The Purchase Department.
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Where to Buy your Supplies.
You Can Get It At " H.A." (Maidstone).—You can obtain hammered. piston rings in special east iron from the Standard Piston Ring Engineering Co., Ltd., Premier Works, Don Road, Sheffield.
Plating and Polishing Sundries.
Manufacturers who are considering the installation of plant and materials for plating and polishing will do well to get in touch with Messrs: W. Canning and
• !.-c..11:.dr,m.q.4. Motor polishing spindle. Can be driven either by direct or alternating current.
Co., Great Hampton Street, Birmingham, who are specialists in everything required in this direction.
One of the latest outfits suited to this branch of the industry which this company has marketed is a self-contained electric polishing motor, in sizes ranging from 4 h.p. to 6 h.p. It may be driven either by continuous or alternating current circuits. We understand that these motors, with their extended spindles for carrying the polishing bobs, have special features, in that they are provided with extra long bearings of the oil-well type, and are fitted with self-lubricating rings, dust caps and glands to exclude the dust to which this particular form of plant is subjected, and the spindles are sufficientlystrong to prevent undue whip. The machines are the result of many years experience. Our illustration shows one of these outfits, and it will be seen that there are no unnecessary protuberances on the machine to be in the way of the operator.
Canning and Co. are also manufacturers of many kinds of polishing media, including the well-known Zonax brand of salts, made in copper, brass, bronze, zinc, and the more precious metals. The salts are a combined chemical, and contain all the necessary ingredients for making a plating solution of a consistent quality. We understand that the quantity of metal in each pound of these salts is of exact proportion, and the productions are very economical in use on account of their high conductivity. The fact that it is only necessary to dissolve the Zonax salts in water to make a working solution is proof of their simplicity and convenience. The company publishes a booklet containing recipes and useful information regarding its many plating solutions, and will be pleased to send one of these on request. Many other sundries are stocked by Canning and
Co., including gun metal bearings, cover-piates, screwed caps, felt washers, etc., which are kept ih many and varied sizes. They are pleasedto quoteto blue prints, or to give expert advice on the matter of plating upon application.
Instruction Sheets for Fitting 11.T. Tires.
It is sometimes, we fear, the fault of the publicity department of an undeitaking that it produces instructions and catalogues of almost too comprehensive a nature ; the wealth of detail, which these publications frequently include, on occasion result in nothing more than confusion to those whose attention is asked for them. An instance of appreciation of this point is to hand in respect of the propaganda of the Commercial Tyre Co., Ltd., the owner of the K.T. air cushion tire patents. This company, of which Mr. L. Fenner h.. managing director, issues a couple of sheets divide.1 into sections, and each of which graphically reprosents part of the process of re-tiring with the K.T. method. The photograph of a wheel and of the operator, replacing the blocks, serves much more quickly to illustrate the method to be employed than would pages of text instruction. In the words of the company, these sheets have been, prepared to enable anyone without skilled labour very readily to fit or repair K.T. tires on the spot. They have already, in addition to provincial agents, been sent to Belgium, Holland, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Russia, and Ceylon.
An Antiseptic Cleanser.
We have had submitted to us a sample of "Flash antiseptic hand cleanser, a preparation which is particulaCly suited for use in garages and machine shops, and general engineering establishments. It is stocked by Brown Bros., Ltd., Great Eastern Street, E.C. We have found that this paste not only removes the most obstinate stains quickly, but on account. of its possessing many healing oils, it can be used with
safety. The manufacturers say that it " quicker and better than ordinary soap." The paste will also cleanse metal and woodwork.