over 5Q crossings. He is prepared to • negotiate for agencieS for vehicles, components or accessories, or to • act for British manufacturers . or eoncessionnaires in any responsible business matters. Address at once J.B., care of this paper. If he should already have left, letters Will be forwarded to him.
Record Your Vote. •
A general meeting of members of the :Hotta Club is called for Thursday, Vtli• inst., the day on which this issue appears; and the meeting should prove interesting. So far as 1 understand it, the present committee are endeavouring to raise money to bring an action to annul the recent acquirements of a de benture by Mr. J. Whitcomb, whichgives him the control of the Club.
Mr. Whitcomb desires on his part to maintain its character as a motor club, and proposes a, -cornmittee of representative motorists;_ he will devote a substantial sum of money for improvements in the Club House, including the bedroom accommodation, and will later on ' give the members the oaportunity Of acquiring it
and running it as a purely member's club. s
So long' asthe proposed committee fairly represents each section of the members, including those who use it, as it started, as a social motoring circle it will be well: I have great faith in Whitcomb and shall certainly send in my vote in his favour if I sin unable to be present.
Lookers and Lacres.
A few days ago I had some talk with Mr. J. G. Looker, of Lookers, Ltd., at Manchester, and there seems no end to his extensions and developments. Manufacturers have been calling out for the right men, with the right premises, to act. as agents for commercial vehicles, and it seems to me we have a. good example in the ease of J. G. Looker. He is industrious and progressive, •he has gathered a good staff of men around him, he separates the heavy vehicle from the private car side, is in the centse of Manchester, yet with fine workshop accommodation, and .will have, when completed, one of the biggest series of showrooms in the provinces. Besides that, Looker is young and full of enthusiasm. He holds the Lacre agency for Lancashire, Cheshire and North Wales. and the Austin (2-3 ton) agency for Lancashire and Cheshire. Moreover, he is prepated to deal in lorries fOr cash or deferred payments.
Tyre Mileage.
It Will be of interest,. I think, at this period, when there is a split in the tyre camp over the question -of raileage guarantees, te Publish the.features of one of the chief dissentients from the policy generally adopted. Mr. H,...-Shankia.nd of the Shrewsbury S.T. and Challiner Tyre Co., Ltd., is a believer in the practice of guaranteeing a minimum mileage, and can urge his case with much zeal and ability. No one knows the solid tyre trade-better than he. He was the righthand man of Mr. Charles Challiner for many years, all through the early struggles when the solid tyre Was being brought to perfection, and it will be admitted that Shrewsbury and Challiner played a prominent part in the development of the tyre in this partiof Europe. Shan.kland is young, resourceful, full of enthusiasm for his work, and is impregnated with solid-tyre lore.
011a Podrida.
Mr. Gamble, of the Sales Department at thesliarrier. Works, Hurldes-afield, has now joined Harris and Ilasell at Bristol. Enterprising peoplethese, working a vast district, and agents, by the way, for Karriers. . Mr. G. Ta Rance, formerly with X.Y.Z. Transport, looked in to see us recently on his demobilizations He has had interesting experiences with a mobile water sterilizer, of ashich more anon.
Mr, Bertram Davidson, well known in Manchester incennection with C.A.V., has just died from pneumonia, following influenza.. He joined the Army in 1914 and was attached to the Belgian Army.
Mr. H. C. Lester, for rawly years at Dennis Brothers' headquarters at Guildford, has gone to. Wells and Mayner, Ltd., Dennis agents at
Birmingham. Mr.:J.-As Hill, of British Berna Motor Lorries, Ltd., has recently paid a visit to the origin-al Berna works in Switzerland. The shortage of coal in Paris is so severe that hot water can -only be •supplied to residents, even at the best hotels, once a week. , Mr. Alan Scionmell, of Scammoll and Nephew, Ltd., has been away some time at a nursing home. We are glad to hear he is improving. , Capt.' Robt. W. Stafford is the live wire of the Sales and Publicity Department of Commercials Cars, Ltd., at Luton. It is greatly to thecredit of C. A. Vandervell and Co., Ltd., that the most keenly competed for order in the private vehicle trade should have been secured by them. I refer to the Austin contract for lighting
.and starting sets. Mr. S. T. Lea, for years with Clement Talbot; Ltd., goes to -Vulcan Car 'Agency Ltd., and will he interested now in commercial vehicles. A complimentary farewell dinner, with Mr. Frank Shorland in the -chair,. -was held on Friday last, and indicates the estima
tion in which he was held.
Here is an item of interest. New ,Mausislay charlabanes in time for .EasterAelivery can be found at Duerden's, Burnley.