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Better image for transport

13th October 1984
Page 24
Page 24, 13th October 1984 — Better image for transport
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SINCE I discussed with the editor my idea to promote better operation of our products by introducing a driver's award scheme, we have made two presentations — one to Baylis Transport and the other to Stabberts.

Pressure of work, holidays and our new expansion programme have unfortunately slowed the scheme down, but the effect of the idea is noticeable.

On a 320-mile round trip I was impressed by the much improved image that our Tautliners (and I must confess some of "the others") are presenting. Drivers are proud fellows and out of 35 Tautliners passed on a 40-mile stretch, only a handful fell below our acceptable standard.

All of this leads to a better acceptance of the truck in society and I thank you for your support to date.

In order to really get things cracking, we are going to make 20 awards prior to the Motor Show and my scouts are out looking. I personally singled one out as being exceptionally well presented and know that our sales and service personnel were equally aware.

I look forward to the next two or three weeks with pleasure. GERALD BROADBENT Joint Managing Director Boalloy Engineering Congleton Cheshire