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OI3JECTIONS to what was described as a new type of tour licence, granted by the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners, were put forward by the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Company, which appealed before Sir Henry Wynne, Ministry of Transport Inspector, at Leeds, last week. The appellants opposed the granting of licences to Feather Brothers, of Bradford, for tours in which the coach goes -to a specific destination, where the passengers are provided with hotel accommodation, and from where they make daily excursions in the coach, returning each evening to the hotel.
The appeals were against the granting to Feather Brothers of licences to run new tours to Weston-super-Mare, North Wales and Devon and Torquay, and to run existing tours. The Commissioners had also given Feather Brothers permission to reduce fares.
For the railway company, Mr. B. de H. Pereira said the company took the strongest possible exception to this new type of tour licence. To the genuine sight-seeing tour, where the motorcoach stopped in a different town each night, there was no objection. In this case, however, it competed with existing rail and road express services and was really another express service in disguise. Counsel submitted that the only thing which made these journeys into a tour was the local runs near the destination.
For Feather Brothers, Mr, H. R. B. Shepherd said that they had run this type of tour since 1931, and other concerns had run similar tours. It was difficult to see the difference between a tour on which the coach stopped at several places and one where the coach went directly to a particular place and toured from there. These tours were different from the usual express carriage services, in that the passengers were kept together as a party. It was much cheaper to stay in one place than to•
a.98 stay at a different hotel each night, and the tours catered for people who could not afford the luxury tour.
THE Metropolitan Traffic Commisresumed his hearings last week, when two important applications were dealt with.
The first was one by the Eastern National Omnibus Co., Ltd., for a new service between Luton and Aylesbury which, if granted, would have had the effect of merging into one, two existing services ,with reduced frequency on one of the sections of the route. Mr. Gleeson-Robinson said that he did not approve, as a general rule, of a reduction in frequency on an unremunerative section. The operator, he said, was under an obligation to work the unremunerative section in the same way as the remunerative sections. He• would require evidence to . show that the public would not suffer by the reduction. The case was adjourned.
In the second case the London Passenger Transport Board sought to have certain of its Green Line express services between Whipsnade and London converted on certain days into stage carriages with a view to easing the situation at peak periods. Mr. Gleeson-Robinson said that this would appear to be an attempt to get over the regulation which prohibits standing in an express service vehicle. In spite of the fact that the regulation did cause occasional hardship, he said that the public should not be allowed to stand on long-distance services. The application was refused.'
IT is reported that the control of Redboum and Sons, Ltd., of Thanet Road, Ramsgate, has been acquired by the East Kent Road Car, Ltd. The deal includes three long-distance services, an important local service, and an up-to-date fleet of coaches. As a result of this deal the control of the Thanet Express Service passed last week into the hands of London Coastal Coaches, Ltd.
APPLIC.ATION is being made by the Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., to the Traffic Commissioners to reduce the single fares by one penny on the 13athgate-Harthill bus service from Durhamtoun, West Mains, Drum Farm and East Whitbuni, to Half-way House
A PETITION organized by a Leeds 1-1 motor-coach operator, and signed by 236 of his customers, which requested the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners to grant his licence application, was attacked by counsel for the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Company, during the hearing of an appeal at Leeds on Saturday last. The railway company appealed against the Yorkshire Commissioners' decision to grant licences to Thomas Heaps and Sons, of Leeds, to run extended holiday tours. Mr. B. de H. Pereira, for the railway company, submitted, as in the case of appeals heard at Leeds earlier in the week, that the tours were little more than an express service to some holiday resort, which was made a touring centre.
Referring to the petition organized by Mr.Heaps, Mr. Pereira submitted that such a petition was very easily obtained, and afforded no evidence of public need, He suggested that the Minister of Transport should direct that evidence of a petition of this sort ought not to be allowed. He also alleged that the Commissioners disregarded relevant evidence and made certain statements which were wholly misleading not only to themselves but to other interested parties. • After defending the type of tour in question, Mr. H. R. B. Shepherd,for the respondent, submitted that the petition was valuable evidence of need. Very naturally, said .Mr. Shepherd; it originated from Mr. Heaps himself: surely he was the person to organize it. Mr. Shepherd said it was ridiculous to suggest that there had, been misdirection by the Commissioners in stating that the evidence had been supported by the petition.
THE two largest bus undertakings in East Wales were in opposition at a hearing of a licence application by the Western Welsh Omnibus Co., Ltd., when that concern sought permission to run excursions to Blackpool from Cardiff during the period of the illuminations. Red and White Services, Ltd., objected to the proposals.
For the applicant company, it was stated that this was a new venture for the company, and the proposed excursions included the provision of meals on both the outward and return journeys. Each journey was to take a full day and hotel accommodation at Blackpool was to be provided at an inclusive cost of £3 1.0s. Of this amount 35s. was allotted as the fare for the journey. Permission was required for six week-end trips.
On behalf of Red and White Services, Ltd., it was suggested that ample provision wag made for the public by that concern's daily service between Cardiff and Blackpool. Passengers could, if they wished, pay an additional charge for a stay of -two, three or four days. Four excursions were sanctioned.