Men in the News
Page 36
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• MR. WALTER L. HILL has resigned from the board of the Vigzol Oil Co.. Ltd.
MR. J. R. LEMMER. who is joining the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., •was district engineer (not district manager), Notts and Derby District, Road Haulage Executive.
MR. V. W. PILKINGTON has resigned his appointment as engineering director of Dennis Bros., Ltd., and has left the company. The name of his successor has not yet been announced.
MR. J. GRIFFITH HALL, director and secretary of the Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., has been appointed to the board of Westinghouse Garrard Ticket Machines, Ltd.
MR. G. H. SEARLE has been etectea a vice-chairman of the Metropolitan section of the Institute of Transport to fill the vacancy caused by the death of MR. W. H. GAILINf. MR. A. R. PARSELLE has been elected to succeed Mr. Searle as honorary treasurer.
MR. J. M. A. Saturn, A.C,A., has been appointed director of finance and administration of the Ford Motor Co.. Ltd. MR. A. HASELDEN, M.B.E., has become director of manufacture, MR. C. THACKER, director of supply and sales, MR. J. L. aaitirtoR, C.A., SeCietary, arid Mm T. S. RowtsrtRre, M.A.. assistant secretary. M. L. S. FAULKNER, Dunlop deputy district manager at Norwich, has been appointed manager in succession to the late MR. H. S. DOWNES.
"Ma. S. F. Prom', managing director of Barnet Transport, Ltd., is undertaking a business tour in Africa in connection with Lawson Pigott Motors. Ltd.
MR. J. C. SWORD, a director of Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd., recently received the freedom of Airdrie in recognition of his contribution to the expansion of transport services in the west of Scotland.
MR. W. ASTIN has been appointed general manager of Chester Transport. Department. He has been general manager of Colchester Transport .Department since 1947. aid previously was with Coventry Corporation and Ribble Motor Services, Ltd.
MR. C. B. NIXON, chairman of Leyland Motors, Ltd., has sailed for Buenos Aires to visit Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil. He Will be met by MR. a G. STOKES, general sales manager, who started a 25,000-mile trip to South America at the beginning of the month. Before he returns home in March, he hopes to have visited Brazil, Uruguay. Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Trinidad, Janiaica, Cuba, Mexico and the U.S.A.
The objects of the YiSits inelude: a reyieW of potentialities in Latin America 7-Leyland's Seetind-largest export market.