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Well met by satellite

13th October 1984
Page 38
Page 38, 13th October 1984 — Well met by satellite
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

A SATELLITE is taking a lot of leg work out of communication between Ford engineers and executives in England and Germany. They "meet" daily in video-conference, linked by satellite between Dunton, Essex and Cologne. They can discuss pictures and graphics, and evaluate vehicle components in detail by means of threedimensional photography.

Three of the seven people for whom each of the two studios is equipped can appear on screen at any time or up to two hours a day, apart from which conferences can be conducted in sound only for six hours a day. The result is a welcome reduction in travel and faster decision-taking.

EMS is heavily on the drink. It makes almost £12m a year out of booze, says Richard Lovell, sales and marketing director.