WHEELS of INDUSTRY "The wheels of wealth will be slowed
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points artstng, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it rans."—John Beattie Crosier.
Conferences at the Show.
In connectionwith the forthcoming International Commercial Motor Exhibition, which is being held at Olympia from November 5th-14th, the following important bodies will bold conferences on the dates given :—November 6th: Railway Companies ; November 9th: Omnibus Owners Association ; Association of London Omnibus Proprietors ; November 10th: Commercial Users Association; Long Distance Road Haulage Association, Ltd.; November 11th: National Council of Public Service Vehicle Owners Association; Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association; November 12th: Municipal Tramways and Transport Association ; Tramways, Light Railways and Transport Association; November 13th: Incorporated Association of Retail Distributors ; Furniture Warehousemen and Removers Association.
Boring for Petroleum in Sussex.
• A white paper has recently been published by the Stationery Office giving particulars of a licence to drill for petroleum which has been granted to N.M.D. Syndicate, Ltd., the registered office of which is at 7-8, Great Winchester Street, London, E.C.2. Subject to certain conditions, the Board of Trade grants to the syndicate authority to search and bore for and obtain petroleum within and under the lands situated near Three Bridges, Sussex.
Lorry or Locomotive?
M.R.S., Ltd., the well-known Liverpool concern specalizing in heavy haulage, was recently summoned at Sheffield for using a heavy motorcar with more than six wheels and exceeding the legal limit of 22 tons laden weight.
Prosecuting counsel said that the vehicle was a heavy motorcar, having eight wheels, but for the defendant it was contended that the vehicle was a locomotive. It was mentioned that the vehicle had been the subject of summonses in Bolton, Liverpool and Manchester, but the cases were dismissed because the magistrates were satisfied that the machine was a locomotive.
After retirement the bench stated that they had come to the conclusion that the vehicle was a heavy motorcar and, accordingly, imposed a fine of £10 on the company and of 10s. on the driver. It was intimated that notice of appeal would be given.
I.A.E.'s New Session.
The opening meeting of the 1931-1932 session of the Institetion of Automobile Engineers took place at the Royal Society of Arts on October 1st. The retiring president, Sir Herbert Austin, introduced the newly elected members of the council, these being Messrs, D. E. Batty, Oliver Lucas, P_ C. Kidner, G. J. Rackham, A. A. Rowse and Capt. J. S. Irving, following which short speeches were made by Mr. C. R. F. Englebach, vice-president, and Mr. W. J. Tennant, who is retiring from the vice-presidency. After Six Herbert Austin had introduced Mr. W. A. Tookey, the president for the new session, the latter presented Sir Herbert with a commemorative certificate and badge.
One of the earliest duties of the president was to present to Mr. Basil H. Joy a leather travelling case and an address from the officers and council of the Institution to mark the completion of a period of 21 years as secretary. Mr. Tooke % then delivered his presidential address, entitled "The Internalcombustion Engine and its Performance."
German Delegates Inspect Wolverhampton's Trolley-buses.
A deputation of German transport experts from Hanover, Dresden and Rostock recently visited Wolverhampton to inspect the municipal trolley-bus system, which, as our readers will be aware, is one of the most important in the country. Mr. C. Owen Silvers, A.M.I.E,E., M.Inst.T., the general manager, met the party and the delegates made a thorough inspection of the system, travelling on certain of the town routes. Mr. Silvers is an ardent enthusiast of the trolley-bus, which has achieved much success in Wolverhampton.
Halley's New Directors.
Mr. G. MacDonald and Mr. D. McNeil Sharp have been appointed to the board of directors of Halley Motors, Ltd., Yoker, Glasgow.
More Albions for the Albion Motors, Ltd., Scotstoun, Glasgow, announces the receipt of a substantial order for six-wheeled vehicles for the War Department. It will be recalled that the Indian Government has nearly 300 such machines.
Park Royal Appointments.
We have pleasure in announcing that Mr. A. T. Froggatt has been appointed joint managing' director of Park Royal Coachworks, Ltd., Abbey Road, Park Royal, London, N.W.10. He has had an extensive experience of coach and bus bodybuilding. Mr. W. H. Gray, who has been associated with Mr. Froggatt for a long time and has been known personally to us for many years, has been made sales manager. We wish both every success.
New Citroen Models.
Citron Cars, Ltd., Brook Green, London, W.6, announces the introduction of four entirely new models, which will be seen at the forthcoming Olympia Show. These comprise a 2-ton sixcylinder chassis, suitable also for 20passenger bodies, a 3-4-ton six-wheeled chassis, a tractor unit resembling fundamentally the 2-tonner and a 25-cwt. four-cylinder chassis.
The 2-tonner, 20-seater, six-wheeler and tractor are each equipped with a six-cylindered engine of 75 mm. bore and 100 aim. stroke, having a fourbearing crankshaft, coil ignition, forced lubrication, pump water circulation, dry single-plate clutch and four-speed gearbox. The wheelbase of the 2-tonner Or 20-seater is 13 ft. 11 ins. The sixwheeled chassis will have a wheelbase of 15 ft. 5 ins., measured to the centre of the rear bogie, and will incorporate a special rear axle with reduction gear, also double cantilever rear springs.
The tractor, whilst resembling the 2-tonner, has a wheelbase or 9 ft. 4-1, ins., and a special rear axle with reduction gear. It is equipped with an automatic trailer-attachment device and is suitable for pay-loads of five tons. The 25-cwt. chassis has a four-cylindered engine .of 75 mm. bore and 100 mm. stroke, with three-bearing crankshaft and details similar to the sixcylindered unit, a four-speed gearbox, Bendix four-wheel brakes, semi-elliptic springs with reinforced rear springs, and full electrical equipment.
A Propaganda Van.
With the object of drawing attention to the effect of dumping of certain foreign goods in this country, the Birmingham Unionist Association is being presented with an attractive Austin van, the body of which has display windows adapted to carry a variety of products. Many important concerns have become identified with the scheme, and it is hoped that the van will bring to the notice of electors the need for protecting certain British industries, the commodities which are displayed being • those which are affected. The tailboard can be lowered so as to form a platform for speakers, and loud-speakers and microphones form part of the equipment.
The Omnibus Society's Programme.
The programme for the winter session of the Omnibus Society opened on October 9th, when a paper was read at the Institute of Marine Engineers by Mr. L. Nicholson on "Small Proprietors In the Home Counties." The programme embodies a number of interesting papers, and a special event is the meeting in the Conference Hall during the period of the forthcoming Commercial Motor Exhibition at Olympia. This meeting will be held on November 7th at 3 p.m., and papers will be read by Mr. G. R. Hutchinson on "Diesel .Development," and by Mr, Charles E. Lee on "Modern Tendencies and Their Influence on Design."
A British Bus Triumph.
On October 3rd practical tests of three new types of bus were carried out at Copenhagen before members and other officials of the tramways department. In the unofficial voting as to the comparative merits of the vehicles 81 per sons voted. Of• that number 75 favoured the A.E.C. Renown 120 h.p. six-wheeler, similar to the three-axled vehicles operated by the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., three the Danish machine and three the German product. The A.E.C. vehicle was equipped with a Danish-built body.
If as a result of the tests the tramways department of the city decides to substitute buses for trams, it is expected that the British motor industry will materially benefit.
An I.A.E. Amid.
The Crompton Medal, which is awarded annually by the council of the Institution of Automobile Engineers for the best paper read during the session before the Institution, has been awarded for the session 1930-1931 to Dr. S. J. Davies and Mr. E. Giffen, of Kings' College Engineering Department, for their paper entitled "Injection, Ignition and Combustion in High-speed Heavy-oil Engines." The presentation was made by Sir Herbert Austin at the opening of the 1931-1932 session.
The paper was read in March last at a joint meeting of 11 engineering societies, an innovation which proved so successful that a similar meeting is to be organized later in the present session.
Bananas a Source of Motor Fuel.
In the French journal Arts et Metiers, M. P. Morel gives the results of some tests he has carried out in connection with the production of alcohol from bananas. From one class of fruit he has obtained pure spirit at the rate of 191 gallons per ton, from another sort 21 gallons, and from a third kind, from New Guinea, nearly 21-1. gallons per ton.
Taking the quantity of spirit obtainable at an average of approximately 19.8 gallons per ton, M. Morel considers that the cultivation of bananas for alcohol production alone could be profitably carried on and, at the same time, provide an alternative fuel to petroleum spirit for internal-combustion engines.
Details of Austin's Trading.
In our issue dated September 29th, we briefly referred to the successful trading of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., during the year ended July 31st, 1931, and to the dividends which were recommended for payment. We have now received a copy of the company's report for the period in question, and it shows that the gross trading profit amounted to £1,376,244, from which maintenance and depreciation charges, etc.. amounting to 1502,012, have to be deducted. To the balange of £874,2.32 the amount brought forward from the previous year has to be added, giving a credit balance of £1,154,052.
Interest on mortgage debentures (183,524), sinking fund reserve (151,476), and preference dividends (£73,563) absorbed £208,563, so that the sum available is £945,489. Of this amount i200,000 is transferred to the reserve, 1250,000 is allocated to the income-tax account and £225,000 will be equally divided in paying a 20-per-cent. dividend on the preferred ordinary shares and a dividend of 100 per cent. on the ordinary shares, both less income tax, These disbursements will account for £675,000, and leave £270,489 to be carried forward.
The company is to be congratulated on its record profit, especially in view of the difficult trading conditions prevail
ing. During the past five financial periods, representing 58 months, the company has recorded an average gross trading profit of £1,108,056 per annum.
Wallasey's Trams Disappearing.
The tramways committee of Wallasey Corporation is seeking sanction to abandon the Rake Lane tramways route between .Seacombe and New Brighton, and ultimately six new buses will take the place of the trams. After the change-over is made the one remaining tram service in Wallasey will then be the circular route.
Free State Imports Fewer Vehicles.
During July last 80 commercial vehicles were imported into the Irish Free State, bringing up the total for the first seven months of the year to 791. machines valued at £121,584, as compared with 894 and £131,013 respectively in the corresponding period of 1930.
Michelin Not to Make Railcars.
We learn that the Michelin Co., of Clermont-Ferrand, has no intention of entering permanently into the construction of pneumatic-tyred railcars, being interested only in developing this new application of the pneumatic tyre. To this end the concern will construct a limited number of railcars for further experiment by various French railway companies. The types established by the Michelin Co. can then be duplicated, on the basis of the Michelin patents, by other constructors. Inst. of T. Inaugurates Student Society.
There was a large attendance at the Guildhall, Nottingham, on October 2nd, when a Graduate and Student Society of the Institute of Transport was inaugurated for the Nottingham and district area. Colonel F. Rayner, D.S.O., a former member of council, presided, and he was supported by the Lord Mayor of Nottingham, Mr. Alderman Arthur Pollard.
After the chairman had referred to the circumstances which had culminated in the formation of the society, the Lord Mayor cordially welcomed the new organization and wished it a long and prosperous career. The Lord Mayor was accorded a hearty vote of thanks upon the motion of the chairman, seconded by Mr. W. G. Marks. The secretary of the Institute of Transport, Mr. A. Winter Gray, conveyed the council's congratulations to the society.
The following officials have been appointed for the year 1931-1932 :—Chair man, Mr. G. G. Goodings ; vice-chair men, Mr. E. Heaton. A.M.Inst.T., Mr. H. G. Morley (graduate) ; honorary secretary, Mr. H. Hackney (student) ; honorary treasurer, Mr. W. E. Watts (graduate) ; committee, Messrs. G. E. Cowley, K. B. Powell-Lee, G. H. R. Searson (associate members by examination), W. H. Kirby, W. E. Levers, V. R. Pilheam, G. Sweet, C. A. G. Watts, W. W. Woodcock (graduates), A. Dixon, H. R. Smith (students).
High-frequency Horns for Commercial Vehicles.
A useful range of electric horns of the high-frequency type is marketed by Clear-Hooters, Ltd., 79-81, Lombard Street, Birmingham. There are three principal models for commercial vehicles, these being the HF100, which has a long trumpet and is listed at 27s. 6d., complete with cable and push button, the HF240 type, with a shorter trumpet at 18s., and the HF125 model, which is of the dome variety now popular with private ears, passenger vehicles, etc., and the list price of which is 22s. 6d.
The dome may be either in chromium plate or black finish, the trumpet models being black. The dome diameter is c22 5f ins., and the weight of this model is approximately 21b.; 6-volt or 12-volt wiring can be supplied according to requirements.
One of the 11F125 models has been tested by us in connection with our road tests and, whether fitted to small or to large vehicles, it has proved adequate and reliable for traffic ...purposes. The distinctive whistle-like note appears to retain its arresting qualities under all conditions.
Grants to Motor Police.
The Home Office has notified watch committees that the Ministry of Transport has now agreed that, in certain cases, grants may be paid from the Road Fund in respect of the employment of vehicles owned privately by members of the police force on motor patrol duty.
_ A T.TA. London Depot.
For the convenience of traders and users in London and the south of England, the Truck and Tractor Appliance Co. (Manchester), Ltd., has recently opened a London office and fitting station at 112, Grosvenor Road, S.W.1. The fitting station is completely equipped to carry out work in connection with rigid and articulated sixwheelers. The T.T.A. conversion system is widely used in connection with a number of popular makes of light chassis.
Middlesbrough's New Bus Station.
A few days ago Middleebrough's new bus station was brought into use. It is provided with platforms, barriers and gangways, together with indicators and decks, and has commodious waiting rooms. It was designed on the recommendation of Mr. Henry Riches, chairman of the Northern Traffic Commissioners, while he was chief constable of Middlesbrough.
More Trams to be Abandoned.
The watch committee of Leeds Corporation has made provisional arrangements with the Yorkshire (West Riding) Electric Tramways Co., Ltd., in connection with a proposal to abandon tram routes from Leeds to Wakefield and Rothwell, and to replace them by bus services.
Rhondda's Tram-replacement Scheme.
The municipal authorities at Rhondda recently held a special meeting to give further consideration to the proposal for substituting the existing trains by buses. Mr. F. J. Alban, who had been called in to advise as a financial expert, presented a report on the subject. He stated that the estimated capital required for the proposed scheme was £140,000, the provision of buses involving an expenditure of £80,000.
In ordinary circumstances, the council's reserve fund, together with future annual contributions, would be utilized in 1950 to purchase the tramways undertaking. The council owns the tramway running rights in Rhondda, which it leases to the Rhondda Tramways Co.
It was suggested that the council should release, in advance, £50,000 of this reserve to assist in financing the scheme, which would mean that in 1950 the council would have the option of taking over a modern system of passenger transport instead of one that may be obsolete. Assuming that the council agreed, the company would still have to find £90,000 to carry out the scheme. The company proposed that the council should have the right to purchase at the expiration of 30 years, and, if not then taken over, at intervals of 10 years. Mr. Alban expressed the view that the release of £50,000 from the reserve and the future contribution, as rent, of £1,000 per annum for 30 years, extended to 40 years if necessary, was an equitable proposal.
The council has agreed to the proposal, and is referring the matter to the legal and parliamentary committee to negotiate with the tramways concern.
A Novel Battery Catalogue.
Edison Storage Battery Distributors, Ltd., Victoria House, Southampton Row, London, W.C.1, has just issued a novel catalogue. The company, has, with the printer's aid, been successful in producing in an aluminium-coated paper a fairly close representation of the structural features of the tubular positive plate and the pocketed negative plate. The two plates reproduced on the covers are the exact size of the Edison A-type plate.
The catalogue gives some interesting particulars concerning the construction and use of Edison batteries.
Big Drop in Free State Exports.
During the six months ended June last 3,379 tractors valued at £318,798 were exported from the Irish Free State, as compared with 13,605 machines (£1,428,731) in the corresponding half of 1930. We are able to give a table showing the destination of the exports during the two half-years ; it will be seen that the decline in shipments extends to each and
A.G.E. do-ordination.
Continuing its policy of co-ordinating the activities of its subsidiary companies, Agricultural and General Engineers, Ltd., Aldwych House, London, W.C.2, announces that, as from January 1st next, the manufacture of the products of Barford and Perkins, Ltd., -will be conducted at Rochester, in conjunction with those of Aveling and Porter, Ltd.
Established in 1840, Barford and Perkins, Ltd., has built up a big reputation as a manufacturer of motor rollers and other machinery. Aveling and Porter, Ltd., claims to have made the first steam road roller, this being in 1850, and the company has built up an international reputation for its steam and oil-roller products.
The home and export sales of the two companies have, for some time, been conducted together. It is not intended to amend the constitution of the boards of the two companies, which, for the time being, will continue to function separately.
Attempt to Organize Liverpool Coach Owners.
Another effort is being made to organize into an association the Liverpool and district coach owners, the initiative this time being taken by Mr. C. B. Jenkins, of the Midlands Area Omnibus and Coach Owners Association, Leicester. Two meetings have already been held, with the object of creating the nucleus of a north-western section, with local groups throughout the area. Mr. C. F. Rymer, of Ryme-r's Tours, Ltd., James Street, Liverpool, is serving on the committee of the association, which, we understand, intends to establish an area office in Manchester.
Firestone Meets National Situation.
The British factory of the Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., on the Great West Road, at .Brentford, is limiting its working week to five days, the object being to provide the greatest possible number of British operatives with settled employment This has necessitated putting down extra equipment and additional men have already been taken on.
During the past 12 months the sales of Firestone tyres have necessitated an increase in the floor space of 50,000 sq. ft., also the purchase of new plant. The millionth Firestone tyre was made at Brentford in the spring of this year, and for nearly three years the factory has had day and night shifts in operation.
Passenger-transport Officials on Traffic Act.
Some 50 members and friends attended the annual dinner, at Ifimley, of the West Midlands Area Omnibus and Coach Owners Association. In proposing the toast of the association, Mr. C. P. Rymer, of Wallasey, remarked that although the Road Traffic Act has many desirable features, it is being administered by the Commissioners in a manner which he felt sure was never contemplated by its sponsors. In particular he referred to the virtual necessity in present circumstances of employing King's Counsel to appear before the Commissioners—an expense which cannot be afforded by many operators. In his reply, Mr. C. B. Jenkins, the chairman, emphasized the necessity of coach and bus owners' associations, and he insisted that they must co-operate amongst themselves if they are to survive. This point also received attention from Mr. Morgan, the prospective Conservative candidate for the Stourbridge division. It was disclosed by Mr. Jenkins that, with its membership of 1,400, the association is now the largest organization of coach and bus owners in this country.
Lindner Trailers : New Scheme.
John Phillipson and td., 1-2,
Orchard Street, London, Co.,d.W., which concern is sole concessionnaire and export agent for Gottfried Lindner A.G., Ammendorf, Germany, advises us that. the company is now contemplating manufacturing its well-known trailers in this country. John Phillipson and Co., Ltd., is at present appointing distributors and agents, both in Britain and in the overseas markets.