In a Line or Two
Page 34
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Chatham and District Traction Co., Ltd., has ordered eight Guy Arab double-decker chassis.
The national conference of the Purchasing Officers' Association, including a Minibition, will be held at Brighton from September 24-26.
The annual meeting of the northwestern centre of the Institute of Public Cleansing will be held at Birkenhead on March 23.
A Dodge service week will be held by Cecil Kay, Ltd., 10-14 Essex Street, Birmingham, 5, from March 16-20
Widnes Transport Department expects to show a profit on its working during the current financial year.
Widnes Town Council has been permitted to increase tolls on the transporter bridge by 50 per cent., except that the adult passenger toll will rise from Id. to 2d.
Wolf Electric Tools, Ltd., have opened a new depot at 405, York Road, Leeds, 9, to replace that in Park Square.
Lancashire County Council has been informed that its classified roads grant from the Ministry of Transport will be cut to 1841,000 in 1953-54. compared with £912.000 in the current year.
Road Fund licences to commence on March 25 may now be taken out.
The Birmingham depot of Small and Parkes, Ltd., is now at 216 Moseley Street, Birmingham, 12.
Madras Transport Department proposes to run a Leyland 63-seat doubledecker experimentally on some congested routes.
IN the Truset hand-operated precision
tube-bending machine recently introduced by Chamberlain Industries, Ltd., Staffa Works, Leyton, London, E.10, a new form of back stop is used. This is claimed to ensure that precision bends are made to accurate dimensions. It adjusts its grip automatically in accordance with the load applied.
Formers are available for bending cold and unloaded tubes up to fin. N.B. gas and 11-in.-diameter copper; through any angle up to 180°.
THIRTEEN drivers were summoned at Pcnrith magistrates' court last week on charges of speeding, having been detected by the police on the 18-mile main Penrith-Carlisle road (A6). One defendant appeared and was fined £2: 10 drivers were fined £3 and one with several previous convictions, £5.