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The report of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., for the year ended December 31, 1935, shows a healthy state of affairs, the trading profit having amounted to £1,535,276, • compared with £1,371,481 in 1934, miscellaneous receipts increasing the total by £5,760, After deducting depreciation, maintenance and certain • other items, amounting to £528.314,• there is a balance of £1,012,722, compared with £837,910 a year earlier.
The following appropriations have already been made :—£20,797 for debenture interest, paid and accrued for 1.935; £13,950 for the preference dividend 'or one year to September 30, 1935; £174,375 for the dividend on the ordinary shares ; £66,834 for employees' profit-sharing scheme ; and £248,485, representing provision for income tax. From the balance of £989,918 the directors recommend that a final dividend at the rate of 50 per cent. (less tax) be paid, which will absorb £387,500 and leave £602,918 to be carried forward.
The sum provided for the profitsharing scheme for employees represents a bonus of 6.83 per cent, on the earnings of those who qualify for participation
Official Orders in January.
• During January last the War Department ordered Guy chassis and Morris-Commercial bodies. , The Air Ministry gave a contract for metal cabs for chassis to E. G. Brown and Co,, Ltd.; for metal cabs and bodies to the Steel Barrel. Co„ Ltd.; for chassis to Rootes, Ltd.; and for trailers to J. Brockhouse and Co., Ltd.
The orders given out by the G.P.O. authorities included one for bodies to Duple Bodies and Motors, Ltd., one for Morris chassis and one for Morris. Commercial vans. The Crown Agents for the Colonies gave a contract for bodies to the Lambeth Motor Body Works, Ltd.
Fog Leads to Application for B Licence.
Describing as impracticable the system whereby vehicles carrying coal, and running under C licences, were prohibited from carrying for other persons, Mr. J. W. Irlam, proprietor of the Ashton Roger Coal Co., illustrated c22 the difficulties encountered to the North-Western Deputy Licensing Authority, by referring to experiences during foggy periods last December..
At these times the railways were unable to cope with the demands for coal, and but for the assistance of the applicant there might well have been a serious shortage at the Agecroft
power station. Help had also been given to the Oldham and Stockport electricity concerns and to local hos7 pitals. Mr. Irlam said that more efficient facilities could have been given (Above) An E.R.F. lorry and semi-trailer of special design for unusual loads. The outfit is shown transporting a large excavator So a road-Making the in the Midlands, and is suitable for certain classes of munkipal haulage. ( Below) These Sentinel sixwheeled, three-way tipping steam wagons are wed by Shropshire County Council for carrying road stone from the quarries.
They each carry 10 tons per journey.
Shipping Guide for Hauliers.
The following is the number of ships arriving at the London docks, wharves and jetties named, from March 13-21 inclusive :—Docks: King George V, 6; Royal Albert, 7; Royal Victoria, 2; Surrey Commercial, 4;West Inaia, 1; East India, 1; South West India, 3; Tilbury, 10; Tilbury Stage, 2; Millwall, 9; Royal, 3. Wharves: Hays, 5; Mid
dleton's, 1; Mark Brown's, 1. Regent's Canal, 1. Tilbury Jetty, 3.
. The hearing of seven summonses, of a total of 68, against three defendants; provided Northampton magistrates with a long day's :sitting last week. The remaining cases were Withdrawn: Mr. R. Manningham .BuIler (defending) took strong exception to the number of summonses. .
A fine of £5 was imposed on a NortharriPton haulier for permitting a man to drive for more than 5i hOurs Without half an hour's rest. His imam, ger. was ordered to pay .three fines: £1 for not keeping a proper record, £2 for driving without the necessary rest break, and ga for aiding and abetting in the alteration of • a record. ' The driver was fined 15s. for altering the
record. • •
• Ode surni-nons : each against the haulier and his manager were dismissed on ,payment of costs.
It asks that the period of 11 hours may be increased to 12 hours on each day of the weeks commencing April 6, May 25 and July 27, 1936, the variation to apply only to drivers of Clicence vehicles, provided that (a) in each week mentioned the driver receives at least one complete day's rest of 24 hours, and (b) the aggregate of the continuous periods of driving during the remaining six days of each week does not exceed 66 hours.
The Minister has referred the matter to the Industrial Court, which will hear parties to the application on Monday. March 23, at 10.30 a.m., at 5, Old Palace Yard, London, S.W.1.