Hauliers Dislike Company Plan
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TNFLUENTIAL members of the Road 1 Haulage Association are opposed to the creation of companies by the British Transport Commission for the disposal of the Road Haulage Executive's assets. The reason is that present indications show that the greater number of small units will be bought by private hauliers and attached to existing businesses. There is a strong demand for longdistance facilities and those interested are anxious to return to the industry as quickly as possible.
One of the matters on which the Association are anxious to obtain informa-tion is the date on which the R.H.E. will be wound up. This question was put, last week, by representatives of the R.H.A. to Lord Selkirk, the Minister of Transport and Ministry officers. Lord Selkirk was deputizing for Lord Leathers, who is ill.
The deputation also pressed again for the deletion of Clause 8 from the Bill [this Section deals with the relaxation of licensing] although the time for making formal objections is regarded as past and efforts are being concentrated mainly on securing modifications to the wording of certain clauses. The Association are anxious about the licensing of all vehicles sold by the Commission, whether in operation or not, and desire that some of them should be transferred without A licences.
In their meetings with Government representatives, the R.H.A. ad hoc committee are continuing to discuss businesslike methods of disposing of the R.H.E.'s assets, so that the transfer becomes as smooth as possible.
To assess fair prices for businesses, the R.H.A. have been analysing details of vehicles in use in 1948 and the changes that have occurred since that date. Certain information is being sought from the B.T.C. Already, reports embodying cross-sections of fact and opinion from certain areas have been produced. The details are to be presented to the Government.
TWO AUTHORITIES TO RETIRE TOWARDS the end of the year, Sir Arnold Musto, Western Licensing Authority, and Mr. Gordon Tucker, South-Eastern Licensing Authority, will retire under statutory provisions regarding age. Mr. S. W. Nelson, Northern Licensing Authority, will take Sir Arnold Musto's place, and Mr. H. I. Thom, South Wales Licensing Authority, will succeed Mr. Tucker.
An announcement will be made later about the vacancies created for the posts of Northern and South Wales Licensing Authorities.
DEPUTATION TO TREASURY 'THE Financial Secretary to the 1 Treasury, Mr. I. A. BoydCarpenter, M.P., will receive a deputation, today, from the National Road Transport Federation, Road Haulage Association, Traders' Road Transport Association, Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association and British Road Federation. They will urge a reduction in fuel tax.