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THE 141ThaSTRY of Trarisport's inquiry Into the application of the Devon County Council for'an ander prohibiting or restricting the use of heavy motor traffic on nearly 70 district roads in the county was opened at Exeter on Wednesday last. Considerable local importance is attached to this • inquiry, which is being attended by representatives of local authorities and a number of commercial vehicle motor concerns.
The clerk to the county council, Mr. Miller. disclaimed that this was a shrewd move by the council to ease the county rates. He laid emphasis upon the fact that. the action was taken at the request of district authorities, but. said that what largely underlay the application was un
1326 doulatedly the motor coach traffic, for district authorities felt, that the unrestricted use by these vehicles of the remote portions of the county was not compatible with the amenities of rural dwellers and almost incompatible with their rights.
He said that the country folk did not appreciate this class of vehicle. They objected to the noise of the horns and they looked upon the motor coach as a perfect pest and an absolute nuisance. He admitted, however, that the application wa.s made partly owing to the cost of road maintenance, and he thought it was unfair that, the rural authorities should pay for the damage done by these pleasure seekers without control. At the present time rural .ratepayers were going through a bad period. the council was prepared to make exceptions for vehicles used in connection with agriculture, goods conveyance, and road repair. Mr. Miller said that the council -would ask for the total prohibition of locomotives, heavy motorcars, and motor coaches seating more than 14. passengers.
We hope that proprietors of motor coaches and owners of haulage vehiclea will not take this inquiry lightly, because the closing of some of the roads included in the application would isolate certain areas to all except vehicles of small capacity and, with Peepect to goods vehicles, would matebially inerease the cost of • transport.