Financial News of the Industry
Page 33

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David Callender, Ltd., registered in Edinburgh as a private company on Jan, 4, with a nominal cap. of £60,000 in 60,000 shares of
£1 each. Haulage contractors, etc. DireeOrs:-Davict Callender, Braetiounie House, Forfar; Alex. Callender, Cunmount House, Robert. Street, Forfar; W. F. Callender, 56, North Street, Forfa.r.
A. H. B. Transport. Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Jan. 8. Cap. £1,000 in £1 shares. Carriers, etc. Subseribers:-Cyril Li,. Crompton and Chas. E. King, Queen's Chambers, Bargate, lBosten, Lincs. Secretary:C. E. King. Reg. office:-50, Freiston Road, Boston, Lincs. Harold Cawtherne and Co., Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Jan. 7. Cap. 41,000 in £1 shares. To acquire husiness at haulage contractor carried on by H. Cawthorne at 70, Stafford Road, Sheffield. Directors:Mrs. E. Cewtherne and Harold Can-theme, 70, Stafford Road, Sheffield. Solicitors:-Tofield and Meeke, 19, Figtree La.o, Sheffield, Reg. office:70. Stafford Road, Sheffield. Marton International, Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Jan. 7. Cap. £500 in 500 shares of £1 each. Haulage contractors, etc. Directors:Fredk. S. Morton, 21, Chalkwed Park Avenne, Enfield, Middx.; Roland IAmbrose, St. Ronans, a, Waverley Road, Enfield, Middx, Solicitors:Bennett and Bennett, 73, Chancery Lane, W.C.2. Reg. office:-34-38, Church Street, Enfield, Middx. Eden Transport Co., Ltd.-Private cinnpany. Regjan. 4. Cap. £1.000 in 1,000 shares of £1 each. To acquire the business of foulage contractors carried on by W. and Martha. Skelton at 2, Currock Bank, Carlisle, Cumberland. as W. and M. Skelton. Directors
Skelton and Mrs. Martha Skelton, 2, Currock Bank, Carlisle; Thomas Kelso and Mrs. Eleanor Kelso, Bunny Croft, Lazonby, Cumberland. Solieffors:-Bendle Sibson end Davidson, Carlisle.
Morton Lomax, Ltd.-Private companyReg. Jan. 1. Cap. £12,500 in 12,500 shares of 21 each, To acquire the husiness of a concessionnaire of Wi.Bps cars and trucks and Gramm trucks for the United Kingdom carried on by Charles Morton Lomax at Arlington
Works, Arlington Road, Twickenham Directors:-Charles Morton Lomax and Mrs. Etheldreda Lomax, 12, Sheen Court, Richmond, Surrey; Claude IL Bonnett, Pyrford Croft. 92, Wensleydale Road, Hampton, Middx.; and Frank Bradford, 29, Cliff Road, Leigh-on-Sea. Solicitor:C. H. D. Bennett, 3, Raymond Buildings, Gray's Inn, 'W.C.1. Reg. office: 21, Arlington Road, Twickenham, Middx.
Thomas Rowe (Carriers), Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Jan. 4. Cap. £1,500 in £1 shares (750 71U pref. and 750 ord.). To acquire the business of _general carrier, etc., carried on by .1. T. Tntthill‘at High Street, Penzance. as " Thema Rowe," and to adopt an agreembnt with the said J. T. Tutthill and K. C. Tutthill. Directors:-Alfred Smith, Thansdown,Liddur, Penzance; Alfred W. Robinson, 2, Kings iloart, Penzance; John T. Tutthill, Dunheved, Heamoor, Penzance; Kenneth C. Tutthill, Thomas Rowe and Walter H. Eva.
Cower Vanguard Motors (1920), Ltd. The Bulwark, Chepstow, Mon.Satisfaction in full on November 26, 1957, of debenture dated May 30, 1930, and registered June 16, 1930. (According to the register of mortgages, the debenture registered June 16, 1930, originally secured all monies due to bank.)
Replacement Motor Parts, Ltd. (formerly Republic Motor Accessories Co., Ltd.)., 66, Fairfield Street; Wandsworth, S.W.18.-W. E. Viney, • chartered accountant, of 60, St. Paul's Churchyard, E.C.4, was appointed -receiver and manager on Dec. 30, 1937, under powers contained in debenture dated Jan. 27, 1936.
Fairfield Filling Stations, Ltd, Fairfield Street, Manchester:.-H. 15, Leete. chartered accountant, of 9, Princess Street, Manchester, was appointed receiver and manager an Dec. 24, 1937, under powers contained in the debenture dated Oct. 1, 1937.
North Eastern Rubber Co., Ltd., 47, Borough Road, North Shields.The nominal caPital has been increased by the addition of £1,500 in £1 ordinary shares beyond the registered capital. of £500.
Leyland Motors, Ltd.-Ordinary dividend of 25 per cent. is being paid . for year ended September 50, 1957; Which compares with 20 per cent.' for previous year. General increase in production, particularly of trolleybuses and fire-engines, resulted in gross trading profit of £746,951, net profit, without allowance for taxation and contingencies, being £631,597. Allocation to general reserve is unchanged at £150,000, whilst carry forward is £86,819, or £35,000 higher than for previous
Steel Barrel Seammells and Associated Engineers, Ltd-Interim dividend id 6 fru cent, has been declared, which contrasts with 5 per cent. for previous year. Vauxhall Motors, Ltd.-Scrip dividend. to ordinary shareholders, of one ordinary share for every two held has been declared; thereby increasing. nominal capital to £1,800,000, made up of 1,500,000 ordinary shares and 600,000 preference shares. Also decided to convert both classes of share into equivalent amount .of stock, transferable in units of £1.