• Express Services at Newcastle.
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An interesting development has just been made at Newcastle in the shape of an express bus service to supplement the tram service at rush hours and generally to cater more thoroughly than has been the case in the past for through passengers. The new service —from the city to Gosforth—was inaugurated on February 6th, and if it proves successful the scheme may be extended to other tram routes where there is an equally pronounced need for speedy facilities at definite periods each day. Four machines are used on the new route and a 10-minute service is provided at busy times of the day, with a half-hourly service at other periods. The single-journey fare is 8d. compared with 2d. on the trams.
A Metal Preserver.
Our attention has been directed to the merits claimed for a commodity which is marketed by Messrs. Boyd, Whyte and Co., 248, West George Street, Glasgow, under the name of Everkleen. This product is stated to be a transparent rust preventive and a protector for many metals, including steel, iron, brass, copper, aluminium and silver. It is intended to be applied to metal parts, especially those that are polished, such as most radiator shells, and a claim is made that in normal circumstances it keeps the treated part bright and untarnished, there being no need for frequent polishing. Should the Evcrkleen become dull, the maker states that it can be quickly removed from the metal and another coating applied without repolishing. Everkleen, which is said to be able to withstand high degrees of temperature and to be acid-proof, is stdd at 3s. per bottle.
A New Swiss Association.
With the title " Autoschutzverband " (Motor Protection Union) an associa tion of privately owned road-transport concerns in Switzerland has recently been organized in Basle. The object of the new body is to form a link between the existing concerns engaged in the mechanical transport of goods and passengers, to establish central goods collection and delivery centres, to prevent price-cutting and to undertake the joint purchase of vehicles, oils, fuel, tyres and other necessities which are regularly required by almost all commercial-vehicle users.
Use of Lorries in America.
'Under the title "Truck Facts," the American National Automobile Chamber of Commerce has just issued an annual report giving statistics of motor lorry transportation and a detailed outline showing the uses of motor vehicles in American industries. The work also shows the production of such vehicles and the number in use in the different States. Information is also given as to motor lorry operation, commodities carried, length of hauls, types of vehicle lased and extent of inter-State operations. The use of lorries on farms is dealt with, as also are the subjects of lorry influence on highways and of taxation.
A Ribble Acquisition.
At a meeting of the Bolton Watch Committee a letter was received from Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., stating that the company had acquired the business of Messrs. .1. E. Loyncis and Co., asking for permission to operate a bus service between Damen and Bolton, via Blackburn Road, and giving undertakings with regard to workmen's tickets and other matters. The committee has given the necessary permission.
Bus Routes Scheduled.
At a meeting of the Tynemouth Watch Committee the town clerk reported it to be desirable that the various bus routes in or passing through the borough should be definitely settled and that. buses should be licensed for specific routes. After discussing the matter, the committee has arranged to schedule, the routes.
Coaching in Corsica.
The Paris, Lyons and Mediterranean Railway authorities have now extended their motor-coaching services to Corsica, where they are running until March 16th next an excursion service which covers the resorts and landmarks of the island.
Bus Services in Havana.
From Havana we learn that a new company has recently been organized in Cuba with a capital of £408,000 to inaugurate a new service of motorbuses over a portion of that city, which is to be followed by other services. The new company has taken over the permits of several private motorbus undertakings which have been in operation and it is reported that an initial order for 70 buses has been placed in the United States.