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Railway Policy on Carriers' Licences

13th September 1935
Page 30
Page 30, 13th September 1935 — Railway Policy on Carriers' Licences
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

KAAINLY as a result of complaints 01 by the Licensing Authorities, the railways have issued a statement as to their attitude during the second licensing period, which is primarily concerned with B licences. They suggest that this period must necessarily be a review of the transport situation emerging from the first stage of application of the Act.

They feel that the public interest, including the preservation of a financially healthy and efficient system of railway communications, calls for the confinement of the operations of hauliers with B licences to reasonably narrow limits, having in mind that the majority is conducting haulage as an ancillary business.

In the second B licensing period, there will come before the Authorities applications for renewals, concerning which they have not previously been able, having regard to the provisions of S.7 (3) of the 1033 Act, fully to exercise this discretion and upon which the railways have not previously had any opportunity to make representations.

There will also come under notice licences which the Authorities might E20

desire to amend as a result of their extended knowledge of haulage facilities in their respective areas. The railways propose to consider the conditions of licences granted for claimed tonnage and those in other licences, which, in their view, are more favourable to hauliers thaa they consider should be the case, The renewals will he considered upon their • merits, having regard to the transport facilities existing generally, change of circumstances arising since the issue of the current licence, the operations of the applicant and the latitude permitted to other B licensees as regards commodities and radius of action, and the mad-transport facilities now known to be available in the particular area.

It may be, say the railways, that, in pursuing this policy, the objections lodged will be numerous, but they desire to stress the position that the, initiatory year should be regarded only as a trial period. Where' an application is for the renewal of a B licence with modifications extending the tonnage or scope, any objection by the railways will be directed primarily to. such enlargement and, generally, to any feature in regard to the previous licence which they think should affect its renewal. Objections will be lodged after each case has had consideration, and not on principle alone.

Under the present arrangements', tio intimation is given with the objection as to any particular. aspect to which .the, railways' opposition is directed, and they feel that, within limit--something might be done to meet this. They will be prepared to-notify the Licensing Authority and the parties concerned, in appropriate cases, of any phase of the renewal to which they object.

The Authorities will be aware that opposition has been disposed of in a number of cases as a result of conference or correspondence between applicants and the railways. This procedure it is proposed to continue.