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13th March 1936, Page 75
13th March 1936
Page 75
Page 75, 13th March 1936 — PERSONAL PARS.
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SIR EDWIN STOCKTON, chairman of Fodens, Ltd., collapsed last Saturday. His condition is stated to be serious.

MR. F. G. Buthrow, C.B.E., M.Inst.T., secretary of the British Road Federation and general secretary of the Commercial Motor Users Association, is to be the principal guest at the annual banquet of the Wholesale Distributors Association, at the Connaught Rooms, London, on March 19.

Mn, DONALD MCCONNELL, B.Sc., A.M.I.A.E., has been appointed sales manager of Specialloid, Ltd., a position Which, until now, has been held by Mr. Charles F. Russell, who is also general manager, For the past two years Mr. McConnell has been the manager of the Birmingham offices and stores.

MR. T. W. Vic-roit-RowE has become salesman of Bedford vehicles for the Croydon Automobile Co., Ltd. He was at one time factory representative of the White Truck Co., residing in Johannesburg, and, later, one of the company's salesmen in Long Island, New York, returning to England in _1929.

MR. R. DEAN-AVERNS has been appointed chief engineer of Guy Motors, . Ltd., Wolverhampton, in succession to Mr. C. K. Edwards. Mr. Dean-Averns is an engineer-designer with 28 years' experience in the commercial-vehicle industry, both • at home and abroad, and has been responsible for the design of all types of passenger and heavy and light goods vehicles. For some years past he has been chief engineer to Karrier Motors, Ltd.

The appointment of Mit. ROERRT "BARR as chairman of the Yorkshire area of Associated Road Operators, following the • amalgamation with the Yorkshire Stage • Carriage Operators

Association, has been ratified. MR.' 'T. H. BURROWS, preViously chairman ofthe Y.S.C.01.A., and, M*. N. M. Who'`Was chairman.Of Yorkshire Motor. Coach Owners until that 'body' was' merged in A.R.O., havebeeit "elected' vice-chairmen. ' MR. -N. 'BUTTE.KWICK and MR. BARR have been elected delegates to the National

Ms.. J. F. E. PYR has joined the .board of directors of Multiways, Ltd., 35, London Road, Southend-on-Sea. Mr. Pye is maria.ging director and secre..tary of the well-known transport contractor, H. Pye and Son, Ltd., and has for many years taken an active interest

• in. association work. He was, the original chairman of the Metropolitan Area of L.D.R.H.A. He has been a council member of the R.H.A. since its commencement, and when the ancillary and passenger sections were .added, a few months ago,. he was appointed chairman of the combined committees.. He is also .a founder member

A.R.O. His immediate task will be the general reorganization ,of. Multiways' activities.