• . United Dominions Buys Loy‘tall
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THROUGH its subsidary company, i Old Broad Street Securities, Ltd., the United Dominions Trust, Ltd., has entered into contracts for the purchase of the whole of the share capital of the Laystall Engineering Co., Ltd., which was established nearly 50 years ago.
The present Laystall management
will not be disturbed. Mr. J. Gibson Jarvie has become chairman: Mr. P. M Gray and Mr. C. A. Neale have also been elected to the board.
Mr. F. R. G. Spikins, former chairman of the Laystall concern, was killed
• last Whitsun in a motor race.
A TEMPORARY delay occurred at IA certain London fruit and vegetable markets, last week, ' when porters refused to handle loads consigned to
British Road Services •
Before nationalization many hauliers. when called upon to carry produce from the docks to outlying destinations, transported the goods direct to their depots for onward long-distance haulage. The markets were avoided altogether. In the interests of economy, this practice has recently been extended and the porters are aggrieved that their livelihood is endangered because of this diversion of traffic.
A spokesman of the Road Haulage Executive told "The Commercial Motor that the R.H.E. was not directly concerned in the dispute.
IT was the Licensing Authority's duty to see that roads were suitable for bus services, but if roads were not there. this could not be done. The Northern Licensing Authority made this comment, last week, when United Automobile Services, Ltd., applied to run a service between West Hartlepool and Easington through a road in Peterlee new town which is not yet constructed. ,
The chief .engineer of Peterlee Development Corporation said that the roads would not be completed. for two years.
• The Authority added that the company's application would remain on the • books until the position was more definite. Someone had got ahead of United in Newton Aycliffe new town and he thought the applicant had been wise to put a ease regarding Peterlee.
FACING £670,000 LOSS
UNLESS fares increases arc authorized, Glasgow Transport Department may lose £670,000 in the
financial year ending May 31. 1952. . Recent wage awards add 433,450 a year • to costs.
THE issued share capitals of Carrno (1929), Ltd., Kenden Bodies, Lid., Flexion Extensions, Ltd.. and Mansons (Engineers), Ltd., are to he acquired by Carmo Moldings), Ltd. This is a new company and has a capital in 4s. shares.