News of the Week
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THE question of the vehicle-producs tion programme for 1943 was recently discussed with the'M. of W.T.
• by the S.J.C. It was ascertained that supplies of light and medium-capacity vehicles would be reasonably good, but there would be no heavy vehicles available. On the other hand, where heavy vehicles have been requisitioned, on their release the Ministry will give first consideration to the claims of operators from whom they were taken. Likewise, any who have had vehicles requisitioned will receive a certain degree of preference when applying for new vehicles.
Other things being equal, preference is given to applications for replacement as against additional vehicles, and to A and B operators as against ancillary users.
A RGUMENT took place recently at 1-% Daresbury Petty Sessions, near Warrington, on the question of who was to blame for the faulty loading of a lorry carrying a 3-ton lathe and five workmen. Both lorry and lathe overturned as the vehicle was negotiating a corner, but, luckily, the men escaped injury. The driver was 'summoned" for not properly securing the load, which it was stated slipped to one side.
The defence was that it was " most fantastic " to suggest that the onus of securing the load was on the driver, who did not know anything about loading heavy machinery. There were five experienced riggers travelling with the lathe. Could it be believed, said defendant's solicitor, that these experienced riggers would load the machine and leave it to one-man, the driver, to secure it?
Defendant said that h had driven a goods vehicle for 20 years and had previously been employed loading coal and coke. Ordinarily, ht did not carry a rope, although on this occasiOn be called at his company's premises and obtained a rope which was used to secure the load. He was fined ES.
THE sympathy of their many friends in the industry will be extended in full measure to Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hattersley, whose only sou, Captain Peter W. Hattersley, RE., was, last month, killed on active service in the Middle East. Mr. Hatteraley is sales manager of Dennis Bros., Ltd.
D'ERspiNts who are not already 1 making to Rubber Control a regular return of their waste-rubber stocks must declare in writing to the Control by November 26 . the approximate weight of their stock of waste. rubber where this exceeds 5 cwt., also the premises where it is situated.
EAST London (South Africa) City Council is inviting tenders for the post-wax delivery of 10 oil-engined double-deck buses, and 10 oil-engined single-deck buses. For-in of tender and other details May be obtained upon application to Davis and Soper, Ltd. (agent of the municipality), 54, St. Mary Axe, London, E.C.3, to which tenders have to be delivered by
AN interesting scheme for the development of a Hauliers' Mutual Federation, which would be constituted from responsible operators, who have, as their object, the formation of co-operative groups, is being put forward by Mr. E. B. Howes, chairman of A, Saunders and Son Co-operative Group, Harpenden. • Such a body would be able to arrange mutual organization and would work for the interests of the operators concerned. It would also act as a medium for affiliating various groups throughout the country.
It is the intention to hold in London this week a meeting of hauliers in the Metropolitan Area (which covers a large number of important operators), with a view to obtaining their opinions on this matter and, if these be favourable, to laying the foundations of the new federation, which will he confined to professional hauliers.
A SPHALT has for some time been M. used as a flooring material in railway trucks, and now, we learn, consideration is being given to its use for a similar purpose on London buses. It is suggested that it may also be employed on commercial vehicles and trailers. At present, there appears te be little difficulty in obtaining the raw materials for asphalt, for which reason it has an advantage over .timber or steel.
The flooring of some such material as timber must be used as a base on which the asphalt is to be laid but, once the process is completed, the 'resulting surface is hard wearing and, in addition, can be kept clean with the minimum of difficulty. There are el-tam other advantages, but one undeniable disadvantage is that such a floor is likely to add 2-3-cwt. to the unladen weight of the vehicle, so that unless some concession can be obtained in respect of weight limits, operators might harve to face increases in taxation if asphalt flooring be used.
TacHE Government's new scheme for controlling long-distance sroad haulage was discussed at a meeting in Leeds, last week, of the Yorkshire Area Standina° Joint Committee ol Road Haulage Organizations but it was decided not to issue arty Press statement its proceedings.
One association official in Yorkshire said he understood' that more details col the scheme would be issued shortly by the Ministry of War Transport. A prominent operator remarked: " The position is still ' in the air ' to some extent so far as detail is concerned; there are many points on which clarification is awaited."
In the light of the announcement of the new scheme, the significance of a recent forecast by the North-East Regional Transport Commissioner, that there would be a great reduction in • the number of goods vehicles operated, becomes clearer. SIMPLIFYING OIL-FUEL RETURNS TO CUSTOMS
THE Commissioners of Customs and Excise have agreed that copies of the returns rendered by users of the M. of W.T. on Form Z/F/SA (Weekly Vehicles Record) or Form RH/A/2
• (Chartered or Hired Vehicle Weekly Journey Sheet) will be accepted as sufficient records of oil fuels supplied to, and miles travelled by, the vehicles concerned.
Any user taking advantage of the concession must keep a copy of each return at the premises where the records compiled for Customs and Excise purposes are kept, and produce them on demand to the Customs officer who visits the premises. A proper stock account of oils received and used for fuel must also be kept, but noobjection will be raised if the weekly quantities of oil supplied, as sh2wn on the above returns, are entered in. the stock account instead of the daily quantities as normally required. .
We understand that this concession was obtained directly as a result of representations made by Associated Road Operators.
AMEETING open to all the repairers and operators in Section Two, Region Five, scheduled under the Essential Works Order by the M. of W.T„ is to take place at the British Legion Hall, Elder Avenue, Crouch End, London, N.8, at. 3 p.m., on November 23. The object of the meeting is to hear an address by Mr. H. L. Jessup, Regional Repairs Adviser, on
• the subject of " Mobilization of Repair Facilities." Additional interest will be given to the meeting by the showing of two films prepared by the Ministry of Information in collaboration with the M. of W.T.
DURING the year ended July 31, 1942, Thompson Brothers (Bilston), Ltd., made a profit of £59,146, after taking account of E.P.T., the net profit coming out at £18,671 (the previous year -it was £9,867) after providing £21,711 for income tax, £7,602 for depreciation, £7,749 for air-raid precautions and £3,090 for war risks and damage insurance. To the net profit is added £9,821 for E.P.T. credit, and £13,864 brought forward. A final dividend of 7f per cent, is being paid en the ordinary shares (making 15 per cent.), with a bonus of 7f per cent., whilst general reserve receives £15,000, leaving £16,652 to be carried forward.
AEMBERSHIP of the Scottish .1V/ Commercial Motor Users Association continues to expand and 46 Concerns have joined during recent weeks. It is pointed out that membership is open to all operators in Scotland, there being sections, each with complete autonomy, for A and B, C. and p.s.v. users. Full details may be had from the general secretary at 43, York Place, Edinburgh. Theattention of members is directed to the recent announcement regarding the cancellation of deferments in many classes of ' worker. Members whose employees. are affected will have an opportunity of indicating for which employees they would like substitutes. and should do nothing until they hear from the Ministry of Labour.
LT has been reported to Northumberland County Council that the Ministry of War Transport is prepared to give favourable considtration to the freeing from tolls of the Newburn and Ovingham cross-Tyne bridges. It is understood these are the only Tyne bridges where tolls are still levied) and for some considerable time Hexhani and Newborn Councils, in conjunction with neighbouring authorities, have been agitating for the freeing of the bridges.
THIS has nothing to do with any schemes for the industry, but is an urgent warning to all operators to take adequate steps to guard against the dangers of serious damage occurring to their vehicles through freezing. Sharp frosts may be upon us at any time, and valuable vehicles may be put out of action for months as a result of operators being unwise. A mixture of one part of anti-freeze to three parts of water should be sufficient for the lowest temperatures 'likely to occur here. Failing this, if the garage be not warmed, empty the engine-cooling system.
THE article, " Hauliers!—Rumblings Can Be Heard," by Mr. E. B. Howes, which we published on October 23, has attracted much attention. Many of those who have communicated with the author have expressed a desire for a federation confined to professional hauliers.
One letter from Mr. W. A. Hines, managing director, Amalgamated Removers Transport, Ltd., mentions his warm appreciation of the summary of the present position outlined in the article, and assures Mr. Howes of his widest possible support and co-opera tion. He emphasizes the point that professional, hauliers require their own direct representation, separated from external and ancillary-vehicle operators, a body which could perform work of vital national interest in presenting the just claims of accredited hauliers embodying constructive proposals for the councils of both road and rail. He is confident that soch a federation would merit the earnest consideration of most professional hauliers.
WAR-TIME problems of nations VV engaged in the present conflict were compared in a paper which Mr. E. W. Arkle, assistant goods manager, northeastern area of the London and North Eastern Railway Co., contributed at a recent-lunch-hour meeting of the Yorkshire District of the Institute of Transport in Leeds.
For the purpose of assessing the transport position in Germany, Mr. Arkle coupled with information from various news channels his pre-war knowledge of the, German road, railway and inland waterway systems. It was clear from all the evidence, he said, that the, transport systems of the belligerents would be put to a severe test during the forthcoming winter. So far as we were concerned, only by tremendous efforts on the part of transport providers, and wholehearted co-operation" on the part of transport users, would we be able, during the next six months, to show better results than those obtained by our enemies.
ABOUT three months ago C.A.V., Ltd., instituted a scheme for the sale of War Savings Stamps which would embrace the whole of its works and offices. It has met with an enthusiasticresponse which resulted in a steady increase in the total sale. It may, therefore, be of interest to other concerns to learn the method adopted.
Each departmental head has selected a member of his staff who is popular with his colleagues, and these personally visit each member of the Savings Group every Saturday morning; those who are away are seen on Mondays. Weekly contributions are • already deducted from their pay, but they often welcome the oportunity of adding a little more to their savings, and a friendly rivalry is springing up between the various departments as to which can collect the most. LOAD NEW VEHICLES WHEN TAKING DELIVERY
WJE are informed by Mr. S. H. VY Jardine, secretary, Metropolitan Area, A.R.O., that he has received a communication from the Miftistry of War Transport drawing attention to the fact that a useful contribution towards economy in fuel and tyres would be achieved by the loading, wherever possible, of new vehicles on their first journey from the factory to the operators taking delivery. For it to be permissible for operators to do this they should register and licence their vehicles and take out the necessary Carriers' Defence Permit to cover the delivery. If this be done the operator can carry loads in the normal way on the delivery journey.
GELLYGAER Urban District Counvs./ dl recently adopted a motion that, in conjunction with the Caerphilly-and Bedwas and Machen Councils, it should apply in the next session of Parliament for powers to constitute a joint board for running public-service vehicles, and to transfer the bus undertakings of the three councils to the board. Bedwas and Machen Council also passed a similar motion.
ANEW Hoyt product with many applications in commercial-vehicle repairing is a tinning compound, the ingredients of which include finely powdered tin and an active flux. It possesses qualities that render it particularly suitable for use with modern
solder which must not now contain more than 45 per cent, of tin.
One purpose for which it is particularly useful is tinning bearing shells prior to pouring the white metal. Another is for soldering nipples to flexible control cables.
It is supplied in 1-1b. tins, costing es., by the Hoyt Metal Co., of Great Britain, Ltd., Deodar Road, Putney, London, S.W.15.
USE MICRO-PHOTOGRAPHS AND GIVE YOUR PAPER THOUSANDS of documents which I must, in the ordinary way, be kept for record purposes can now be photographed on micro-film, and the paper thus saved sent for salvage. The film occupies small -space and provides all the information that is necessary. OBTAINING VENTILATION DURING THE BLACK-OUT
LACK of efficient ventilation has a grave effect upon the health of workers yet, in many works and offices, ventilation is still based on pre-black-, out principles. In this connection, Colt Ventilation Ltd., Surbiton, Surrey, has, since the introduction of its special form of ventilator early in 1940, made great improvements, and the company is now able to establish a prescribed number of air changes per hour, according to the industry concerned.
So successful has this system proved that there are now 19 factories producing the Colt industrial ventilator. The various types are described in a useful booklet, which the company will send to inquirers.