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13th October 1984
Page 15
Page 15, 13th October 1984 — Obituary
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Sir Robert Lawrence

SIR ROBERT LAWRENCE, first chairman of the National Freight Consortium and the man who steered NFC from state-ownership into the private sector, died this week aged 68.

Sir Robert, a career railwayman, became chairman of the National Freight Corporation in 1979, and remained in corn mand when it became the National Freight Company as a first stage in the Conservative Government's privatisation plan for NFC. He remained in the chair in 1982 when the employee/bank consortium bought NEC,

Sit. Robert, who was knighted in 1980, retired in October 1980 when Sir Peter Thompson's streamlined management structiure was established, and became a non-executive director.

He :served as a British Rail vice-chairman from 1975 to 1981, and from 1972 was chairman oi the BR Property Board He held a similar post at the National Bus Company from 1982.

He joined the London and North Eastern Railway in 1934 as a traffic apprentice, and from 1968 to 1 971 was chairman and general manager of BR's London Midland Region.