Higher Coach Fares: No Applications
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I N the latest edition of Notices and Proceedings, the Metropolitan Licensing Authority announces his intention to vary, without application. fares on express services starting from the London Area, in accordance with the recommendations of the Central Fares Committee. As reported in "The Commercial Motor" dated November 30, this body has suggested an increase of 6g per cent., to the nearest 3d.. on existing rates.
To enable objectors to-express their views, a public sitting will be held next Tuesday (December 18). This step has been taken in accordance with Regulation 48 of the Public Service Vehicles (Licences and Certificates) Regulations.
Operators running express services and excursions and tours from points outside the scheduled fares area (the Metropolitan Police area) will have to make separate applications.
APROVISIONAL agreement has been reached for the purchase of the coaching business of Fallowfield and Britten, Ltd., 23, Mare Street, London, E.8. by George Ewer and Co.. Ltd., 55, Stamford Hill. London, N. 16.
Fallowfield and Britten, Ltd., operates 30 vehicles on seasonal express services to most of the resorts on the south and south-east coasts, and on private hire. The company is the biggest competitor of the Ewer concern in Hackney. The combined fleets will total about 120 vehicles.
. AND DRAUGHTSMEN wjAGES of 180,000 clerks employed W in the engineering industry rose this week by 14s. weekly for men and ,I0s. 6d. for women, with proportionate increases for juniors. Terms were agreed between the Clerical and Administrative Workers' Union and the Engineering Employers' Federation.
About 50.000 engineering draughtsmen have received a wage award of anextra 14s. a week, negotiated by theā¢ Association of Engineering and Shipbuilding Draughtsmen.