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Salford City Council has sent a resolution to the Secretary of State pointing out " that in view of the serious danger of fatal accidents to men working in sewsrs caused by acids and other dangerous liquids entering the sewers when an accident occurs to vehicles conveying such liquids, it is the opinion of the highways and paving committee that regulations should be issued immediately to enforce the provision of protective measures in connection with such traffic."
Road Accident Returns.
The following figures are extracted from the Ministry of Transport return of persons killed or injured in road accidents during the week ended August 31, 1935, the figures in parentheses being those for the corresponding week in 1939. The number of persons who died as a result of accidents during previous weeks is included in the total. In England 118 (129) persons were killed and 4,194 (4,963) injured, whilst in Scotland 5 (5) were
• killed and 376 (460) injured. The figures for Wales show that 1 (8) persons were killed and 236 (272) injured.
Compliment from a Commissioner. • At a sitting of the Northern -Traffic Commissioners. at Darlington, last week, Sir John. Maxwell, chairman, referred to the new Associated Road _Operators, Ltd., and paid a tribute to the Northern Road Transport Owners' Association, which is now affiliated to the new body. He said he had ahirays received great assistance from the latter, although they had not always seen eye to eye,
Duple's Busy on Overseas Orders.
" Duple Bodies and Motors, Ltd., The Hyde, Headon, London, N.W.9, has in hand a repeat order from Messrs. Overseas Motor Transport for seven bus bodies for fitting to Albion oil-engined chassis for shipment to Mombasa. The bodies will he of the company's overseas type and will have compartments for first and second-class passengers. This order follows the delivery of 13 buses several months ago to the same firm for service in Nairobi.
Another overseas order which the company is completing is for five bus bodies, which will also be mounted on Albion oil-engined chassis, and shipped to Lagos.
New Ordnance Map of Greater London.
The latest work of the Ordnance Survey is a special district map of Greater London on a scale of in. to
the mile. It covers from Royston (Iferts) in the north to Horsham in the south, and across country from Chelmsford to Aylesbury and Aldershot The fin, scale seems peculiarly adapted to road use for the reason that a wide stretch of country can be brought within the limits of a sheet of pocket size. All the necessary information is shoWn, besides much
which, while not strictly necessary, is very interesting. For instance, roads are numbered and coloured according to Ministry of Transport classification, and there are symbols for gradients and lel/el-crossings; The linen edition is sold at a price of 3s.
Death of Brown Brothers' Official The death recently took place of Mr. C. W. V. Green, of Brown Brothers, Ltd., the well-known concern of motor factors. He had been with the company since 1897, during which time he was appointed assistant shop manager at the' cOnipany's headquarters at Great Eastern Street, London, E.C,2. After some years of service at this centre,' he was entrusted with the opening of the Cardiff branch, where he remained as manager for 16 years.
Fire Tenders for Air Ministry.
Crossley Motors, Ltd., Gorton, Manchester, recently received an order from the Air Ministry for 44 100 b.h.p. six-wheeled fire-tender chassis.