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Copriscopri covers

13th October 1984
Page 18
Page 18, 13th October 1984 — Copriscopri covers
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MOVEABLE coverings and sliding roof and body covers for lorries are now being imported from a Milan company Copriscopri. Bournemouth architect Simon Hel!berg and Associates is acting as agent for the importer.

The coverings have applications for wash bays, loading bays warehousing and basic maintenance. The sliding roof can allow loading from directly above the lorry, and is similar to the Edscha system from West Germany.

Members of Roads, the Southern English-based bulk buying company for a group of more than 100 Road Haulage Association hauliers, has already been offered a package deal by Simon Hellberg and Associates. This includes any necessary planning permission and ground construction. • Tyreservices, the national tyre network, has agreed to accept as credit cards the bunkering cards issued to Roads members. This is part of a discounted flat rate agreement between Roads and Tyreservices, which has 300 branches in Britain.