Preparing for a Road Passenger Transport Career
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THE winner of the essay dealing with the education and training of young men for a public road-transport career, in the annual essay competition promoted by the Municipal Passenger Transport-Association, was Mr. H. A. Bennett, an assistant in the transport department of Manchester Corporation.
The efficiency of an undertaking, says Mr. Bennett, depends upon the calibre of its personnel, which, in turn, is dependent upon wise selection and recruitment of new entrants. After dealing with the suggested groups from which recruitment should be made, the -essayist outlines the nature of a suggested scheme for training and education,
Whilst the nature of the training will vary according to the size and structure of the undertaking and types of vehicle operated, there are, it is asserted, several principles common to all. For instance, there should be a scheme for the transfer of the pupil from one section to another in order that he will gain a variety of experience.
, Then, again, a syllabus is suggested, of a training course embracing the work of the department, as a guide for study. Another feature would be the formation of discussion groups at which departmehtal chiefs would be present to speak on their sectional work.
A fairly close study of the educational side is given, and, in the course of this, the writer says: ' Boredom in industry has been said to be caused not by drudge sit but by meaningless drudgery," The best remedy for this is said to be for the worker to see his final product in action. •
Regarding the ultimate appointment of the employee to progressive posts; the question is sometimes asked, says the writer, as to whether or not engineers should have preference over others when managerial appointments are being made.
There is no doubt, he says, that, other things being equal, engineering knowledge is of great advantage in transport, closely allied as the industry, is with technical matters.
The essay ends with these words: "A well-designed grading scheme and a wisely administered system of promotion are essential to the education and training ot the personnel of a road passenger transport undertaking." HINT OF HIGHER POST-WAR BUS FARES
SPEAKING in Lincoln, recently, Mr. Ben England, president of the East 'Midland section of the Institute of Transport, and general manager of Nottingham Corporation Passengertransport Department, said that there was a possibility that fares would be increased after the war. Undertakings had not been able to incur capital expenditure during hostilities, and the result had been that they had shown high profits.
After the war a great deal would have to be spent orpindustries, and the consequences would be that, at a time when conditions would be, perhaps. unfavourable from the economic point of view, they would have to charge higher fares in order to bring in the revenue necessary to meet increased capital expenditure.
AT the first meeting of the newly formed Scottish Co-operative Transport Association, held in Glasgow, the question of a better form of lighting for vehicles was discussed.
Drivers of heavy motor lorries, it was stated, are complaining that under the present war-time restriction of masked lamps, night driving is too big a strain. An improved measure of lighting, they say, would speed up work and reduce road casualties.
The aims of the Association are to unite in a single representative body the organization of the transport industry within the Co-operative movement, and to promote and extend the industry in Scotland.
Association of the Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., and its subsidiaries, together with a number of visiting foremen from other important branches of industry, took place at Loughborough on September 22-24.
At the opening dinner, Mr. Alan P. Good, managing director of the company, presided, and introduced Sir Frederick Leggett, C.B., Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Labour. In doing so, Mr. Good stressed the point that the time had arrived for foremen to consider entirely new methods in control and management to stabilize post-war production. A change of heart was necessary if we were not to fall into errors of the past and the catastrophe of another war. He urged that the keynote of the convention would be found in service.
Sir Frederick said that, as a civil servant, he had many things in
common with foremen, who had the task of carrying out plans formulated by the "14h-ups." The country owed a great debt to men of the foreman type, who had done a magnificent job in maintaining high production with flexibility in the face of difficult labour conditions.
During the various sessions,
addresses upon the following subjects were delivered :—" Economic Aspects of Post-war Employment Policy," by Dr. Maurice Dobb, lecturer in economics, Cambridge University; " Post-war Developments in Joint, Consultation," by Mr. L. H. Pearmaine, National Secretary, General Workers' Trade Group, Transport and General Workers' Union; " The Formation of a National Institute of Foremen," by Mr. F. J. BIrris Morton, works manager, Sketchley Dye Works; " The Philosophy of Management," by Dr. J. A. Bowie, in charge of research on personnel administration; " From Hospital to Industry," by Group Captain C. J. S. O'Malley, C.B.E., of the R.A.F. Rehabilitation Unit.
CONSOL1DATED net earnings of C Services, Ltd., in the year
ended March 31 last, came out at £115,305, as against £140,488 for the previous period of 10 months, although the disposable balance is higher because of adjustments in taxation figures. The balance available is actually £127,353 (compared with £84,682), from which £20,342 is deducted for special vehicle depreciation. A sum of £36,509 is reserved for 1944-45 income tax.
Dividend payments on the ordinary shares amount to 12i per cent, per annum, including a bonus of 2i per cent., whilst the preference dividend takes £7,315, and after £2,000 is allocated to the staff benevolent fund, there is £34,007 left to be carried forward, as compared with £2,749 a year earlier.
In the report, it is mentioned that a resolution is to be submitted to the eighth annual general meeting of the company, to be held on October 17, for raising the capital to £1,250,000 by the creation of 1,000,000 additional ordinary shares of 5s. each, ranking equally with the existing ordinary shares.
AS a result of having supplied 50-cwt. of " ovoids " to an hotel Yeadon Transport Co., Ltd., High Street, Yeadon, was fined a total of £8, with two guineas costs, at Otley, last week, for furnishing coal although not an authorized merchant, for delivering without a delivery note, and for failing to keep records. The company pleaded guilty, but it was stated on its behalf that the secretary was under the impression that " ovoids " were not classed as coal and, therefore, were outside the scope of the coal-supply regulations.
Summonses against the driver were dismissed on payment of Ss. costs.