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Brief Preliminary Notices of the Exhibits to be Displayed at the Forthcoming Show.
IN DEALING, with the Commercial Vehicle Show at Olympia we have always seen fit to publish preliminary details of the range of accessories and components to Le shown, feeling, as we do, that such information serves to stimulate interest in the display of individual exhibitors and also in the collective assembly.
The nature of goods and appliances shown will again, this year, be most comprehensive. The exhibits in the gallery will range from the smallest fitting to the heavy forging or intricate casting, and in the pages which follow we give (necessarily in an abridged form) a survey of those which will be displayed by the various concerns in this section. At the time of going to press we had not received details Isom several companies, included amongst these (with their stand number in brackets) being :—Burton, Griffiths and Co., Ltd. (193); Degory No-Jet Carburetor Co., Ltd. (228); Dick and Co., Ltd. (134); Gliksten and Son, Ltd. (140); North and Sons, Ltd. (187); Robinhood Engineering Works, Ltd. (237); Rotak (Motor Accessories), Ltd. (204); Supurb Carburetter Syndicate, Ltd. (232); Wakefield and Co., Ltd. (162); White Gross Insurance Co., Ltd. (74) ; Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ltd. (194); Wileot (Parent) Co., Ltd. (130); although the very namesof these companies -will serve tc indicate the 'class of products which they market.
Tyre Fillings. Stand 218 TTSERS of vehicles 'which are shod
LJ with of tyres are, always faced with the possibility of puncture, although following the increasing reliability of the inner tube the chances of road trouble of this kind have been much reduced. So long as they exist, however, manufacturers of tyre fillings will possess a talking point in favour of the substitution of the air tube.
,,This tyre filling is a spongy substance which is installed in a solidified condition in existing outer covers, and is guaranteed against hardening, flattening or change of consistency due to -varying climatic ,conditions. It is said to give resilience equal to that of the pneumatic tyre, and to enable 50 per cent, more mileage to be obtained from outer covers as a result of the constant pressure which is maintained. An interesting point is that the filling is interchangeable from a worn-out cover to a 'new one.
Motor Spirit. Stand 207 A T ALL road transport and allied ..tlexhibitions of importance the products of the Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd., are to be seen, and, as is usual, the company will give prominence to Pratt's perfection spirit and other fuels which have achieved much popularity amongst all classes of commercial users. Examples of the one-gallon and five. gallon types of Golden Pump will be on view, and other accessories will include he Angl000 Depth-o'-Meter, and a visible discharge indicator. The first of these enables the, quantity of spirit in an underground tank to be correctly ascertained, whilst the indicator provides visible proof that fuel is being correctly delivered from the storage system to the tank of the vehicle being filled.
Lighting Equipment Stand 210 A CETYLENE lighting is still favoured Ilsby many commercial users, Whose opinion is divided between the use of gas from a generator and the use of dis
solved acetylene in cylinders. AllenLiversidge, Ltd., can supply both types of lighting equipment as a visit to their stand will show, and the well-known cast. aluminium lamps which they make are suitable for use with either of them. The body of the A-L lamp is cast in one piece, with the hinge at the top and an
B42 adjustable screw fastening at the bottom, , The company will also exhibit a patent cone-valve generator in which water is brought into contact with the carbide after passing between the closely fitting surfaces of two brass cones. Other items on the stand will include the Ralph traffic warner, and the A-L anti-dazzle focus headlamp attachment— an inexpensive device for preventing ob
jectionable dazzle. The latter is controlled by Bowden wire from the dash.
Anti-attrition Metals. Stand 246 MITE: EXHIBIT of this company will 1 comprise patent anti-attrition bronze and white bronze specialities, consisting of big-end connecting rod bearings, crankshaft bearings, gudgeonpin bushes and bearings and other wearing parts of motor vehicle chitstie, either machined and ready for fitting or as rough castings only. Bushes and bearings die-cast in the company's " motor " white bronze, bronze shells, as well as white bronze in 4-1b. ingots and 1-1b. strips, will also be on view.
Components. Stand 231
AS IS generally well known,. this companypany are sole representatives in this country for a number of American manufacturers whose components are widely used by chassis makers, in the States. Some of these products have also gained much favour with British chassis builders, amongst which we can mention Timken axles, Borg and Beck clutches and Mather road springs. Examples of these components, as well as Continental Red Seal engines, Detroit four-speed-and-reverse gearboxes, Lavine steering gears, Detlaff clutches, Philbrin coil ignition and several other lines will go to make up a most comprehensive exhibit of components.
Hire-purchase Business. Stand 131
THE STAND which this company 1 have been allotted will be given up . to a display of literature of various kinds which will provide evidence of the service which is given to manufacturers and agents who are desirous of making .hire-purchase arrangements. The company do not deal with, or quote rates to, the consumer-buyer, but only conduct their business with the trade.
B atteries. Stand 251 rpliE NUMBER of electric commer
cial vehicles in regular use is increasing considerably, particularly amongst municipal authorities, who have largely contributed to the success of this type of transport unit. For this reason, if for no other, the batteries to be shown on this stand will command • much attention. Ni-fe is the name under which the company's batteries are sold, and the range to be shown will include Units suitable for lorries, platform and other miniature trucks and for lighting purposes.. The battery is of the nickel-iron-alkaline type.
Window Fittings. Stand 268 .13 ODYBUILDERS and others inter ested in passenger vehicles should pay attention to the fittings to he shown on this stand, which will be mainly for application to all classes of
windows of the sliding -type. Skeleton' models will serve to demonstrate the use of the company's products. A framework enclosing three bus windows, which are raised and lowered by means of Beelawat window winders' will, be well to the fore; one of the three lights will be fitted as a door, and all the glass will be •run in Beclawat silent window channels. A similar demonstration will be provided by the three windows on a portion of the framework of an all-weather motor coach.
Frames showing various methods of fitting Beclas;vat frameless glass carriers to different types of body will be staged, and amongst the smaller equipment that should be inspected are balances and waist-rail tightening devices, door locks mounted in a framework to show Bowden wire controls, and silent window channels in brass, aluminium, nickel-plate and black lacquer.
Asbestos. stand 188
AVARIETY of asbestos goods, and particularly compressed asbestos jointings for use in motor vehicle construction, will comprise this company's exhibit. Demonstrations of the working of the Auto-Klean strainer for petrol, oils and other fluids, which created much interest at the recent Shipping, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition, will also be a feature of the stand.
Fuel Storage System. Stand 200
THERE are many hundreds of Bowser fuel storage installations giving satisfaction to users in all parts of the country, and the reason for the popularity of this particular system will be fully apparent ta all those who make a call at the company's stand, where a wide range of pumps sf various capacities will be on view. The standard Figure 1001 equipment is designed for use in connection with the Bowser underground storage system, and it provides for storing the liquid, in a cylindrical metal tank of any desired capacity, and for discharging the fuel at a point most convenient to the operator. Various methods of storing lubricating oil will also be demonstrated, as also will portable appliances for the same purpose.
Gearing. Stand 102 Q PECIALISTS in gearing of every
form, this company have arranged for a very attractive exhibit: Particular attention is drawn to the D.B.S. patent worm gear for back-axle drives, several examples of which will be on view. At a test at the National Physical Laborat;ory two or three years ago
this gear obtained the remarkable efficiency of 97 per cent. The worm wheel is made from phosphor-bronze, and the teeth are generated on patent machines. The worm is of carefully selected hightensile steel, the threads being ground to the correct pitch and profile after hardening. This type of gear is suitable for both light, and heavy vehicles. Spiral curved tooth bevels and straight-tooth bevels will be given prominence, together with a selection of spur, spiral and double-helical gears for gearbox drives, internal gear drives, cite. Steering gears, camshaft driving gears, differential levels and other forms of gearing will also be well to the fore.
Spring Seats. Stand 201 MHE NEW spring seat which was introduced by this company a few months ago will occupy a prominent position on the stand. It consists of a .light, rectangular metal framework. which carries a number of highly ternpeed spring steel slats, the eye of each end of the slats being of a bayonet fitting shape so that, should any of them need replacement, they can readily be
removed. This form of construction gives a most buoyant seat, and enables road shocks to be effectively damped before reaching the passenger, Another feature is that the seat permanently retains its shape and requires no special skill to upholster, being, as it is, supplied with felt and canvas covering.
Electrical Equipment. Stand 250
11/ A DISPLAY of B.L.I.C. stationary armature magnetos, lighting sets for commercial vehicles, a.ed the new
B.L.I.C. current controller will be included in the exhibits of this company. So iar as the company's magnetos are concerned, these are of unique design. In ordinary types the armature rotates with the contact breaker and the condenser, while the field magnets are stationary, but in B.L.I.C. magnetos the arrangement is reversed, the magnet being of special steel. The range of l3.L.I.C. lighting sets includes ar complete five-light installation.
The n,ew B.L.I.C. current controller should be of particular interest to those associated with the operation of publicservice vehicle. Its operation depends on a simple electrolyte process.
Roller Bearings. Stand S9 A DJUSTABLE taper roller bearings will be the sole speciality displayed on this stand. In the unusual design of the British Bock taper roller bear; ing it is claimed that a perfectly even rolling speed is maintained at the point of contact of the spherical head and the flange on the inner cone. The point of contact between the spherical head of the roller and the angular face of the flange against which it bears is in direct line with the body of the roller, so that only, pure rolling contact can take place and all rubbing contact is overcome.
BRAMCO (1920), LTD.
Components. Stand 25E
AS CONCESSIONNAIRES for a host of American products, Bramco (192ll), Ltd., will stage a wide range'of components suitable for makers and users. These will include the Warford auxiliary transmission, which enables the Ford van or truck chassis to be provided with six speeds; the Servis recorder, which indicates, by means of a clockwork mechanism and pendulum, the work carried out by the vehicle to which it is fitted; the compression puncture-proof air tubes for pneumatic tyres; Bramcalite alloy pistons; Drednant shock absorbers, which are specially designed for Ford vehicles, and much other equipment which is either made by the company in this country or handled by them as representatives for American makers.
Radiators. Stand 2 VARIOUS types of radiators will be shown on this stand, although the model which is likely to attract most attentioa is the sectional radiator which has been expressly designed for Fords. This is built up of five separate honey. eomb sections. the shell in which they are enclosed being of highly polished east-aluminium. Over the top and bottom aperturesof the sections special circular pieces of rubber having a central -slot, through which the water passes, are placed, arid, with these in position, the sections are' placed in the shell and held by four screws.
The chief value of this form of construction lies in the fact that if a vehicle is involved in a collision or accident in which the radiator is partly damaged, the affected section can he removed without the efficiency of the cooling system being g greatly impaired, and the vehicle can thus proceed without fear of damaging the engine.
Oils. Stand 12'3 TM COMPANY, who are the manufacturers of Speedwell motor lubricating oils, and have paid much attention to the problems of motor-vehicle lubrieation, will make a display of all brands of oils which are suitable f,-+r commercial vehicles. On the stand will be included specimens of gas and DIengine oils, machinery oils, as well as lubricants which are suitable for ese an heavy haulage units.
Benrings. Stand 171
TEE robustness and load-carrying capacity of bearings of the roller type render them suitable for commercial vehicles which are subjected to heavy shocks and stresses owing to the varying loads which they are called upon to carry. The British Timken exhibit will be of special importance, since the company find that there is a eontinually
increasing demand for bearings of this type.
The range of exhibits will be most comprehensive,, and bearings for every type of light and heavy commercial vehicle, both steam and petrol driven, aswell as for trailers, will be arrayed. A selection of bearing components which will also be on view will clearly demonstrate the principle upon which the Timken roller bearing is built.
Laminated Springs. Stand 263
T1.6 SHEFFIELD company have become known to the motor-vehicle industry through the laminated springs which they manufacture from rustless steel. Standard leaf springs made under a: patented process, in which the plates are interchangea-ble, will be ift-evidence on the stand, as well as an assortment of spare spring plates, belts, and springs with oil grooves and bushed eyes. High-speed steel and steel spring wire will be included in the assembly of the company's products.
Castings. Stand 247
MHE usual range of aluminium cast ings for s,uch components as crankcases, gearboxes, etc:, will be seen here. Messrs. Conn have built up a worthy reputation for general work in connection with aluminium castings, -both sand and die. Their number plates are extremely legible and conform to the requirements of the law in every respect.
Steel Wheels. Stand 8
AS REPRESENTATIVES in this .country fel the ,Societe Anonyme Union des Acieries, of Marcinelle-Charleroi, Belgium, Messrs. Cone's, tnd Co. will give their stand up to a-display of various types -of cast-steel wheels, similar to those vihich are being supplied to many of the prominent British makers. The Belgian makers have achieved a reputation for the-quality of their products, and their plant, it, is said, is capable of turtling out between 300 tons
and 500 tens of road wheels per month, whilst, apart from the construction of wheels, their foundry is able to turn out castings of any weight up. to 40 tons.
Friction Material. Stand 238
CHEKICO semi-metallic pure asbestos 'L./brake linings and clutch facings are held in high esteem by many makers and users, and specimens of this Bradford company's products, as applied to brake shoes and bands and clutch cones, will be in evidence on the stand.
Oils. Stand 261
LENDERS of the Miracle and No ilex brands, this company will exhibit a range of their various grades of oils. The sole purpose of Miracle oil is for lubricating the cylinders above the piston rings, and It is claimed that, by mixing half an ounce of the oil with every gallon of petrol or betizele poured into the fuel tank, perfect lubrication results.
Axles. Stand 186
THIS COMPANY are the proprietors of the railge of motor accessories sold under the registered trade mark of " Leton," and the apparatus which is likely to command most attention is the power intenaifier., which the cornpariy claim will increase the power of an internal-combustion engine running on petrol, benzoic or paraffin. . It is an, apparatus fitted between the carburetter and engine, and which automatically permits air and water in• the farm of a fine mist tri be drawn into the combustion chambers.. The use of the accessory is said to eliminate pinking, prevent the formation of carbon and give a more even torque to the engine.
Further equipment on the stand will include packings and jail-dings, seamless horn bulbs, grease-gun cartridges, tyre filters and removers, and a complete range of Loton tools.
Insurance. Stand 146
WHERE are very .few commercial1 vehicle users who do not now appreciate the need for insuring their vehicles against ordinary and third-party risks, and should any be in doubt as to the value of this form of protection, they should call at this stand, where prospectuses and policies will be exhibited and much matter relative to insurance readily obtainable.
Motor Spirit. Stand 217
-QPECIMENS of the various grades •of QB.P. meter spirit will constitute the main feature of this company's stand, from which advertising matter relating to White May and Roy-al Standard lamp oils, T.V.0: tractor vaporising oil and P.V.O. pure vaporizing oil (for oil engines), as well as to their light fuel oil for semi-Diesel engines and heavier grades for Diesel engines will also be distributed, •
Radiators. , Stand 248
A S might be expected, this company ▪ will make an impressive array on
'their stand with radiators of various types for most of the best-known snakes of commercial vehicles, although their exhibit will also include examples of sheet-metal -work as represented by bonnets, tanks, undershielcIs and similar equipment.
Fittings. Stand 213
B(Nil FITTINGS of various kinds for goods and passenger vehicle-s form the speciality of this company, and a wide range of goods will be given prominence on the stand. The most notable, perhaps, will be the Jones patent window raiser, which is suitable for use on buses. It is an effective device, which consists of a two-start wheel . screw with gunmetal machine-cut gears. Fur bus work it is the company's.usual. practice to supply a loose operating handle, which the conductor keeps in his possession; but a fixed handle can be fitted if required.
Those bus and coach owners who are faced with the problem of using the largest amount of available space for passenger seating should pay attention to the special type of gangway seat which is made.
A point sonietimes overlooked in public-service vehicles is that of ade quate ventilation, and for this reason the rectangular roof ventilator working on a quadrant should be inspected by all those bus owners who pay attention to the comfort and convenienceof pas.
gers, The Jackson-type hood for motor coaches still retains a good measure of popularity, and examples of the fitting will be included in the contents of the stand.
Accessories. Stand 252
" TMSPECS " is the trade name under -1_which the accessories sold by this company are marketed, and the range of goods which is to be shown includes mileage recorders, tachometers and speedometers in many designs, including special drives for different types of .vehicles. Scroll-drive odometers' as well as those driven from the tailshaft, gearbox and cardan shaft, will also be staged. Cast-aluminium lamps, acetylene and ,electric models foricommercial vehicles, including head, side, tail and reef lamps, will be on view, together with various special types of lamps for
use in motorbuses. Other lines to be shown include ignition and lighting cables, bulb horns, driving mirrors, petrol-tin carriers, etc.
Upholstery Material. Stand 145
WOVEN CURLED hair for -seat cushions and squabs of passenger
vehicles constitute a portion of the exhibit on this stand. The curled horsehair is distributed evenly to a depth of about 2 ins, over a form of fabric to which it is secured in a simple and effective manner. The material is supplied in rolls up to 40 yds., and its maximum width is 40 ins. Cotex leather cloth, which is a waterproof upholstery, will also be displayed in various finishes, as well as rubber-coated hood material and celluloid sheeting.
Lubricants. Stand 214
FOR OVER half-a-century this company have supplied lubricants for all pal-poses, and on the occasion of the forthcoming Exhibition the brands whiah will be displayed will insilude Imbed meter oils, cylinder and engine oils forall types of steam wagons, lubricating oils as supplied to prominent road transport concerns, and Lubol grease, which is suitable for all types of machinery.
Hire-purchase Business. Stand 144
pROSPECTUSES and other literature relating to the hire-purchase of motor, vehicles of all types will be procurable on this stand, where repre-. seritatives of the company will also be in attendance to explain the method of their business transactions.
F. H. EVE, LTD. , Engine Stands. Stand 220
rImE ENGINE stand is .a very handy _Lappliance for use in repair shops and garages, and that which will be shown here by F. 11. Eve, Ltd., should attract much attention, since it enables a power unit to be readily inspected in any desired position. The appliance is known as the Empire Universal engine stand, and its use should facilitatesuch operations as valve grinding, drilling out broken studs, bedding-in Crankshaft bearings, fitting pistons and connecting rods, etc.
The stand consists of two vertical brackets carrying long rods• to which are connected two light channel members. The component under inspection or repair (which, of course, need not necessarily be an engine, hot a gearbox or any other article within the scope of the stand) is carried by four brackets bolted to these members. The brackets can be fixed in a number of positions, and the relationship of the side frames to each other can be altered.
WE COMMEND for special notice on this stand the ESCO Simplex road wheels for giant pneumatic tyres. It will be seen, from the illustratiest
which we reproduce herewith that this typo of wheel consists of a spider and two half rims, the latter .being inserted into the rubber tyre and held in position by means of a series of six clamps. Cast-steel road wheels suitable for use with solid or pneumatic tyres, and all kinds of castings in steel and malleable iron will form part of the exhibit.
Auxiliary Gearboxes. Stand 149 WOR EXTENDING the scope of the Ferd vehicle; the company market the Supaphorcl auxiliary gearbox, which
is suitable for application to the ton truck chassis as well as to the 7-cwt. van chassis. This gearbox deubles the ordinary two speeds provided by the Ford mechanism. The Sapapherd auxiliary equipment is fitted at the forward end caf the drive shaft tube and to the rear of the existing Ford gearease, and is connected to the universal joint. The gears of the Supaphord unit run in constant mesh and the changes are effected by means of dog clutches.
Anti-friction Metals. Stand 151
FINDLAY'S motor metal in ingot form, which is specially prepared for use in the bearings of internal-combustion engines, as well as die-east bearings' and bushes, and a general display of Glacier metal and other white-metal alloys will be shown on this stand.
Friction Material. Stand 254
THEMERITS of friction linings sold under the trade mark of Ferodo need no endorsement at-our hands, for this fabric is the standard equip-meat fot brake linings and clutch facings on numerous British and other-commercial vehicles, Specimens4of Ferodo fabric, radially woven and machine made to the correct angle for cone clutches, will be seen on the stand, as well as bonded asbestos linings for brakes, and Ferodo bonded asbestos die-pressed linings for flat plate clutches, cone clutches and brake segments. Other items on this stand will include fabric spring interleaving, running-board material in various colours, vice grips, and Ferodo Bonrest, which, as its name might suggest, is-a material for pieventing noise from rattling or loose bonnets.
Motor Spirit. Stand 241
THE BRANDS of motor spirit for which this company are now finding a steady demand will be arrayed on this stand, where the specimens shown will include Carburine and .Glice motor spirit, Glico lubricants and grease, and Glico white spirit (turpentine substitute). Examples of the company's kerbside and portable barrel motor spirit pumps (demonetrations ,of which will be given during the Show) will complete the exhibit.
Machine Tools. Stand 242
HIGH-OLASS engineers' stores and sundries which are largely used in the manufacture, repair and maintenance of commercial vehicles will occupy -this stand, although the company will also devote certain space to an exhibition of Duff Barrett jacks, which are designed for heavy-vehicle service, as well as certain types of hand and machine tools.
Tipping Gear. Stand 135 MHE COMPANY will not have a
vehicle incorporating their special type of tipping gear actually in the Show itself, although a demonstration vehicle will be in close attendarlce outside. Olympia. On the stand, however, diagrams, photographs and parts of a working 'model will undoubtedly stimulate interest and prompt visitors to make a point of seeing the hoist in Actual use outside the Show.
Components. Stand 142
IN THE accessory section of the .Show. this North of England corn parry will display a number of compouents for use on motor vehicles. They have, during the last 10 years, specialized in the production of various components for the motor industry, and some of those which they manufacture include steering boxes, steering gear sectors, steering worms, worm wheels for back-axle drive, tipping gears, etc. Examples of these will be on view, as well as ground hobs made for generating the teeth in spur and spiral gears, and taper hobs for worm wheels. Various types of milling cutters will complete an attractive stand,
Oils. Stand 227
BESIDES various samples of oils which this company make, there will be a complete set of appliances, for testing oils, and, for the benefit of potential customers, tests will be conducted on the stand. The type of 250-gallon oil tank fitted with a rotary pump, barrel rails and a dip rod should command considerable attention, particularly as the company present a tank of this type to users of 50 barrels of their motor oil per annum. Oil cabinets to accommodate 50 gallons, which are presented free with every 12 barrels of Progon oil, will also be shown, and users Who pay attention to facts and figures will be interested in the mileage charts which the company have obtained from various big transport undertakings using their
Tyre Presses. Stand 77 FEW REPAIRERS, garage owners and commercial-vehicle users could be found who are not familiar with the name of Hollings and Guest in connec
thin with the manufacture of tyre presses of all descriptions. The company will have several models on view. There will, for instance, be the No. 14 hydraulic tyre press with 'a, slot head, designed for 'dealing with tyres without taking the wheels from the axle. This press is capable of exerting a pressure of 200 tons, which is more than sufficient for fixing or removing the heaviest tyre. A lighter tyre press is the No. 10 model, which' is illustrated herewith, and which is Euit able for small garages and overseas depots, whilst another model which may be suitable for occasional use in up-country depots where the cost of transport is high is the hand-screw tyre press.
Metals. Stand 226
NO., 11 super-metal and I.C.E. brand of white bearing alloys made by the above have always enjoyed a wide• popularity. The No. 11 metal has over 92 per cent, tin in its composition and continues to justify the claims made for it by its makers. It combines exceptional toughness with durability and possesses excellent anti-frictional qualities. I.C.E. metal, for many years sold under the name " copper hardened," is also used to a considerable extent for all classes of bearing repairs. In addition to ingot metals, the company manufacture die-cast bearings and solid sticks.
1340 and half rounds for machining by repairers. Examples of all the company's products will be available for inspection.
Paints. Stand 72
IT IS the intention of this company, to make practical exhibits of their special productions for motor-vehicle painting. These will include the Wellknown He-O-Lin three-coat process, demonstrations of which will be given at the Exhibition to show the advantage and economy of this method for finishing the bodies of goods and passenger
vehicles. Quick-drying fillers, colours, enamels and varnishes of dependable quality for mass production work will be placed well to the fore.
JoleitIngs. Stand 136
THE PRINCIPAL exhibit on this stand will he Hallite motor jointing, which is claimed to be the original jointing of this type introduced into the motor industry. As the jointing possesses a graphite surface, it is nonadhesive, with the result that, if care be eXercised in making a joint, the same washer can be used over again. Flange washers, rotary pump packing and various forms of joints in asbestos millboard,paper, vulcanized fibre, felt, rubber, etc., will be shown alongside special kinds o packings.
Silencers. Stand 147 THE exhibits of this company will consist of three or four sizes of Ghost silencers, both in nickel-plated and sherardized forms. The chief claims made for this is-articular design of silencer are that it prevents back pressure, is a silencer in the true sense of the word, and is sold at a reasonable price.
Valve Tools. Stand 143 MITE EXHIBIT of this company will 1 be solely devoted to a range of valve reseating tools of all sizes. The J. and S. combined reseater for valves and valve seats, which we illustrate on this page, will come in for ,special attention in so far as it is claimed to be the ors!se: tool of this description which trees the valve and -valve seats from one central bearing, ensuring .a true surface at an accurate angle to the stern. The cutter is of oil-hardened steel with internal teeth for re-facing the valve and
external teeth for resurfacing the seating.
The J. and S. valve reseeter hand vice enables the hardest valves to be cut, and any pressure cart be obtained by the simple adjustment of the spring.
Bearings. Stand 197
JN CONNECTION with the manufacture of ball and roller bearings, the name of Hoffmann stands preeminent. The company will show on their stand a complete range of steel balls and rollers and ball and roller bearings, apart from exhibits under glass cases, a length of shafting running on Hoffmann ball bearings and sections of front and rear hubs fitted with bearings of this make. Quantities of magneto-type bearing components to illustrate the interchangeability of parts and an apparatus for demonstrating the low starting and running effort of roller bearings will also be shown.
CarbUretters. Stand 204
VARIOUS patterns of Claudel-Hobson casburettera, which are used on many motor vehicle engines, will be set out on this stand. Different models of the new power-jet carburetters will also
be exhibited. This instrument incor
porates the same principles as the Z diffuser type carburetter, with the exception that, in addition, it has a power jet.
The Perfect window regulator, which is a mechanical device for raising or lowering lights by means of a rotating handle', will also be well to the fore, as well as a new regulator of the lever type, which is primarily intended for use en small saloon and all-weather bodies.
The exhibits on this etand will be completed by a range of Hobson sparking plugs for all types of internal-combustion engines.
S Starters. tand 132
THE IDA starter was invented several years ago, and since it introduction it ties undergone very severe tests, from all of which it has emerged with very successful. results.It is not altogether new to use compressed air for engine starting, but the Ida starter strikes a different idea in so far as it is a .telfcontained unit and can be fitted to almost any existing type of petrol engine, whether it be a 20 lisp. unit or one which develops four or five times as much power. The compressor consists of a small twin-cylinder monobloc casting, which is finned and air-cooled by the air drawn through the radiator of the vehicle by the fan. Models of the starter will be -on view and demonstrations of its possibilities given.
Axles. Stand 240
AFEATURE of this stand will be a rear axle complete with worm drive for an electric chassis and a set of two rear axles for each of the following types of vehicles: 1-ton chassis, 2530cwt. chassis, 30-cwt. War Office subsidy lorry and a 4-ton lorry. The rear axles incorporate the company's patent dropforged one-piece casing, the advantages of which are fully known to those who have had experience of components incorporating welds and joints. The axles
are supplied in 40-ton carbon steel or alloy steel, and their thorough heat treatment and one-piece design give a guarantee of maximum strength and an ample margin of safety.
Lamps. Stand 202
AS SPECIALISTS in lighting equipment,ment, this Birmingham company will show, a comprehensive range of headlamps, side lamps, and tail lamps. The Lorilite self-conta,ined acetylene headlight, with a single carbide chamber, is particularly suitable for use on commercial vehicles.
The King of the Road hydraulic lifting jacks . should not be forgotten, at these are particularly suitable for raising moderately heavy vehicles with the utmost ease. Oiler lines on this stand will include horns, observation mirrors, wrenches, oilers, etc. The full range of Lucas magnetos, some of them fitted with impulse starters, which are, suitable for every make and type of engine, should not be overlooked.
Accessories. Stand 208
HERE WILL be seen many ingenious devices for facilitating repair work and reducing the cost of upkeep of commercial-vehicle fleets. The M.E. garage pressure cleansing tank, one elf the most successful appliances el the range to be
shown, will be exhibited in three sizes. Its use is said to save 50 per cent, in labour and 75 per cent, on the cost of paraffin for cleaning disassembled parts.
The range of garage and workshop tools, such as bench milling machines, cylindrical grinders, internal grinding attachments, bench presses, remetalling jigs, etc., are all worthy of note, as is the universal engine stand which sells at £4 15s., and the M.E. air compressor,
which has a capacity for supplying a constant flow of air at a pressure of from 50 lb. to 150 lb. per square in.
The hauling drum winch gearing is suitable for fitting to a-ny motor vehicle for the purpose of hauling heavy goods :on to the lorry platform or for use on the occasion of breakdowns.
Repair Work. Stand 255
THE THOROUGH methods which are employed by this company in con
nection with the repair of motor vehicle parts will be fully evidenced by the various classes ef work carried out on crankshafts, pistons, camshafts, cylinders, crankcases, crown wheels, bevels and other parts to be displayed on the stand. In the crankshaft exhibit a special feature will be made of the perfect balance which the Laystall method ensures. To give an indication of the manner in which cylinder grinding is carried out, samples of reground cylinders will be shown. Specimens of cylinder repairs carried out by the Lawrence process will also be seen.
Odometers. Stand 172
THIS STAND will be exclusively occupied by Veeder counting and measuring instruments. The main exhibit will relate to the hub cap form of odometer or mileometer, but this instrument is also offered for attachment to other parts of the running gear for the same purpose. The front of the instrument gives an indication of the running of the vehicle up to five figures, while tenths of a mile are also shown.
J. T. HART AND SONS, Hides. Stand 268
COACHBUILDERS will be particularly interested in this stand, in so far as coloured upholstery leathers will be given prominence. In the produc tion of these hides the company give special.attention to obtaining a regular and even grain combined with softness
and flexibility. Other lines on the stand will include enamelled hides and special twill-lined leathers for hoods, and upholstery hides with antique and fancy grains. The best illustrations of some of the company's productions will be found in the bodies of passenger vehicles on some of the other stands. JOSEPH KAY.E AND SONS, LTD.
Oilcaols and Locks. Stand 265 ON ACCOUNT of their serrated seams, Kaye oikans are regarded as being almost. seamless, because the seam is probably the strongest part of
the appliance. The new forced oiler has an ejector pump to be operated by the thumb of the person holding the can, which will force the oil almost 12 ft., showing that there is ample power behind the oil to lubricate any part of a motor vehicle. It is carried in a. bracket container arranged to be screwed on the dashboard below the bonnet And having a spring to hold the can. It is good for many years of service and sells at the low price of 9s. for the one pint size, the spring carrier costing 3s. extra, A small can, also in a spring clip, is mein] for applying oil to such moving parts as the magneto shaft, etc
Examples of the above will be On view on the company's stand, together with a new char-d-bancs door lock, which has been devised with a small release bolt which, when it makes contact with a
plate, permits the locking bolt to shoot half an inch farther into the box, and thus more firmly to hold the door. We illustrate the new lockin4 plate for slid• ing garage doors. This is an extremely sound and strong job.
Lamps. Stand 185
JJEPENDENCE lamps are the chief product of this Birmingham company, and the exhibit will comprise a range of lamps for special vehicles, lighting equipment for steam tractors, steam wagons, petrol. wagons and vans, and driving mirrors. Special prominence -will be given to driving lamps burning' paraffin, which are constructed to illuminate the roadway 25 to 40 yards ahead, and a new model is the self-contained acetylene headlamp.
Tools. Stand 73
1ANY USEFUL tools will be staged ....N_Lon this stand, including the K.B. valve-seating tool, valve .tool, bearing mould, *bearing jig, and the crankshaft tool. The valve-seating tool is of an entirely new design, and is made in two sizes, the smaller being adjustable to any size from 14 ins. to 1i ins., and the larger from 1 ins. to 21ins. The cutter is revolved by means of a special handle, with a ball end, so arranged that it has notendency to force the cutter to one side of the seating.
The crankshaft tool is also worthy of
note, for enables the truing of journals to be accurately carried Gut. It consists of a stiff cast:iron frame, the two split parts of which are bolted together and provided with four radial slots in which work three guides and one cutter.
Gearing for Fords. Stand 133 XAMPLES of the new type of Miller patent gear for increasing the scope of the Ford chassis are to be shown on this stand. The gear follows the 'principles adopted three years ago of 'utilizing one-internal gear and one pinion, although in the new model the number of working parts has been reduced and the efficiency of the box increased to a remarkable degree. The actual exhibit will comprise complete an auxiliary four-speed gearbox for the light Ford chassis, similar equipment for the tom truck chassis, a complete unit for the ton medal in section, part sections of light-model gears, and the various parts comprising the gear. '
Motor Spirit. Stand 215
SAMPLES of the benzole produced by this established concern will be on view, and the company will also give indication of the methods of production and marketing of their benzola mixture and of their N.B.C. lubricating oils and greases.
Oils. Stand 229
DRAGONFLY motor oil in three consistencies, heavy, medium and light, will be ranged alongside a special oil known as Fordfly, for use on Ford vehicles, and samples of gear oils, motor greases and Maeveloil. An advertising novelty in the form of a globe is sure to attract the eye of many of those making a tour of the stands.
Oils. Stand 211
OILIN E lubricating oils contained in steel drums fitted with Marvel pumps and trolley attachments complete, wooden barrels, 5-gallon and 10. gallon drums, half-gallon squat tins and test tubes and exhibition bottles will comprise the display of this company, which will be completed by a series of steel drums containing a special gear, compound.
Paints. Stand 146
ADISPLAY of panels showing the results obtained on bodies of motor vehicles by the use of various produnCons of this company, including anti.
J43 rust priming paint., non-poisonons paste filler, Motorline undercoating, Motor. line enamel, and several grades of var. nish will be made on this stand.. Demonstrations will also be given of the company's Colourmeter, a machine that will produce any desired shade of colour.
Accessories. Stand 230
THREE features will constitute the main exhibit on this stand, these being the Midland radiator, the Grippe external brake and the Mamet shock
absorber. The radiator is for use on Ford chassis, and it is of cast aluminium with a ribbed to tank. The external brake is also for use on the Ford, and it can be appfied to the standard chassis or the ton truck without the need for any alteration to the existing fittings or bolts.
A range of other accessories will also be on view, these including the Falcon tyre pumps, which are of compact and solid construction, jacks, oil gauges, synchronized ignition sets, petrol can carriers and Milegal meters the lastnamed being a dashboard instrument..
Transmission. Stand 243
THE RHODES Fordgear is a threespeed-and-reverse gearbox operated through the medium of the ordinary type gate-change mechanism, and it occupies the usual position taken up by the'regular transmission on the Ford. The compactness of the unit, which undoubtedly adds to the efficiency of the
Ford chassis and makes for silent and more flexible running, can be readily seen from the illustration of the gear reproduced on this page.
In applying the 'Rhodes gear to the Ford, the transmission drums, bands, triple gears, etc., are removed, but no alteration is made to the flywheel or propeller shaft. The gearbox and flywheel cover of the gear are aluminium castings.
Accessories. Stand 137
VARIOUS types of fittings for use on goods and passenger vehicles will constitute the main feature of this com
pany's exhibit. The clip spring seats are particularly suitable for use on public-service vehicles and are extremely flexible and durable. It is possible for this type of seat to be beaten or roughly handled without distortion resulting. Bodybuilders will be attracted by the Agasote and Sundeala millhoard, which is suitable for interior and exterior body panelling. These boards are homo
geneous iii composition and can be treated in exactly the Same way as ordinary wood panels. They are impervious to moisture. ,
A patent window-balancing device will also be well to the fore. This is Made in such a way. that a spring contained in the spring box, which is fixed to the lower member of the door frame or to the floor of the vehicle, 'acts through a lazy tongs and counterbalanCes • the weight of the glass in any position. Rubber stops limit the degree to which the window can be lowered.
Other features of the stand will be ventilators, blinds, petrol and oil gauges, castings, drop forgings, and tha Wilson plastic arc electric welding plant, which will be shown in operation.
Petrol Fillers. Stand 154
AsIN past years, this firm will make a prominent show with their patent petrol pourer, by using which it is possible to prevent the loss. of spirit when filling the tank. The air inlet tube is a feature of the device, which enables tho use of a funnel to be dispensed with. The pourer is made in various sizes, from 3 ins. to 21 ins, long, so that the most inconvenient filling orifices can be readily reached.
The Fitall combination tool, which serves the purpose of petrol-can opener, sparking-plug remover or a double screw-driver, is also a most useful accessory.
Wheels. Stand 245
APART from the company's triple. spoked detachable wire wheels, for which they have built up a big reputation, steel balls and rollers and ball and roller bearings will be included in the make-up of the stand. Many claims are made for the detachable wire wheel, the chief amongst which are that its weight is lightest compatible with strength and that it is not resonant.
In addition to a full range of standard ball-journal, roller-journal and ballthrust bearings, the company will this year exhibit a range of ball-journal hearings of' an entirely new design, which will enable them to carry a considerable amount of axial load as well as true journal load.
Bearings. Stand 203
STEEL balls and rollers and ball and roller bearings which are made for application to motor vehicle chassis will comprise the display on the stand of this company. Bearings of special interest to be exhibited are the double-row ball journal bearings and the double-pueepose bearings. The latter are specially designed bearings for sustaining thrust loads at high speeds or for use where heavy combined thrust and journal loads are present. A few line shaft bearings will also be on show, these being of the selfaligning roller type.
Storage Systems. Stand 216
Ol? THE. storage systems to 'be shown by this company, the most interesting will be those for oil and other fluids. Motor-vehicle users will be chiefly interested in the storage cabinets, which
are designed to ensure that the user obtans his full measure of oil. The kerbside storage pump is also worthy of note in so far as it is sold at a remarkably low figure. The model which we illustrate on this page is a 50-gallon unit, and the pump with which it is fitted accurately measures in half pints up to one quart. It is fitted with an anti-drip nozzle, which automatically cuts off the flow of oil so soon as the pump action ceases.
Petrol storage bins and batteries of 100-gallon oil tanks will complete a most comprehensive exhibit of fuel. storage plant.
Bearings. Stand 178
AS BEARING specialists, the makers of the renowned S.K.F. bearings will show a comprehensive array of bearings suitable for commercial-vehicle work. The bearings to be shown include double-row self-aligning bail and roller bearings, flgle-row deep-groove bearings, cylindrical roller bearings and single-thrust and double-thrust ball bearings. Steel balls, the accuracy of which can be readily tested by a visit to the stand, will also form part of 'the exhibit.
Magnetos. Stand 267
VARIOUS types of electrical appliances will be staged here, although, as one might expect, the major part of the space available will be devoted to an array of Simms magnetos of the hightension, low-tension and gas-engine types. The S.R.4 type magneto is a very popular model, and it has been designed especially for four-cylinder ens
gines up to 50 h.p. Like all Simms magnetos, it is fitted with the company's patent extended pole shoes.
Other features of the stand will be flexible magneto couplings, dynamo couplings, sparking plugs, magneto conversion sets for Fords and Fordson tractors, commutators and impulse starter couplings, whilst an apparatus for testing plugs, known as the Sparkaphone, will Ise given prominence.
Friction Material. Stand 264 TA ON BRAKE linings and clutch
facings, which are the product of this Manchester concern, will be displayed. This friction material is used to a considerable extent on commercial vehicles, and has proved very efficient under all conditions of service.
Castings. Stand 224
CYLINDER and piston castings in special Sterling iron, and crankcases, gearboxes and other aluminium castings will be shown here. Examples of aluminium die casting to extremely close limits, thus avoiding the need for machining, will farm part of the show, as will brass and bronze rods and tubes for bushings and' the like..
Lubricants. Stand 199
THE MODEL of a portion of the lubricating-oil stills of this company, which are located at Silvertown, is sure to attract the eye of all these who make a tour of the stands in the gallery. The apparatus used for the testing of oils, and samples of oils showing the various stages of production from the crude state to the finished product will also be staged. A 250-gallon storage tank for use in connection with the company's hulk delivery system will occupy a large part. of the stand.
Oils. Stand 236
THE splendidly equipped laboratories of this company are constantly engaged in experiments with their oils and greases in order to obtain the highest possible grades, and specimens of the lubricants produced by them will be shown. As a result of these laboratory tests, the company are placing on the market an entirely new superrefined motor oil under the distinctive name of Royal Snowdrift. This new oil is said to possess remarkable lubricating properties.
Radiators. Stand 234 j1 XAMPLES of polished aluminium .4 111 radiators suitable for Leyland, Dennis, Bristol, Albion, Thornycroft, Burford and other well-known, commercial vehicles with be displayed by this firm, as well as tubular radiators for many of the hest known American.vehicles. Component parts of the radiator, including tube blocks and centres, spiral copper tubes and double tinned gilled tubes, will also be shown. Particular attention is directed to the replacement radiator for Fords. Amongst its unusual features are a bow-fronted top and a lower apron designed to mask the front cross-member. The company give a two years' guarantee with their polished aluminium radiators for Fords.
Lubricants. Stand 233
AGEARBOX which will be ehown running at full speed, to aemonstrate the truth of the company's slogan that their lubricants "Cling to the Teeth," will be well to the front on this stand. A complete range of Sternol lubricating oils, including those specially refined for use an lorries, will be shown. Other features of the stand will be self. measuring pumps and storage batteries, including the new 20-gallon drum, which should prove a boon to all small users.
Wheels. Stand 248
STABLISHED in 1836, this corn.124 pang have had considerable experience in the manufacture of wheels and axles of all types, and a representative collection of their various products will be an view. They will include wood artillery wheels, axles, 'springs, forgings of various types, tent timber, and examples of various forms of welding and machine work. Steel wheels of the P.W.W. patent artillery pattern will in-tercet heavy users.
Stampings, Stand 212
ROUGH drop sorgnigs of the type ..Ltwhich are largely used in the motor industry will constitute the sole exhibit of this company. Most of the forgings will be familiar to makers and users, as the whole of the compieny's output is prodiseeci to the designs of chassis manufacturers.
Brake Shoes. Stand 196
USERS OF Ford vehicles shauld not miss the display which will be made on this stand, and particular attendee should be directed to the patent adjustable brake shoes for the standard 1-tan models. A special feature of these shoes is the means provided for adjustment, which -is made by means of a wedgeshaped aback upon which the brake shoes pivot. The block is held in position as our drawing shows, by a support Colt. Tightening up this bolt draws the
wedge towards the axle housing and has the effect )1 separating the pivoted ends of the shoes.
Another line is the adjiltitable and portable turnover engine stand, which is made in two sizes for sniall and mediumsized engines, and for six-cylinder and heavy commercial-vehicle engines.
Accessories. Stand 198
rIF THE range of commercial-vehicle IL/accessories to be shown on this stand, speedometers and mileage recorders will constitute the principal exhibit. A new mileage recorder specially designed for use on Ford vane and .trucks wilt be on view, and since it is sold at a considerable lower price than the standard instrument it should prove very popular. A range of single and five-jet carburetters suitable for all types a commercial vehicles from heavy lorries to small delivery vans will also be staged. SG far as electrical equipment is concerned, S. Smith and Sons have just produced a new bus-type dynamo. which is capable of maintaining its rated output, without un.due heating. Another item of interest will be the impulse starter, which avoids the need for laborious hand cranking. Other lines will include head, side and tail lamps.
Lubricants. Stand 235
nILS AND greases for the lubrication ‘..../of petrol-driven. vefiicles and steam wagons, which are sold wider the trade name of Gargoyle, will, as in past years, be prominently, displayed. The chart•of recommendations which gives the accurate grades of Gargoyle Mobiloil for all makes of petrol-driven vehicles, and includes all models from 1919 te 1923, will also be on view. Copies of a specially prepared folder showing the correct grade of lubricating oil for all types of steam wagons, tractors and road rollers will also be available for visitor& An interesting exhibit will be an electrically operated machine showing specially prepared diagrams of lubrication systems. Another working exhibit will be T. and K. mechanical lubricators.
Insurance. Stand 141
IT WILL be the aim of this company Ito give every possible assistance in connection with matters relating to insurance and hire-purchase, which will be readily dispensed from the general information bureau on the stand. The aompany's programme for 1924 in con. nection with insurance and hire-purchase business will be particularly attractive to commercial users.
Fuel Pumps. Stand 225
IXTE ARE told that the self-measurV V ing piston-type petrol pumps to be shown by this company will be the only exhibit of their kind, in so far as they provide the user with the opportunity of seeing all of the petrol measured into the tank of his vehicle flow down from an overhead calibrated container. Small and large types of pumps to meet the requirements of various classes of users will be displayed.
Storage Tanks. Stand 1 Mill?, ABOVE company have special ized in the production of welded tanks for over 50 years, and they will stage a representative collection of their products. This will include an elliptical-type wagon tank for mounting direct on to a motor vehicle for the
conveyance of motor spirit in bulk. The tank shown is of the iidouble-compartmeni type, and has a capacity of 1,000 gallons. The shape of the tank ensures a low centre of gravity. Another exhibit, will be a 400-gallon double compartment circular cradle tank, the advantage of which is that the tank is mounted on a wood cradle, and, being self-contained, can readily be .lifted on and off a motor vehicle. .A simple design of tank is the corn parry's 200-gallon steel-footed kerosene tank, which is suitable for use an 1-ton lorries. Various examples of pressed-steel and welded work will complete a most interesting exhibit.
-Electrical Equipment. Stand 206 SUPPLIERS of electrical equipment to the motor and allied industries, this' company will exhibit their current range of productions for business vehicles, which embraces complete dynamo lighting and starting equipment for all types of vehicles, lighting equipment as supplied to the London General Omnibus Co:, and electrical installations for fire-engines and special lighting equipment for steam wagons. The. model N.G.S.C. dynamo, which is illustrated, is a type which is largely used on buses and lorries. Anew, model switchboard, which gives sole control of lighting from the main board, thus avoiding the need for separate switches, will also be staged, as will a new range of commercial batteries incorporating the patent threaded rubber installation. Commercial lamps for head, side, tail, inspection, interior and other uses, as well as lamp bulbs, spaskina plugs and electric horns, will complete a most, comprehensive display-. Those who pay heed to publicity will he attracted by the equipment for illuminating an advertising van.
W. H. WILLCOX AND CO., LTD. Stand tand 239
A COMPREHENSIVE range of sup1-1 plies and sundries suitable for users of petrol and steam-driven vehicles will constitute this company's show. Highgrade oils in several qualities for petrol vehicles arid various grades of steam oils will he seen. Part of the standwill be given' up to a display of various engineers' sundries, and garage pumps, lubricators, lamps, horns and tools will be to the fore. .A new speciality of the company is Lubrigear, a lubricant for use in gearboxea, differentials and back
axle assemblies; •
Carburetters. Stand 163 THE SOLEX carburetter is adopted as. standard on many Commercial vehicles, and examples of the various types which are made will be here shown. These include vertical and horizontal patterns and a special model which is expressly made for use on Ford engines. Features of the Solex instrument include reliability and accessi bility. A new compound carburetter will he on view for the first time, and special sets of carburetters arid fittings.
BAZLEY WHITE is sole agent Itlifor Great Britain and Ireland for the Rapidayton kerbside pump—a twogallon piston-type appliance manufactured by the Dayton Pump and Manufacturing Co., of Dayton, Ohio. It is intended to market in this country two types of pump made by this company, and examples of each will be shown. _Triplex hose, made by the Metal Hose. and Tubing Co., of Brooklyn, New York, will also be displayed. This hose is particularly suitable 'for petrol, benzole and similar liquids.
Lighting Equipment. . , Stand 262
MR'S Halifax company are making a 1 speciality of a new lighting set for commercial vehicles. This comprises two powerful side lamps, each with a 6-in. glass arid throwing a beam for 300 ft. ahead, one special lighthouse pattern tail lampaa strong 6-volt 6-amp. dynamo complete with switchboard and cut-out, the set being completed with one of the company's celebrated Alklurn nickel-steel accumulators. This accumulator has been found to stand up to its work over the roughest roads. The set is priced at the low figure of 421.
Carburetters. Stand 259 A CARBURETTER which needs no introduction is the Zenith, which is widely used on commercial vehicles of all classes. On the company's 'stand, carburetters for light and heavy vehicles arid agricultural tractors will be !shown, as well as special sets consisting of Carburetters and induction pipes or adapters, as the case may be, whicla can be 'attached to various engines in place of the existing carburetters with the mini mum of trouble. There will also he a comprehensive selection of fittinge such as flanges, bends, hot-water jackets, exhaust heated jackets and hots air ,muffs. The triple diffuser-type carburetter, which is of comparatively re
cent introduction, embodies an atomia.
ing and vaporizing device, and should ing and vaporizing device, and should
not be overlooked.