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C.M.U.A. Developments.

13th October 1910
Page 7
Page 7, 13th October 1910 — C.M.U.A. Developments.
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Appointment of a Secretary who will Give His Whole Time.

Some Points in the 1:2.A.C. Agreement.

Mr. Fred. G. Bristow, A.C.1.4., who has for the it 21 years been giving, under the Motor Union, what time

()Quid be spared to affairs, has now lieen solely engaged to give his exclusive attention to the duties or Secretary to the Association, lie possesses the advantages that were derived from a training under the able leadership of Mr. W. Rees Jeffreys, now Secretary to the Road Board, butt, that gentleman, as many of nut' readers will be aware, had so many other " irons in the tire " and, iatterly, so serious and prolonged an illness, flout the work -if the Association did not receive the regular and susiained aid which its supporters would have wished. Those drawbacks are now removed, and the Assuciation enters upon a new lease of activity.

Notification to Members.

Apart from short paragraphs in the Press, no official notification was given until Saturday last. The delay was partly due to difficulty over the settlement of a new

telegraphic address. The following letter e as then issued by the new Secretary:—

Dear Sir,-1 beg to inform you that lei and after Mitilday. he 10th October, the offices of the Association will he at 112. Piccadilly, W., where reading, writing, and smoking I ooms are provided for the use of membere, and where the Lading, daily newspapers and motoring journals and books of refereuce are available. The new telephone number and tide. 4ra1)hie address are 4610 Mayfair and " Usarnobile London " respectively.

•• The Executive Committee take this opportunit.:% of inforno 'lug the members that the Association has decided Co become :issociated with the Royal Automobile Club, and it is anticipated that this decision will result in the usefulness of the Association being materially increased in the future. In ,eldition to the benefits already conferred by membership of the Association, members will in future be entitled to the additional benefits arising from association with the fl .1.1. amengst which may be mentioned:—

" Legal Brefits.—Free defence on any suninoms. with

I limit of twice in any one year per snbseription, in a i:ourt of first instance, in respect of either private or conimercial motors.

" Technical and Touring Benepe.---The serviceR of he Club's engineering staff and driving unstrueters, and :he full facilities afforded by the Touring Department. • ‘ leer nook.—A copy annually post free of The R. A.C. Year Book.'

• ‘ Meolber.ship of the. nurl .11rw1le1o1l'l., A.B.( %— Membership of these bodies may he secured on speciallyUlvourable terms.

" Pi a! Informolion ill connection with tilt, mobile matteu s.

•• The Committee trust that they may rely upon the envputation of the members in increasing the membership roll of the Association, as such Mcrensed support will enable additional advantages to be offered.

The R.A.C. Agreements.

'Itie terms of the standard egreement with the IL.A.C., ender its Assueiate's Scheme, require the payment of a ( apitation fee of 5s. per member by the Assuciation to the Club. Snme of the advantages thus secured ture stated on the page facing 121 of this issue.

We are not at liberty to publish the details of certain odditional points in respect of which an understanding has Leen 'reached, but we may state that the preamble to the. new agreement recites the text of the one whieh was emueluded in June last. This reads as follows :-

(1) The Association hereby lecogniers the Club as the only authority in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland for licensing, inaugurating or conducting trials, cur.: petitions and tests of commercial motor vehicles or other events of a similar nature, and during the continuance this agreement shall not directly or indirectly take part in. er assist, or support, or be in any way interested or allow its paid officials to take part. and will use its best endeavour. to prevent_ its members taking part in any trial, competition or test of commereal motor vehicles or other similar event in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland other than such as are licensed, inaugurated or conducted by the Club as hereinafter provided.

" (2) The Club shall consult with the Association iLl all matters relating to or affecting trials or competitions or teens of commercial motor vehicles.

"1.3) The Association shall support the Club in any trials or competitions or tests of commercial motor vehicles organized or conducted by the Club, and the Club shall support the Association in such trials um competitions or tests organized and conducted by the Aeseciation under a permit from the Club, and the Club may nominate representatives to sit upon any Committee appointed to organize such trials ur competitions or tests and may nominate representativis to serve on the Judges Committee.

" (4) The Club shall consult with the Association with regard to any trials or competitions or tests of commercial motor vehicles that the Club may propose to undertake. and the Association may nominate representatives to sit upon any Committee appointed to organize such trials or eompetitioni or tests and may nominate representatives to serve on the Judges Committee. " (5) The Association shall consult with the Club in regard to any trials or competitions or tests that it may propose to undertake, and the Association shall be entitled to a permit authorising the holding of such trials or competitions or tests unless good cause is shown in any particular case against the granting of a permit by the Club. " (6) The Club shall encourage the owners of commercial motor vehicles so far as is possible to join the Association. " (7) The Association shall furnish the Club upon request with any information with regard to commercial motor vehicles which the Club may require and which it is reasonably possible to furnish."

We recommend those ef our readers who have not Ii itherto supported the Association to do so now.