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£15 autobahn tolls in W Germany?

14th January 1984
Page 14
Page 14, 14th January 1984 — £15 autobahn tolls in W Germany?
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The idea is to levy a charge of DM60 (about £15) at the border on all vehicles — lorries, coaches and cars — entering the country.

For this sum foreign drivers would receive a windscreen sticker entitling them to use all autobahns for 12 months.

Germans would also have to pay the same fee (at post offices) but the money would be refunded by reducing their road tax by DM60.

The plan was tabled by Dionys Jobst, transport spokesman for the Christian Socialists' Union, one of the partners in the coalition government.

It has provoked a mixture of approval by sections of the public — who think it unfair that Ger mans must pay tolls in Italy and France — and scepticism on the part of the Government.

The transport ministry pointed out that as the proposal was discriminating against foreign users, it was illegal under EEC competition laws.

A spokesman of the ministry added: "Really, there should be free access to all motorways in the EEC. That is our political aim."

• There was good news from Austria where foreign lorry operators have complained for years over the stiff charges for using the motorway over the Brenner Pass.

From January 1 the toll paid by foreigners has been the same as that levied on Austrian vehicles. The cost for a "season ticket" for one year will be considerably reduced to 17,000 Shillings (about f600).