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Further Detailed Information Concerning the Formalities to be Observed and the Requirements of the Licensing Authorities Under the New Act.
AS A CONSEQUENCE of the publipation in the technical Press Of the .conditions propoSed to be laid down in connection with . the reregistration of motor vehicles already registered, and of new vehicles to be registered as from January 1st next, a number of queries has arisen. Most of the inquiries cover points which are still under discussion by the Roads Department of the Ministry of Transport.
We have heard, too, a large amount. of criticism of the officials and of the incompleteness of the information available, but we are not prepared to agree with it. We have been in close touch with the Department, and have found the officials most business-like and courteous. The Roads Bill has not yet. become law, yet very little -remains to be finally decided in order to put it into force. We learn from the Ministry also that without doubt a month's grace will be given to owners in respect of the re-registration of vehicles that were registered on December 31st next, but no new vehicles may go on the road from New Year's Day without' regis tration. , . , The advice we have given •to all owners to 'get ahead with their re-registration may, therefore, undergo this modification ; they should get the information ready in respect of vehicles already registered and new . vehicles not yet registered in anticipation of the issue of the application forms. It had been hoped by now to have placed a supply of these 'forms at post offices and elsewhere, but the printing and issue cannot be completed until about December 21st.
Every vehicle, whatever the motive power—steam, petrol, or electric—will require re-registration and licensing and a single form of applicatien (which provides space for three vehicles), and a single payment take the place of all present systems of registration and licensing under the Motor Car Acts, the Locomotives Acts, and the Acts relating to the licensing of hackney carriages. The registration and licensing of a vehicle apply,attach, and relate to that vehicle. Its ownership and its changes of ownership are registered free of cost with the licensing authority of the district in which the vehicle is ordinarily kept. The licence fee is an appreciation of the value of a vehicle just as is the insurance premium'both depreciate during the year until at midnight on December 31st they have been reduced to 'nil. Hence, if a vehicle be sold, for example, half-way through the year, the purchaser takes over the vehicle, its licence, its licence plate, its registration book and the registered mark and number, and could be asked to pay in addition to the value of the vehicle as such one-half of the licence fee and one-half of the insurance premium. This answers a, batch of questions, that has reached us.. The purchaser of a second-hand vehicle must.obtain possession of the registration book relative to the vehicle, and must forward it, with information of the change of ownership, to the registration authority. This authority may, as a measure of precaution against the re-registration of a stolen vehicle (so providing him with a registration book that -would enable him to negotiate a sale), require proof that the vehicle is, in fact, a new one.
The information which owners should proceed to get together in respect of each vehicle and in readiness for the application forms is as follows. For each commercial goods vehicle :—
(a) Registered mark and number (if any). (b) Type of body (if alternative bodies are kept for use, particulars of each type should be given).
(c) Colour (if alternative bodies are kept for use, the colour of each should be given).
(d) Is it. propelled by internal-combustion engine, steam engine, or electric Motor? (e) Manufacturer's name description of vehicle, chassis type letter and num (f) Number of engine. (g) Year of manufacture of engine (if known). (h) Weight unladen. (i) Is it to be used to draw a trailer?
Where the unladen weight exceeds two tons, the following additional information must be given,:— (i) Axle-weights : front and rear. (j) Diameter of wheels: front and rear. (k) Width of tyres: front and rear. (1) Material of tyres.
For each road locomotive, tractor, and agricultural engine:—
(a) Kind of vehicle: road locomotive, agricultural engine, or tractor. • (b) Use for which intended. (c) Means of propulsion : steam, internal-combustion engine, or electric motor.
id) Weight a vehicle -unladen, • •
(e) Manufacturer's name, description of vehicle, chassis, type letter and number. , (f) Width of vehicle. (g) Diameter of drivin.g wheels. (h) Width of tyres: steering wheels, anti driving wheels. (i) Are driving wheels smooth soled? If not., slate how soled.
(j) If already registered or licensed as a locomotive by a local authority, state name of authority, number of licence, date of expiration of licence, and registered number.
For each hackney vehicle:
(a.) Registered mark and number (if any). (b) Type of botty. (If alternative bodies are kept for use, particulars of each type should be given.) (c) Colour. (If alternative bodies are kept for use. the colour of each should be given.)
(d) Manufacturer's name, description of vehicle, chassis type letter and number, and horse-power.e) Year of manufacture of engine (if known).
(f) Engine number. (g) Seating capacity (exclusive of driver). (h) Weight unladen. (i) Axle weights: front and rear. (j) Diameter of wheels: front and rear. (k) Width of tyres: front and rear. (I) Material of tyres.
With regard to hackney vehicles hired from some other person by whom the duties are payable, the following information must. he given on the form :—
(a) Terms for which hired. (b) Description of vehicle. (c) Letter and number of car. (d) Name and address of person from whom hired. (e) Place where ordinarily kept. .
In respeet of motor fire-engines, vehicles used by a local authority for fire brigade purposes,, road rollers, and ambulances, licences are not required, but each vehicle must be duly registered by the licensing authority within whose area it is kept and used.