At the time of going to press the " Daily Mail " relief fund for horsecab men exceeds £7,500.
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The Flint Motor Car and Cab Company, Limited, has been registered as a private company with a capital cf 5,000 and registered offices at 4, East Newington Place, Edinburgh.
With a capital of £3,000, a private company, Myers (Accrington), Limited, has been formed to 'acquire an existing business of jobmasters and motorbus and taxicab proprietors. 23, Warner Street, Accrington, is the registered address.
T. Brickland, Limited, is the name of a new company with a £20,000 capitalisation which it is intended shall take over the cab and omnibus business of the late T. Brickla,nd, The registered office is Royal Mail Yard, Gough Street, Gray's Inn Road, W.C.
Caledonian Automobile Services, Limited, has been registered as a private company at 116, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, in order to carry on a factors' and hiring business with motorc,, omnibuses and other motor vehicles. The capital is only 4:11,000.
New Cabs for Newcastle.
The Provincial Motor Cab Company has had its application for licenses for 20 taxicabs granted by the Watch Committee of the Newcastle Corpora
tion. This committee has recently taken over the granting of licenses to hackney coachmen, which duty has hitherto fallen to the magistrates.
Provincial Progress.
At the present time the Provincial Motor Cab Company has garages equipped and services of taxicabs in operation at the following towns : Aldershot, Bath, Bradford,. Birmingham, Brighton. Bristol, Cambridge, Eastbourne, Folkestone, Glasgow, Harrogate, Hull, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Oxford and Sheffield.
" Dear Old Birkenhead."
. As comment upon the attitude of the Birkenhead Town Council in refusing to license taxicabs for service in their town it is known locally as " the City of the Future "—we cannot do better than quote from "The Liverpool Echo" :—"Dear old Birkenhead! And dearer and still older-fashioned councillors! What have they done now ? . No doubt competition with their own trams also influenced the penny wise and pound foolish decision arrived at—the same old farce as was enacted in connection with the motorbuses. Why do not the Birkenhead Council drop their meaningless title of the City of the Future,' build a high wall round the town and let no one in or out? Thus and thus only, can they prevent their citizens from knowing how far behind the times they are."
Record Cab Drive.
On the 24th April, Mr. Charles Klein, an American playwright, hired a standard Argyll taxicab outside the Savoy Hotel and did not discharge it until he had travelled over 1,000 miles. Edinburgh, Glasgow, Londonderry
and Queenstown were visited. The total fare amounted to £40. No trouble was experienced with the our throughout.
Old Coach Services.
Speaking in the Upper House on the 5th instant., Lord St. David's quoted speeds and traffics between London and Oxford in the old coaching days. He stated that average speeds of 18,i miles an hour were maintained in sonic cases, and that an average of 1.4 miles an hour was general, including stoppages. There was a coach every halfmile on the road, and there were 194 coaches a day running on certain seetions, whilst rich men and noblemen had their own coaches, chariots or post-chaises. The dustiest road ever made by the dustiest motorcar must have been a quiet, safe, and secluded retreat compared with the average coaching roads in the old days. This is a commentary of to-day's outcry. Drivers' Troubles at Manchester.
Dissatisfaction with certain disciplinary methods adopted by the management of the Provincial Motor Cab Company in Manchester, was the reason for a petition from the drivers recently. Thirty-two of the men were dismissed. The Company has other men in training to fill the vacancies thus created.
Another Registration.
The British (Chenard-Walcker) Motor Cab Company, Limited, has been registered with a capital of £50.000 at 27, Old Jewry, E.C. The principal object of the new undertaking is to arrange a transfer of purchase rights for motorcabs with the Metropolitan (Chanard-Waleker) Cab Company, Limited, for a consideration of .C14,000.
Wants to Raise Fares.
On the ground that the working expenses in future will be greater because of the increased cost of petrol, Mr. Codfrey Isaacs, on behalf of the Provincial Motor Cab Company, last Thursday asked the Manchester Watch Committee to sanction the raising of the fare from ninepence to one shilling per mile for one or two passengers. The application was refused.
At Darlington, The Cleveland Car Company, Limited, Grange Road, Darlington, which controls an extensive garage business in the Yorkshire town, last week inaugurated a small service of taxicabs. The opinion has been expressed locally that the company's commendable enterprise will have to contend with considerable local prejudice. Even if this is so at the outset, the improvement of service will eventually overcome such opposition.
General Niotorcab Company.
The current traffic returns of the General Motorcab Company are sent to us as follow :— Week ending Saturday, 8th May, #117,268.
Previous week, £16114.
Corresponding week, 1908, £12,524. Increase on previous week, £1.154. Increase on corresponding week, 1908, £4.744.
Total receipts from 1st August, 1908, ..42553,776.
Increase on previous corresponding period. £238,172.
It should be noted that the above figures take no account of the average number of cabs in service for the respective periods.