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"The wheels of wealth will he slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John 'Beattie Crozier.
Trade and industry continue to be hampered by the fact that the hours of drivers of vehicles authorized under C licences are required strictly to comply with the requirements of Section 19 of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, the variation permitted in the case of drivers of A and B vehicles not being applicable to the drivers of C vehicles.
The Associates Committee of the British Road Federation has taken various steps in this matter, and a special meeting of the committee has been convened to consider what further action can advantageously be taken towards securing a variation order applicable to drivers of C vehicles, to meet the road-transport difficulties arising during times of seasonal pressure and other periods of abnormal rush.
Association's Alarm at Increase in Speed Prosecutions.
Alarm at the increasing number of prosecutions against drivers for exceeding the speed limit was expressed at the annual conference in Perth on September 7 of the Scottish Horse and Motormen's Association. It was stated that a number of cases resulted from the fact that there was no speedometer on the vehicle, or that the speedometer
was defective, and the conference pressed for legislation to make it compulsory for speedometers to be fitted and kept in good order on all vehicles.
It was intimated that an average of 20 members of the Association were charged each week with breaches of the speed regulations. A member contended that, in fairness to all concerned, employers ought to be compelled to fit speedometers on all roadtransport vehicles.
Another resolution approved by the delegates was " That on all mechanically propelled vehicles of 2 tons capacity or over, not less than two men shall be employed." LATEST WAGES MOVE IN YORKSHIRE AREA.
It is forecast in well-informed quarters that the Yorkshire Area Joint . Conciliation Board will fail to reach agreement for a permanent settlement of wages and conditions in the Yorkshire Traffic Area, and that the whole case will have to go to the National Appeals Court in London. It is learned on reliable authority that the workers are asking for Grade 1 wages for all the large towns in Yorkshire, and that the employers will not agree to pay more than Grade 2.
In the meantime, attention is being directed.to the question of the enforcement of the Yorkshire agreement on wages and conditions for the interim period ending in December next. This agreement, it is claimed, is the best in the country, from the employers' point of view. It is the only agreement which does not include Grade 1 wages, and which includes the clause " That the guaranteed week shall apply to regular employees only."
A.R.O. Organizer in North-Western
On Monday last, Mr. J. Wyndham Gibbs took up the position of superintendent-organizer for the Associated Road Operators in the East Lancashire and North-Western Areas.
The provisional list of conferences to be held in connection with the Commer
cial Motor Show at Olympia from November' 7-16, is as follows:— Municipal Tramways and Transport Association, November 8; Omnibus Society, November 9; Associated Road Operators, November 11; Incorporated Association of Retail Distributors, November 12; Commercial Motor Users Association, November 13; Railway Companies Association, November 14; Institute of Public Cleansing, November 15.
Ulster Transport Board Secretary Appointed.
At the second meeting of the Northern Ireland Road Transport Board, in Belfast, on September 5, Mr. Albert Morrison, A.M,Inst.T., was appointed secretary. Mr. Morrison is prominent in Ulster transport circles as the chief accountant and assistant general manager of the Belfast Omnibus Co., Ltd. He took a prominent part in the applications before the Northern Ireland Fares Tribunal.
The Board announces that the staffs of those passenger and freight services which the Board proposes to acquire will be absorbed in the several departments of the new organization, and that, until these existing staffs are fully absorbed, no persons outside the industry will be engaged.
Scottish Island Operators' Request.
At Stornoway, on September 7, Mr. Henry Riches, the Licensing Authority for the Northern Area of Scotland, dealt with 140 applications. He reminded operators of complaints received regarding failure to observe standard conditions and to pay standard wages, and pointed out that these could only be varied with the consent of the Scottish Conciliation Board.
He announced that all operators would be entitled to carry the same classes of goods in the island of Lewis, The licence-holders expressed the view that all operators should be entitled to regard the whole island as their area, instead of 'being confined to one district, and Mr. Riches stated he would give his decision on this point later.
Mr. Ribbings Attacks the Railways. • The action of the London and North Eastern Railway Co., at York, on September 6, in opposing an application by Messrs. Taylor Brothers, .hauliers, Scagglethorpe, who sought permission to add another vehicle to, their fleet, provoked vigorous coma ments by Mr. F. G. Bibbings, general secretary of the Yorkshire Stage Carriage Operators Association.
After it had been contended that the railway company's services adequately provided for the district, Mr. Bibbings remarked: " I think the action of the railway companies in these cases, time
after time, is grossly unfair, They would be the first to resent it, and, indeed, to mobilize public opinion, if it were done to them."
Sir William Hart, Deputy Licensing Authority, reserved his decision. PERSONAL PARS.
Mr. H. Cross, until recently with T. S. Motors, Ltd., has joined the Maudslay Motor Co., Lttl., as South 'Wales representative.
Alderman Rowland Winn, the Leeds motor trader, who was one of the first motorists in Leeds, has been made a niember of the Guild of Master Motorists. He has driven for 37 years without an accident causing damage to persons or property.
Mr. Leslie Walton, chairman of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., whose portrait appears on this page, recently left on a six months' tour of India, Australia, New Zealand, Malay Straits and the United States, to study conditions in the motor trade in those countries.
At a meeting of Dundee Transport Committee on September 9, it was agreed again to put forward the name of Mr. D. R. Kidd for the panel of Commissioners under the Road Traffic Act, 1930. The convener, Mr. R. A. Scrymgeour, complained that the committee's nominee had never been called to sit as a Commissioner.
Lighter Lorries for Highway Work in Gloucestershire.
The highways committee of Gloucester County Council is to dispose of 14 old lorries and to replace them with 20 lighter machines; it is estimated that the cost of the new fleet will be £5,400. The 14 vehicles which are being discarded are 6-ton solid-tyrcd machines, which have seen 16 years' service.
Chemico Graphited Oil Now Obtainable.
On May 24 last we announced that the County Chemical Co., Ltd., BradL ford Street, Birmingham, was about to market an engine oil containing colloidal graphite. Various grades of this lubricant, which is known as Chemico improved motor oil, are now available at 6s. per gallon in 5-gallon drums.
The new oil is claimed to prevent corrosion of the cylinder walls, and a member of our staff who has used it in the engine of his car reports favourably upon its effect in respect of power.output', smooth and silent running and economy.
Candidates for Cleansing Director Appointment.
• From the 25 applicants for the post of director of public cleansing at Bradford, the cleansing committee has selected the following list of six candidates for further consideration : —Mr. H. Hinchliffe, chief clerk in the Bradford Cleansing Department; Mr. R. P. Sykes, chief engineering assistant, Bradford City Engineer's and Surveyor's Department; Mr. George •W. Latimer, deputy superintendent of public cleansing and baths, Leicester; Mr. Charles Parfitt, cleansing superintendent, Warrington; Mr. R. G. Totty, cleansing superintendent, Stoke-onTrent; and Mr. R. j. Watson, cleans. lag superintendent, Birkenhead.
A railway witness informed the East Midland Licensing Authority, sitting at Lincoln on September 4, that the London and North Eastern Railway Co. had lost no less than 75 per cent. of its grain traffic to road operators.
The statement was made during an application by Mr. S. L. Green, of Faldingworth, for an additional two vehicles of six tons unladen weight. Mr. T. J. Lewis, for the applicant, produced letters from merchants stating that they required Mr. Green's lorries
for long-distance haulage. He said that` in isolated parts of Lincolnshire farmers would not entertain the idea. of sending their grain by rail.
Mr. Green said that farmers to-day expected a whole day's thrashing of grain to be removed in one load, and he needed bigger lorries.
Mr. B. de H. Pereira, for the railway company, said the success or otherwise of its objection was important as the railway company had experienced heavy losses of grain traffic. Mr. Hopkins (Assistant District Manager, Lincoln) alleged that operators were breaking the regulations for drivers' hours and speeding in order to carry grain on long-distance runs.
Mr. J. H. Stirk, the Commissioner, granted half the additional tonnage asked foe.
More Tigers for the " East Kent."
The East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., the regular bus services of which operate over practically the whole of Kent and cover some 1,150 miles, has recently ordered a further 26 Leyland Tiger chassis. These will have petrol engines, will be equipped with special Still-type radiators and will be similar to the 29 Tiger vehicles which the company ordered at the beginning of the year.
Improved Pirelli Tyres.
The name " Carriload," which in the past has been applied to the 32-in, by 6-in, pneumatic tyre made by Pirelli, Ltd„ Burton-on-Trent, has now been extended to embrace the complete range of Pirelli giant pneumatic tyres. Further improvements have been made in the design and construction of the company's giant pneumatics for commercial-transport work.
A Good Case fur Additional Vehicles.
That there are good grounds for granting a goods-vehicle licence where the applicant can prove that the business of his own customers has increased so that he is unable to cope with it, and that he has difficulty in obtaining the hire of vehicles from other road transport operators, was a submission made by Mr. W. R_ Hargrave, when appearing for an applicant before Sir William Hart, Deputy Licensing Authority for the Yorkshire Traffic Area, at York, on September 6.
The applicant, Mr. Clive Allen, a road-transport contractor, of Clarence Street, Hull, sought permission to acquire an additional vehicle of 3 tons B22 19 cwt. unladen weight, and a similar vehicle to replace one of 2 tons 5 cwt.
Sir William Hart said he was disposed to grant permission to acquire one vehicle, but in the case of the other vehicle he would reserve his decision.
Reduced Jowett Prices.
In announcing its 1936 programme, Jowett Cars, Ltd., Idle, Bradford, has reduced the prices of all models in its range. The machines offered have been little changed but now represent considerably better val-ue for money. The prices of the complete vehicles finished in works grey are as follow:— 10-cwt. van, 2141; standard van, 2129; lorry, 2132; covered lorry, £135. A small extra charge is made for final painting.
Municipal Purchases and Proposals.
Widnes Corporation is buying three Leyland Lion oil-eugined buses. Stretford Corporation has authorized the piachase of a Karrier sweeper. East Oleo Rural District Council has ordered a Leyland 400 g.p.m. fire-engine. A new fire-engine is to be purchased by Melton Mewbray Urbal District Council.
Doncaster Corporation is to apply for power to borrow 2.7.4e4 for the purchase of six single-deck buses. Swindon Corporation has accepted the tender of H. C. Preator, Ltd., for the supply of a Ford refuse collector.
Wakefield Corporation Is to obtain tenders for the supply of an 8-ton oil-engined roa,d roller and a 2412-ton motor roller. Plymouth Corporation requires tenders for the supply of an electric van; details may be obtained from the electrical engineer, and tenders have, to be delivered by noon on September 18.
Wanstead and Woodford Urban District Council requires a ,golly emptier. Full details may be obtained trpm the engineer and surveyor; and tenders have to he delivered by noon on Sep
The annual report of the Ministry of Health for 1934-1935, mentions that, in connection with refuse-collection, loans totalling £73,706 were sanctioned for the purchase of motor vehicles by local authorities.. It is recalled that in a previous report the Ministry drew attention to certain matters which local authorities should bear in mind when proposing to purchase new vehicles. The most important of these is that the authority should be satisfied, before coming to a decision, that the particular type selected will be not only suitable but also the most economical.
Many authorities, it is said, are content with little more than an inspection of a vehicle, whereas an actual test of more than one type, under strictly comparable conditions, is necessary, with a view to arriving at the all-in cost per ton of refuse collected, including loan charges. The Ministry usually requires these tests to be made before a loan is sanctioned. It is pointed out that it is a matter of particular importance that there should be a thorough test where, for example, an authority is proposing to change its form of transport.
More Paris Trains To Go.
The authorities of the Seine-et-Oise Department have recently decidedthat a further 18 tramway services in the outer Paris area 'shall be snperSerled by buses.