New Ambulance Chassis
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ANEW Morris-Commercial ambulance chassis h:aving a six-. cylindered overhead-valve petrol engine is now being produced and the first four vehicles will be completed early in 1952.
Because of the varying needs of local health authorities, a number of body styles is being made by four approved coachbuilders, Stewart and Ardern, Ltd., Wad ham Bros., Ltd.. Appleyard of Leeds, -Ltd., and Kennings, Ltd. Each will be responsible for two types of ambulance, one for accident casualties and the other for sitting cases.
Many of the units formerly employed in the Morris-Commercial ambulance chassis have been retained, but. because of the increased length of the new engine, the wheelbase has been extended, so that the same amount of body space is available as on previous' models. The overall length to the end of the frame is 18 ft. 0/ in.
The Morris-Commercial engine now used in the ambulance was introduced into the goods range in 1950. and has an oil-bath air cleaner and full-flow Oil filter. The Borg and Beck clutch, of 11-in, diameter, is equipped with a spring-drive centre plate for smooth take-up in transmission, and the fourspeed gearbox has provision for powertake-off drive. Semi-elliptic ambulancetype springs are *fitted to both axles. together with oversize telescopic shock absorbers.
The basic price of the chassis is £600, plus £162 13s. 9d. purchase lax, which is refunded when the vehicle is classified as exempt from duty.
APPLICATION forms' for entry in the Institute of Transnort examinations, to be held from May 5-7, 1952, will be available from the secretary of the Institute from January I. The address 'is 80, Portland Place, London, W.I. Completed forms must be returned by March 1 Only student members may apply to sit for the graduateship exaininations.
On December 17, Mr. G. W. Ouick Smith is to read a paper. "The Road Haulage Executive in Retrospect and Prospect," to the Scottish section of the Institute at Glasgow Corporation transport offices at 5.30 pan.
TRAFFIC PLANS FOR GLASGOW NAUNICIPAL transport services are 1V1 not affected by proposals submitted by Glasgow's chief constable and the master of works for relief of congestion in busy thoroughfares.
It is suggested that there should be a meeting of representatives of Road Haulage Executive groups in the city to arrange for the routeing of longdistance good vehicles via specified roads. Diversions are proposed at the north-east and north-west entrances to Glasgow.
It is also proposed that buses running 'from Waterloo S`reet and Buchanan Street bus stations should pass down less congested roads.