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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is the roughness of the made over which it runs."—John Beattie Crozier.
The Austin Dinner.
A feature of the Austin annual dinner, which took place on Monday evening of last week at the Connaught Booms, was the tremendous ovation,. which was accorded Sir Herbert Austin. It was obviously an indication of his hearers' appreciation of the keen and successful fight which he has been waging for the last couple of years against the troubles and trials from which it appears his company is now successfully emerging. Sir Herbert struck an optimistic note : he referred to the fact that this is the 21st year of the existence of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, commente.d upon the enormousprogress that ,had been made by the motor industry in that period of time, but nevertheless reminded his hearers that, if they compared this country with the United States, it will be apparent that as a matter of fact we had only begun to scratch the surface of the potentialities of the motor vehicle industry. As a branch of the engineering industry it now stands first, admittedly, and is looked up to by the other sections as exemplifying the best current practice in engineering products.
the event of another war the Government of the day would have ten depend to a greater extent than ever before on the automobile industry to safeguard the country. Sir Herbert referred to the prevalence of unemployment in all industries, and particularly in the engineering trade, and expresged the opinion that conditions in that respect could be improved by the adoption of a system of protective tariffs. He outlined, for the benefit of the agents and distributors present, the • Austin trading policy for the coming year, and was happy and proud to ,say that out of the motor trade exports for the past year, the Austin Motor Co. accounted for a fraction more than 59 per cent.
Road Schemes in South Wales.
Several important road and bridge schemes have been decided upon by the Newport Town Council. The Malpas road is to be widened to 58 ft. at a cost of £13,000, instead of as originally decided to 52 ft. at a cost of £7,500. This has been decided upon on the advice of the Ministry of Transport, and -an immediate start is to be made with the scheme.
The Ministry has also made a tentative offer to bear 65 per cent. of the cost of widening the Newport (Usk) bridge to 70 ft. The pre-war estimate for this long-delayed work was £100,000, and it is expected that the present cost will approximate almost double that sum. The council is considering the offer.
The St. Julian road is to be extended at a cost of £3,900, and Bowack Lane is to be straightened and widened from Alteryn road to the Bowacks at an expenditure of £4,000 Not the least important of the Newport road schemes is that for widening the main Newport-Caerphilly road—the traffic *route between the borough and the Rhymney coal valleys. Toward this scheme the Ministry of Transport will contribute 50 per cent, of the cost.
Show Entrance Charges.
The charges tor admission to the forthcoming Commercial Motor Transport and Roads Development Exhibition at Olympia organized by the S.M.M. and T. have been fixed as follow:— Both Saturdays (November 24th and December 1st), 1s. all day.
Other days. 2s. all day.
Stockton Bus Results.
Returns for the motor omnibus services operated by the Stockton Corporation show that clueing the past six months the financial position has been fairly satisfactory, for during the period there has been a net profit of £1,094 on the und ertakieg.
We are asked by Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., emphatically to deny the report circulated by certain sections of the lay Press that Vickers, Ltd.. have acquired this old-established 'Gainsborough company.
Water Supplies for Steamers.
TheLiverpool Area Committee of the Commercial Motor Users Association has impressed upon the county surveyor of Cheshire the need for providing better facilities for drivers of steam wagons for obtaining water supplies an the ChesterWrexham road. Lay-bys have been suggested so that steam wagons might draw up by the side of the road and pick up supplies. The question as to who should bear the cost has now arisen, and has forrised the subject of correspondence between the C.M.U.A. and the surveyor.
In connection with the apparatus for supplying water to steam wagons, described in a recent issue of The Connmercial Motor, we learn that up to the present no fewer than 66 gross_ of tokens have been purehased by owners of steam vehiCles from the Liverpool C.M.U.A.
The Warrington _Corporation proposes to set up si number of new stations in different parts of the town for supplying water to steam wagons. ,
A Big Order for Garrett Steamers.
We are informed by Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., of Leiston Works, Leiston, that the well-known millers, Hovis, Ltd., have recently placed an order for 11 of the company'; latest 6-ton undertype steam wagons and 4-ton tracking trailers, the first of which will be shown on the stand occupied by the corn-, pa,ny at the forthcoming Olympia Exhibition. It was only after prolonged trials and demonstrations that Messrs. Hovis decided to replace their existing fleet of wagons and to purchase vehicles of the latest type. The Garrett 6-ton steamer possesses several new features, and we would particularly refer to the change-speed gear, the double-chain drive to a dead back axle, the foot-accelerator control and the facilities which are afforded for cleaning and expanding the boiler tubes through an inspection door in the front of the boiler shell.
Citroen's Production Aim.
Mr. Andre Citroen met his agents in London on Wednesday morning last and discussed the various problems which existed as between manufacturer and retailer. At the subsequent luncheon he referred to the developments not only of • the works, but of the service facilities, which he has in mind in connection with Citroen vehicles, and said that in a few months he hoped to be producing 200 vehicles per day.
Dodge Annual Dinner.
The annual dinner of Dodge Brothers was held at the•Savoy on Tuesday evening last. The function was more by way of being an entertainment than having anor particular business significance. The Dodge agents and distributors were welcomed by Mr. J. IL Wilson, the manager, who occupied the chair, and by Mr. Amos, of the American factory. A feature of the evening was the exhibition of a stunt film entitled "Endurance," in which the Dodge car was depicted enacting wonderful things in the way of • mud plugging, in the course of a somewhat adventurous journey through the oilfields. A .considerable portion of this run was accomplished with the wheels in mud up to the axles, and on one occasion the conditions were so bad thatthe car actually tipped over on to its side and the occupants had to make their exit after removal of the windscreen.
Maritime Provinces Prefer Light Vehicles.
Heavy lorries are little used in, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, the Maritigie Provinces of Canada. The lack of solid roads in the country districts and the difficulty of operating motor vehicles during the long winter militate against the development of mechanical transport. Light lorries, however, are popular, especially if shod
with pneumatic tyres. About 5 per cent, of the heavier types in bse are equipped with tipping bodies, and these are mostly used by coal companies and road contractors.
A Passenger Vehicle Owner's Loss.
Messrs. Longhorn and Sons, motor omnibus and motor coach proprietors, who operate road passenger services in the New Washington district of Co. Durham, and who cater extensively for pleasure parties during the summer months, sustained a heavy loss recently when a commodious new garage, which they are having constructed to house their-fleet, was blown down during a gale. Throe motor coaches and four buses, together with a couple of cars, were badly damaged, the total extent of the damage being estimated at about .£4,000.
Timber Traffic in the Black Isle.
An inspector of the Minigtry of Transport has held an inquiry to consider the application of the County Council of Ross and Cromarty to prohibit heavy motors and locomotives on various specified highways during the period from November 15th to March 15th inclusive.
The case for the cooncil was presented by the clerk, who outlined the reasons for the applicatinn, and pointed out that the roads had been so damaged by timber traffic as to constitute a danger to the public, whilst the adequate upkeep of the roads was beyond the funds available for the purpose.
The representatives of the timber interests pointed out that timber-growing was an industry in the Black Isle, and that the haulage of it provided employment for many of the inhabitants. It was pointed out that it was of primary importance to transport timber during the four winter months, and that horsedrawn carts were entirely unsuitable for the purpose. So far as the Kessnck to Cromarty bus service was concerned, it was stated
that, although it was proposed to prohibit the }Ms at-present in service from using._ the road, no exception would be taken to the employment of a bus seating 20 passengers.
Considerable discussion followed the application, after which it was finally agreed to adjourn the inquiry for six months.
Bus Fares Coming Down.
The Caerphilly Urban District Council has made an ali-roand reduction in -bus fares, so that the charges are now on the same footing as those on the railways. The reductions on the Caerphilly-Nelson and Caerphil1y-Seng
henyclil routes represent a drop of 4 per cent., and corresponding reductions have been made in the charges for the intermediate stages.
The council is also to offer for sale books of 24 tickets for the various stages of the bus journey,
New Leyland Agents.
Oswald Tillotson, Ltd., Gannow Top • Engineering Works, Burnley, advise us that they have lately received from Leyland Motors. IAA., the sole selling rights for their commercial vehicle products in Bradford and the neighbouring towns. The company have opened showrooms, stores and offices in Bradford.
The Four Wheel Drive Lorry Co., Ltd., have vacated their offices in Kingsway, and have removed to premises at 46, Charing Cross, London, S.W.'.
Personal Pars.
Mr. B. W. Hussey, who has until recently been associated with the activities of Automobiles M. Berliet, both at Lyons, France, and London, has now joined the staff of the Four Wheel Drive Lorry Co., Ltd., London, in the capacity of assistant sales manager. Mr. Hussey entered the motor trade in 1913, served during the war in the M.T.R.A.S.C., and had 4 years' experience with the Berliet Co. • We reproduce ,on this page a photo. ,graph of Mr. C. Douglas Terry, the sets of Mr. Alfred E. Terry, who has lately joined the staff of Herbert Terry and Sons, Ltd., the well-known manufacturers of springs and other accessories at Redditeh. Mr. Douglas Terry served in the R.F.A. during the war, entering the Army direct from public 6chool life. Re subsequently finished his education at Jesus College, Cambridge, where hesecured his B.A. degree on the engineer ing side. •
General Motors Dinner.
The prevailing note was enthusiasm and goodwill between the management and the distributors at the General Motors dinner during the Show. Mr. Gus Lawrence, the sales director, is obviously popular amongst the agents, and Mr. • Walter Welch, of Bristol, was called on to give the distributors' point of view, which he did most nobly. Mr. H. H. Bassett presided. We have never seen a quainter menu design at any Show dinner.
Worthing Taxicabs.
At a meeting of the Worthing Corporation Licensing Committee a deputation of owners of licensed motor hackney carriages submitted suggestions with respect to the. position and type of the taximeters to be intalled under the proposed new by-laws.
The.committee informed the deputation that the suggestions would be cone sidered after confirmation of the bylaws by the Minister of Heatlh.
Another Tramway Scrapped.
In connection with the decision of the Keighley Town Council to abandon the present tramway system and to substitute therefor trolley-buses, a special meeting of the council will be held shortly when approval will be sought for a resolution that application be made to the Ministry of Transport for a provisional order authorizing the use . of trolley-buses upon the roads in the borough.
An Automobile Reference Library. The city librarian of Coventry has sent
us a special catalogue of books, pampldets and periodicals published since 1910 dealing with all phases of motor vehicles and autoreobilism generally, which contains a short foreword by Mr. A. E. Berriman on "The Evolution of the Motorcar."
This list is divided into no fewer than 75 geadings, and an import-ant sectioft is the classified list of periodicals, most of which are filed for the use of students and the technically inclined in the city of Coventry. All the periodicals are indexed, so that the journals are readily available for quick reference. The price of this catalogue ,to residents outside Coventry is 6d. (post free 7d.), and the edition is strictly limited.
Tees-side Railless Results.
That the recent improvement of patronage accorded to the Tees-side Railless Traction Board services is being sustained is proved by the steady manner in which the number of passengers carried per month is increasing. At the last meeting of the Board it was reported that during September the passengers carried showed an increase of 40,050 over the same month of last year, whilst on the financial side there was an increase of £195. Following the success attending the issuing of 6d. -return tickets over the full route, the Board has decided to continue with these for another nine mouths in order fully to determine the effect of the experiment, and it has also instituted penny stages, and cheaper fares to meet the requirements of travellers over certain portions of the routes.
Where a New Bridge is Needed. The bridge crossing the River Dee et Queen's Ferry has been found totally inadequate to cope with the amount of traffic which should pass along this main artery between Cheshire and North Wales. Owing to the character of the present structure, it has been found necessary to limit the weight of vehicles crossieg the bridge to about four tons. This has had a detrimental effect upon heavy vehicular traffic because it means" diverting vehicles of this ' type via Chester, thus involving an ex " tra journey of at least 14 miles or 15 miles, and, naturally, leading to a great deal of expense and labour.
It is now proposed to build a new steel bridge. For some considerable time the necessity for an up-to-date bridge has been felt in the districts affected, and, as a matter of fact, a echethe has been under the consideration of the Flintshire County Council for a matter of 12 months.
Trolley-buses to Replace Tramcars?
Faced with the question of relaying almost the entire length of tramway lines in the town, or of providing an alternative, form of passenger transport, the Darlington Corporation is carefully considering the comparative merits of various forms of transport, with a view to ascertaining which will most effectively fulfil the requirements of the borough.
At the request of the corporation, Mr. R. P. Lunn, manager of the Electricity and Light Railways Committee, 'has submitted a detailed report giving careful attention to the possibilities of trolley-buses. He points out that practically every track will require to be relaid .during the next five years, and this will involve at present-day charges an expenditure of from £80,000 to £120,000, and if the corporation proceeds with a proposal to double the track to Cockerten, a suburb about a mile away, this ...figure will be increased by another £10,000.
Making Tube Repairs Easy.
The new Dunlop auto vulcanizing petrol patch. marks a big advance in the simplification of inner tube repaire. Its use dispenses with the aid of solution and ensures a speedy and thoroughly satisfactory repair. The patch is sold in six sizes, and the smallest size (n in. by le in.) retails at 1id.
The surface of the patch as supplied is protected by linen facing, and -after the tube has been thoroughly cleaned with sand-paper, coarse emery cloth, rasp or wire brush, this facing is removed and the surface" of the patch' rubbed with a clean, petrol-soaked cloth_ home of the brown layer will adhere to the cloth, and it should be at once Tubbed on to the part of the tube w-here the patch is to be applied. After repealing, this operation with the -same cloth,.the patch must hC..allowed to dry for about one minute, The firm application of the patch is followed by dusting with French chalk and the repair is then complete.
A Weekly Desert Service.
A new weekly service across the desert by motor vehicles from Haifa to Baghdad via Damascus has recently been inaugurated. The vehicle leaves Haifa every Thursday and reaches Baghdad on the following Saturday. evening. A service in the reverse direction is also being maintained, connection with the P. and 0. steamers being effected by e special train which runs from Haifa te Kantara on Sundays.
Trials of G.M.C. and Chevrolet Vans. General Motors, Ltd., recently entered for trial, under the open competition rules of the R.A.C., a 30-cwt. G.M.C. van and a 10-cwt. Chevrolet van for the purpose of demonstrating the fuel, oil and water consumptions and general reliability of each type of vehicle.
Iii each case the trial was between London, Land's End, John o'Groat's and Loudon. The distance covered by the G.M.C. vehicle was 1,925.35 miles, and threughout„the trial a set average speed of 19 m.p.h. was maintained. The fuel consumption was one gallon for 14.89 miles' running, equivalent to 55.24 tonmiles per gallon, and one gallon of oil was consumed for every 1,062 miles recorded.
In the case of the Chevrolet van a distance of 1,922.85 miles was covered, the average speed maintained in this case being 19.9 m.p.h.; the consumption of fuel was at the rate of one gallon for every 27.68 miles run, equivalent to 44.38 ton-miles per gallon. The consumption of oil amounted to one gallon to 1,398 miles' running.
Roads in Northumberland.
With a view to rendering Northumberland roads in a condition to withstand modern traffic, the county council has prepared an ambitious scheme of improvement involving an eetimated expenditure during the coming year of £163,000 upon roads and £53,442 on bridges, of which there are 82 requiring attention.
When these proposals came before the authority, in the shape of recommendations from their roads and bridges corn mittee, it was intimated that traffic over the roads had increased sixteen times as compared with ten years ago. It was stated that traffic over the Tynemouth road had increased by 59 per oent., and over the Morpeth road by 62 per cent. as compared with lest year. It is proposed to deal with the roads in the following neighbourhoods :—Newcastle and Berwick, Morpeth Glendale, Coldstream, Ponteland, Hexham, Chollerford and Otterburn, and on the Carlisle to Hexhana main road, all of which bear heavy traffic. The county council approved of the recommendations, and the work will be proceeded with.
Bowser Pump. Accuracy.
Messrs. S. F. Bowser and Co., Windsor House, Victoria Street, London, SAVA.; inform us that all Bowser petrol and oil pumps installed in privately owned filling stations in London have been inspected, tested and stamped by the London County Council weights and measures inspectors.
Bournemouth Speed Limits.
Before taking any further steps with regard to enforcing speed limits in the parks at Bournemouth, the corporation parks 'committee has asked the town council to communicate with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Transport. on the general question of speed limits within the borough.
The Hydraulic Hoist Co., 182, tord Street, Southport, would be glad if the inquirer who addressed a letter to them from Custom House Quay, Weymouth, concerning tipping gear, would kindly forward his full name and address, as an insufficient address was given in the original letter.
Newport to Run Buses.
The Newport Tramways .Committee is to institute a municipal bus service, supplementing the tramcar services, and has recommended the council to apply for sanction to borrow £6,000 for the purchaae of six single-deck 25-30-seater motor omnibuses. The committee has drafted a, detailed scheme of running, which is put forward for formal approval of th.e council. It recommends the institution of two regular 15-20minute services by the employment of two buses on each route, the remaining two vehicles to be retained for football matches, concerts, and special services.
The committee has drafted a list of fare stages, with a charge of 2d. as minimum.
Exide Luncheon.
Presiding at the Exide Show luncheon, Mr. I). P. Dunne emphasized—very rightly, in our opinion—the importance of " service " in connection with batteries, revealing at the same time' the fact that there are 6,000 Exide services throughout the world. We can confirm personally the thoroughness of the attention dispensed in London and certain other important centres' of industry in the Kingdom.
L.C.C. Brigade Competition.
The L.C.O. reports that the final round of the sixth annual motor •pump competition was recently held at the chief station. The competition was won in 1 min. 34f secs, by the team from Edgware Road fire station, the second place being taken by the team from the Homerton Station (1 min. 35 .sees.), and the third place by the team from the Vauxhall Station. The challenge cup, presented by Lieut.-Col, Eric Ball, oh.airman of the Fire Brigade Committee, was handed to the winning team.
L A.E. Activities.
At the general meeting of the Institution of Automobile Engineers to be held to-morrow, November 14th, at the In.stitution of Mechanical gngineers, Storey's Gate, St. James's Park, London, S.W.1, et 6.30 p.m., Mr. L. Murphy will read an interesting paper entitled, " The Misuse of the Internal-combustion Engine and Suggestions for its More Efficient Application."
The paper will be read before, tne, erovincial centres of the Institution on the following dates Glasgow, November 19th, at the Royal Technical College, at 7.30 p.m. ; Manchester, November 28th, at Milton Hall, 244, Deansgate, at 6.30 p.m. ; Laugh borough, December 3rd, at the Collegt at 7 p.m.
The monthly informal meeting of the Institution, which -will be held at the In, etitaition of Mechanical Engineers on November 27th, will be devoted to the demonstration and discession of ignition Systems.
Show Exhibitors, Make a Note.
Hull Corporation Tramways Committee has authorized the purehatie' of six additional buses, three to consist of Bristol chassis and English electric bodies, and three to be one-man buses, the type of which is to be left over until further information has been obtained after a. visit to the forthcoming Commercial Motor Exhibition in London.
Local Proceedings.
Belfast Corporation is seeking powers to run motor omnibuses.
Sheffield Corporation Traniways Committee has authorized the general manager to purchase a motorbus .chaseis.
Lancaster Corporation has asked the motorbus committee to report as to the purchase of additional motor omnibuses.
The Watch Committee of the Lanark County Council is considering the advisability of purchasing another motor lorry. .
Glasgow Corporation has asked for a report as to the cost of a motor vehicle suitable for the coal inspection depart-. merit.
Marylebone Borough Council is drawing attention to the 'danger to traffic caused by cab stands which in some cases obstruct the view of traffic approaching the junction of roads. .
Burnley and Todmorden Corporations are negotiating regarding a proposal of the latter authority to rim a service of motorbuses between Todmorden and .Burnley.
Ashton-under-Lyne Corporation Tramways Committee proposes to introduce trackless buses rather than go to the expense of reconstructing one of the tramway tracks.
Chelmsford Town Council has decided to purchase a Ford lorry for the gas de, paetnieht at a cost of £173, it being re• ported that the Ford could now be regarded as a British car.
Gloucester City Council is considering whether it is possible to increase the police force in order to allocate more men to regulate motor traffic, complaints having been made of excessive speed of vehicles.
West Hartlepool Corporation is reviewing the question of fire-fighting equipment, and-is considering the advisability of purchasing a new motor fireengine, with a view to strengthening the brigade.
The New Republic Chassis.
Republic Trucks Sales and Service ask us, to give prominence to the fact that the capacity of the new model recently described by us is 25-30 cwt:, and not as stated, advice to this effect having been received from the Ameti, can factory.