Advances in Accessories
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NSPECTION of the smaller stancls around the periphery of Kelvin Hall allows the visitor to assess the advances lade in accessories and components during the past two ears.
On this stand there is also the latest '.A.V. cold-starting aid, the Thermostart lark III. It is a development of the truer Thermostart which was operated by solenoid. For the new model, the flow f fuel to the heater element is governed y a ball valve controlled by the expanion and contraction of a metal rod.
The rod is warmed by the heater, ausing the valve to open as the coil !aches its operating temperature. When urrent to the heater coil is cut off, the ad cools rapidly and the valve closes.
Smaller Pump The Minipump fuel-injection pump is affable' for oil engines running at up to .500 r.p.m. This unit is displayed by imrns Motor Units, Ltd., 95-105 Finnieton Street. Glasgow (Stand 171). By -taking the main pump body from steel istead of aluminium alloy, it Was been ossible to reduce the size of the new limp whilst making it extremely rigid. he pump is available in three-, fourand ix-pumping element versions, and can e fitted to engines with capacities of rom 2-9 litres. Either a pneumatic ,r the Simms G.M.V. centrifugal-type overnor can be fitted to it.
On Stand 145 the Clayton Dewandre
Co., Ltd., Titanic Works, Lincoln. display the recently introduced Mot-AVac vacuum-servo unit for addition to the hydraulic braking systems of light vans. The servo derives its power from manifold depression, and is supplied with piping and brackets for fitting.
When tested by The Commercial Motor (see issue dated October 16), it was found to give a useful improvement in braking performance. Also on view is a set of " plumbing " for a typical semitrailer air-suspension system, and airpressure-operated steering gear.
Replacement pistons which can be fitted in partly worn cylinders without reboring, or even removal of wear ridges in the cylinder bores, can be inspected on Stand 152, occupied by Hepworth and Grandage, Ltd., St. John's Works, Bradford, 4. They are known as Pep pistons and can be used in cylinders in which maximum wear does not exceed 0.010 in.
The Cary-Laminaire progressive leafspring Suspension, first displayed at Earls Court lasi year, is shown for the first time at Kelvin Hall by W. E. Cary, Ltd., High Blantyre, Glasgow (Stand 140). For this system a conventional main laminated-leaf spring is used, but instead of being attached to a shackle at its rear end the main spring bears on another short leaf spring.
Under light load, only the tips of the springs touch, but as the load increases the two springs come together. This shortens the effective length of the main spring and stiffens the suspension.
To give protection against rust and corrosion, the Champion Sparking Plug Co., Ltd., Feltham, Middx, have developed a new, finish for the metallic portions of their sparking plugs. This is a zinc-plating process and part of the range of new plugs can be found on Stand 181.
In addition to their numerous driving lamps, Marchal Distributors, Ltd., Great West Road, Rrentford, Middx (Stand 150), exhibit, for the first time, their French-made sparking plugs.
Non-fouling Plugs
On Stand 207, the AC-Delco Division of General Motors, Ltd., Dunstable, Beds, display their Hot-Tip sparking plugs. These plugs use a new insulating material, and the insulator itself is • formed at its tip to provide a local hot spot which bums away combustion deposits and, it is claimed, almost eliminates fouling.
A similar non-fouling characteristic is offered by the Road and Town sparking plugs to be seen on Stand 211, occupied by Lodge Plugs, Ltd., Rugby. These plugs have an extended insulator nose which is said to -make the plug equally amenable to slow-speed running and to sustained high-speed operation.
As usual, Norris, Hentv and Gardners, Ltd., 124 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow (Stand 156), are the only. engine manufacturers with a stand at the Show. Their exhibit is an example of the 10.45-litre 6LX engine first introduced just over a year ago and fitted to a number of chassis at the exhibition.
The automatic transmission system which uses magneticparticle clutches, and which is fitted to certain Rootes Group vehicles, is shown by S. Smith and Sons (England), Ltd.-, 123145 North Street, Glasgow, C.3, on Stand 167. The device could be applied to light vans.
New vehicle radios known as the Radiomobile 500T and 50T series are also on display. They incorporate transistors, are designed to operate from a 12-v. supply and cover the mediumand long-wavebands.
On Stand 175,Pritchett, Gold and E.P.S. Co., Ltd., 137 Victoria Street, London, S.W.I. show examples of the Dagenite Sheerline battery. This unit has a one-piece lid in place of individual covers for each cell. There are no protruding metal parts, other than the positive and negative main terminals, making cleaning easier and reducing the risk of corrosion.
For the bright parts of their Blue Spot 130 series of fog and driving lamps. the Notek Electric Co., Ltd., Bromley, Kent (Stand 139), are now using stainless steel. The Passlite long-range driving lamp on show is a reeent addition to the range. Also displayed is the Flaremaster battery-powered flashing or non-flashing beacon for warning of obstruction at, for instance, a breakdown on the road.
The Duo-matic spraywipe windscreen washer is displayed by Trico-Folberth, Ltd., Brentford, Middx (Stand 151). With this device the control for the spray also actuates the wipers. A delay switch brings the wipers into operation after the spray and stops them at the end of a set period. An instantaneous-action, vacuum-operated washer known as the Vaco-Matic is also on show.
Widely differing new products of the company include a washing compound known as Glo-Wash. It is said to give a smear-free finish.
Four new products are displayed by Runbaken Electrical Products, 45 Oxford Road, Manchester, 1 (Stand 138). The Rear-guard warning device is fitted in the cab and gives a visual indication, by means of a warning light, of failure of either the rear or number-plate lights.
Automatic switching-on of side and tail lights at lighting-up time is provided by the Lite-Master control. It consists of a probe. sensitive only to natural light and not affected, therefore, by street lighting, and a control box. In operation, the switch on the box is put in the " on " position before the vehicle is left. The probe reacts to the decrease in outside light as dusk falls or fog forms, and switches on the parking lights.
Cheap Heater
An attraction of the Runbaken Cosycar cab heater is its price of £3 5s. The unit produces warmth by convection of air past a " black-heat" electric element. It has an average current consumption of 7-8 amp., and is wired so that it can be used only when the dynamo is on charge. The other new component to be seen is a 6-v. or 12-v. ignition coil which is smaller than previous models.
Manufactured by G. E. Jones and Sons (Machine Parts), Ltd., and exhibited by Messrs. G. and J. Paton, 97 Wellington Street, Glasgow, C.2, on Stand 159, is a new paper-element cartridge-type lubricating-oil filter produced as a replacement for cloth-type elements provided as initial equipment on certain engines.
Wax polish in solid or liquid form
• containing silicones is shown by Du and Co., 20 Citizen Lane, Glasgow, (Stand 208).
On Stand 143, G. E. Neville ancr5 Ltd., Nottingham Road, Mansfieid,,sh in addition to -their range of pre-forr light-alloy body ,sectiOns, an autorn opening and closing device for tip body tailboards. The equipment is st guarded against obstacles jamming tailboard.
Making its debut on Stand 199 is Super Low, Loader tyre manufactured the India Tyre and Rubber CO., L Inchinnan, Renfrews. It has a,non-dit tional, bold tread pattern which, it said, gives long even wear under st start conditions.
'the tyre has a kerbing rib on walls to facilitate changingcovers rot on a vehicle. India also state that method of construction adopted origins for the. G.17 model, and indicated b3 red flash on the cover, has now b( extended to cover all their giant tyt Examples can be seen.
• The Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd., Fulham Road, London, S.W.3 (Sta 214), show their recently 'introduced steel-cord tyres for light Vans. At ores( these are available only in 6.00-16-in. a 6.50-16-in. sizes.
Cool Running
On Stand 205 Henley's Tyre a Rubber Co.. Ltd., Melksham, Wilts, d play their new Maxi-Miler, tyre. TI cover has a wide, flat, Tibbed-patte tread Made from an improved rubt compound. The design is intended reduce heat build-pp, and the lyre inc( porates a heavy kerbing rib..
The Unisteel tyre is prorninent-a‘mo the exhibits of the Goodyear Tyre a Rubber Co. (Gt. Britain), Ltd., 172 Bot well Street: Glasgow, C.2 (Stand 19 Radial bracing from bead to bead single-ply steel cords is incorporated the design, whilst the tread is stabiliz by a steel breaker strip.
This method of construition-bracei t tread, reducing wear and, it is ,said, pr viding, improved traction and great sidewall flexibility.
Shown also in sizes to suit light va is the Goodyear Motorway Special ty which employs nylon cord in its constru tion and, as its name implies, is intend' to withstand sustained high speeds.
For vehicles operating off the road quarries and similar locations, the Duni(
ibber Co., Ltd., 48-60 North Wallace .eet, Glasgow, CA, offer the Powergrip Ijor tyre shown on Stand 170. It has a ck tread with a deep pattern, and is d to have better wearing qualities and ater resistance to cutting than the wer Grip tyre which it supersedes.
A new giant tyre, available in all pular sizes, is exhibited by the John Al Rubber Co., Ltd., Leicester, on Ind 202.
,atest in Service ,quipment
IAINTENANCE engineers will find a comprehensive range of modern insport service eqtiipment at Kelvin ill. For the testing of oil engine injecrs, a new testing rig is shown by Simms otor Units, Ltd., 95-105 Finnieston reel, Glasgow, on Stand 171. It is tally enclosed in a Perspex cabinet to otect the operator from spray and allow )se inspection of the injector under test, sliding panel provides access to the tenor and the equipment is displayed
in forms for bench or stand mounting.
Apaseal, Ltd., Bowes House, Hailsham, Sussex (Stand 142), have, improved their Aquarium tubeless-tyre testing tank. It is now made from a one-piece plastics moulding supported in a steel cradle, and can be used for testing light commercialvehicle tyres in addition to all car tyres. A buffing solution known as Buff ezy is another new product on show.
A special display of equipment for use by appointed garages when the vehicleinspection scheme comes into being is made on Stand 135 by Thomson and Brown Bros., Ltd., 126 George Street, Edinburgh, 2.
Smokemeter equipment, for measuring the density Of smoke in the exhaust from oil engines, manufactured by Leslie Hartridge, Ltd., is exhibited by Turner and Co. (Glasgow), Ltd., 5,9-71 Brown Street, Glasgow, C:2 (Stand 197):
Shown for the first time by Messrs. F. W. Murray, 34-36 Bath Street, Glasgow, C.2, on Stand 133is the 8080 crankshaft grinder produced by Prince (Kingston) Engineers, Ltd.