Two New Simms Dynamos
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I N addition to its range of dynamos and other electrical equipment for passenger vehicles, Simms Motor Units, Ltd., Grease Street, London, W.1, is now producing two new dynamos for goods chassis.
They are 41 ins. and 51 ins, in diameter. The former is a I2-volt machine with an output of 14 amps., which is designed to cut-in at 765 r_p.m. The latter is made in two models—one for 12 volts, the other for 24 volts. In the first case the outputs and cutting-in speeds may be either 28 amps. and 650 r.p.m. or, 18 amps. and 450 r.p.m., whilst the 24-volt dynamo generates 171 amps. and cuts-in at 635 r. pm.
Both machines operate with voltage regulators ta prevent overcharging of the batteries, and incorporate ventilating fans to maintain a low temperature. These are mounted at the driving ends, draw air in through the end plate, force it through the machines and expel it from the brushgear ends. Aluminium cowls preventthe entry of oil or water, via the air apertures.
Each dynamo is manufactured with the regulator and cut-out mounted on the machine itself or for use With these devices in a remote position. Only two brushes are used, these being mounted on a • Bakelite carrier of simple and robust Construction. The armature has straightforward fourpole windings. Simplicity and sturdiness are prominent characteristics of both these new Simms dynamos.