3,727 ..Undertakings Acquired
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ft 4ANY statistics concerning carriers' LYI. licences, permits and compensation payments were given by the Minister of Transport, last Week, in wrinen answers toquestions put by Mr. Ernest Davies. Mr. Davies first asked • for details of the number of licensed vehicles in the year 1938 and the years. 1.947-51. The Ntinistea gave the following schedule : With regard to a -question concerning . original permits, the Minister furnished the following information, provided by the British Transport Commission.
No of original Remits issued .. !2.035
No. Cu reduced because of -subsequent acquisitions of undersakmgs holding permizs before their omits.' 11 855 No, revoked at the end of their first year's currency5,949 No. currently -veld . . 6,8n6
The number of cases inwhich provisional or final ascertainments of compensation had been calculated up to October 31, 1951, was 2,844 and the amount was £34.4m. The sum paid out to date was £30 3m„ and the number of cases in which provisional ascertainments had not been made at that date was 406. The Minister filially told Mr. Davies" that 3,727 road haulage undertakings had been acquired up to October 31, involving the transfer of 43,731 motor vehicles and 4,998 trailers.
ON Monday, the South Wales Licensing Authority resumed, at Newport, the hearing of the applications of eight South Wales bus companies for permission to abolish workmen's fares and increase charges for season tickets and tickets, for children. Earlier proceedings were reported in "The Commercial Motor " on November 23 and November 30. The applications are _ being strongly resisted by local authorities and other organizations.
Mr. T. C. L, Strange, traffic manager or the Western Welsh Omnibus Co., Lid, said that thee, recent wage award would cost his company £69,000-a year, .indithe increase in the price Of fuel and in fuel tax would cost over 149,500. The company's proposalswould: yield £81,984 in a full year.
The eight concerns seek to rernave workmen's fares, so as to standardize the rates and conditions . of weekly . tickets and to .extend these,facilities,. It ' S proposed to assess,the five-day weekly ticket on a 6d. single-fare, instead of at 5d. It is suggested that these tickets should. be available only up to three Months, intsead of 12 months.
Mr. H. J. Thom, the LieeliSint; Authority, said the court would not require evidence of hardship, because it was aware that there must be hardship.
Mr. Meurig Evans, for Rhondda Urban District Council and Llantrisant and Llantwit Vardre Rural District Council, said they regarded the application as a breach of an agreement in their area. This implied that there should he a differential between the rates chargeable to the ordinary public arid those for workmen.
• Mr. S. D. Herrington, for the applicants, said that the companies were not -trying to fix for all time the fares which should be charged.
Mi. Thom: " Whatever the spirit ot the agreement might have been, there is nothing in its terms which makes this application a breach of covenant."
After stating that the revenue reserves and undivided profit of the Rhondda Transport Co., Lid., at the end of 1950 amounted to over £297,000, Mr. Evans asked the company's general manage:-, Mr. T. G. Davies, whether he thought it fair to apply for higher fares "at a time like the present and distribute dividends to shareholders out of reserves." -.
Mr. Davies: " F certainly do. it would be unfair for a shareholder not to have any return, purely because our procedure for increasing prices is different from the procedure of those who sell things."