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A Sturdy Two-wheeled Light Trailer

13th September 1935
Page 50
Page 50, 13th September 1935 — A Sturdy Two-wheeled Light Trailer
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Welded Triangular Frame and Welldesigned Overrunning Brakes Among Features of Latest Kentish 8-cwt. Chassis

DEVELOPMENTS have recently taken place in connecL./bon with the manufacture and marketing of the Kentish 8-cwt. two-wheeled trailer, made by the Maidstone Electric Welding Co., Maidstone, Kent, for which concern the Armstrong Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 52, Bunhill Row, Finsbury, London, E.C.1, is the sole concessionnaire.

This vehicle in its latest form has a number of good features, among which are the sturdy scientifically designed frame and suspension system and the automatic braking arrangements.. The main part of the chassis consists of a triangle, with its apex carrying the spring-loaded drawbar, its base extended on each side to carry the front spring ends and the forward part of the body, and its diverging. sides extended beyond the base to support the rear part of the body and to take the rear spring shackles.

Angle-section steel is used for the side members, whilst a webbed cast-steel cross piece forms the extended base of the triangle. The drawbar is carried in a cast-steel bracket, and the whole structure With the spring fixings is electrically welded, the need for drilling being thus avoided.

There is a cross-shaft below the main beam, which is connected by adjustable rods with the brake-arms and a lever, the end of which bears against the drawbar to give overrun brake application. The substantial axle is underbraced to give it still greater rigidity.

.840 It is claimed that this frame layout shows no tendency to distort and that the trailer travels well.

Named the Service Truck, the Kentish trailer is offered with a standardized body having a double-hinged lid and drop tailboard and measuring 5 ft. long and 3 ft. 3 ins. wide. With Dunlop 19-in. by 3.5-in. tyres, 5-in, domed mudguards and 7-in, brake drums this vehicle costs £31 10s.