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St Christopher's cross

13th March 1982, Page 10
13th March 1982
Page 10
Page 10, 13th March 1982 — St Christopher's cross
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

A SEVENFOLD increase in the number of lorries needed to carry au. operations would be the result of lorry weight-restrictions in thi Greater London area, said Derek Archdeacon, group transpor executive for Marks and Spencer.

"A ban would lead to a serious deterioration in the quality o service offered to the customers," Mr Archdeacon pointed out. Th( increase in congestion and pollution can only be harmful, he added Operating costs would go up by 40 per cent.

Railways and canals do not have the advantages that lorries car offer, he said.

The company has 42 stores in the Greater London Council area employing 12,500 staff. London Boroughs will receive rates o. £6,600,000 from M & S over the 1982/83 period: "a substantia contribution to the GLC economy," he pointed out.

Over half of the company's general merchandise is handled by Fashionflow. Weight. restrictions would seriously affect the com• pany, said its managing director Dick Durran.