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The Municipal and County Engineers' Conference Rendered Notable b Demonstration of Motor Vehicles Used in Municipal Work.
THIS WEEK the 48th annual general meeting and conference of the Institution of Municipal and , County Engineers will be held at the Institution•of civil Engineers, Westminster, London. The proceedings commence to-morrow (Wednesday) with the A.G.M., at which the incoming president, Mr. Norman Scorgie, M.Inst.C.E., past president of the Society of Engineers, Borough Engineer, Hackney, will be installed, and will give his presidential address. In the afternoon Mr. J. G. Gibbon, C.B.E., Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Health, will give a short address. on 'Town Planning and the Municipal Engineer," followed by a discussion on papers circulated among the members. After tea there will be a demonstration at Shell-Mex, Ltd., laboratories, where tests of various kinds will be shown, and the use of simple instruments in modern road construction will be seen and explained.
On Thursday a number of papers will be discussed, and Sir Henry Maybury, K.C.M.G., C.B., will deliver an address on " Local Government Construction and Maintenance of Roads."
In the afternoon there will be a Semonstration of mechanically propelled vehicles used in municipal work in Lincoln's Inn Fields from 4 to 6 p.m. A full list of the exhibits is given below, This demonstration has been arranged by Mr. E. F. Spurrell, engineer to the Holborn Borough Council.
In the evening the annual dinner of the Institution will be held at the Holborn Restaurant.
On Friday visits will be made to the King George Reservoir, at Chingford, and to the London County Council Housing Estate at Becontree, Essex, the evening being spent at the Festival of the Municipal and County Engineers' Lodge at the Connaught Rooms.
On Saturday a trip up the River Thames will conclude the proceedings. List of exhibits to be shown at the demonstration of mechanically propelled vehicles used in municipal work on Thursday, June 16th, 1921 :— No. 1.—Exhibitors: Messrs. Constable, Hart and Co., 1/2, Cannon Street, London.
Petrol road roller. Used by this firm in rolling " actezphalte " and slag-tar macadam.
No. 2.--Exhibitors: Messrs. Tuke and Bell, 27, Lincoln's Inn Fields.
(a) Road gritting machine, for treating slippery roads, two tons capacity--steel body, travelling conveyor, and revolving distributor with adjustable screens.
'The machine is designed to distribute wet or dry grit .b any desired width from. 6 ft. to 20 ft.. Speed of machine, 4 to 8 m.p.h.
(b) Gritting machine, for newly tarred roads. Capacity, one ton of chippings ; width of spread, 3 ft. ; thickness of chippings can be varied. Machine can be harnessed to tar. spraying machine.
(c) One ton end tipping motor vehicle (chassis 1 ton Ford truck). Capacity of body, 671 cubic ft., fitted with patent tipping gear and patent automatic door.
(d) Either-side tipping trailer, three tons capacity, fitted with patent tipping gear . and patent automatic doors. 'Capacity of body, 61 cubic ft.
No. 3.—Exhibitors: Laffly (England) Co., 14, Addison Avenue, W.11.
(a) Watering machine, convertible into a 4 ton hydraulic tipping wagon. Can spray at 10 m.p.h. a width of 20 yds. Width of spray can he varied at will of driver.
(b) Seven ton dust tipping wagon. Loading capacity, 9 cubic yds. Wagon can tip to an angle of 65 degrees. No ladders required when filling from the highway. Fitted with sliding', dust covers.
No. 4.—Exhibitor : Mr. A. T. Davis., M.Inst.C.E., County Surveyor, Salop.
Road gritting machine, for attachment to any .steam or petrol wagon. for gritting slippery roads. Distributes grit evenly over a track of 10 ft. wide at the rate of 8 m.p.h. with a small expenditure of material. Can be detached in a few minutes and wagon released for ordinary transport purposes. (Supplied by Johnston Bros,, 79, Mark Lane, E.G.). No. 5.—Exhibitors : Messrs. F. Walters and Co., Albert , Street-, Rugby.
(a) Pioneer " sweeping and loading machine. Operates over a width of 7 ft. up to 6 m.p.h. Fitted With channel sweeping attachment.
(b) Lolyne tipping wagon, mounted on Ford chassis. Capacity, 110 cubic ft. Dust profit covers. Angle of tip, 60 degrees.
(c) Gritting machine to'. suit sand, salt, grit, or gravel. Fitted with neutral gear and three speeds for use either with hand power or for traction up to 8 m.p.h. ; 14 ft. spread at walking speed on high gear.
No, Et—Exhibitors: Hackney Borough Conncil (Mr. N. Scorgie, M.Inst.C.E., Borough Engineer).
Electric dust vans, with side-tipping arrangement, supplied by Messrs. Ransomes, Sims and .lefferies, 46, Queen Victoria. Street, E.C.4. Four vehicles are in use in Hackney, two tons andtwo 2 tons capacity, and are engaged in house refuse collection in connection with an experiment which is being made of a daily collection from certain areas in the boiough.
No. 6.—Exhibitors: City of Westminster (Capt. F. W. M.C., A.M.I.C.F., City Cleansing ,Surveyor). Thern.yeroft motor wagon, 40 h.p., with twin screw tipping body with patent opening door and. patent dust cover, adapted by exhibitor from 'Auster's patent lightning fastener.
No. 7.—Exhibitors: Messrs. Merryweather and Sons, Greenwich.
(a) Motor fire-engine, fitted with Hatfield reciprocating pump as supplied to His Majesty the King.
(b) Latest patent motor Anintable fire-ladder, in which one engine propels the machine and raises and extends ladders.
No. 8.—Exhibitors Messrs. Crossley Motors, Ltd., Gorton, Manchester.
(a) Police patrol wagon. Specially designed for speedy and efficient means of transport by the police. The wagon accommodates 20 men. Body mounted on 25-30 h.p: chassis, built of best seasoned ash, with -seats.
(b) Motor ambulance. Suitable for the efficient transport of sick or accident eases, being both speedy and comfortable_ Body mounted on 25-30 h.p. chassis, and built of best straight-grained ash-with mahogany rTanels.
No. 0.—Exhibitors: Holborn Borough Council (Mr. E. F. Spurrell, Engineer),
Jaegar portable concrete mixer with petrol-engine drive. (Supplied by 1.1illar's Trading Co., Pinners Hall, E.C.2.).
No. 10.—Exhibitors: 'Miller's Timber and Trading Co., Pi/users Hall, E.C. 2.
(a) Truck -tractor. A gasolene-po-wered truck for use in road work. Capacity, 27 cubic ft. Operates at any speed between & and 12 m.p.h.
(b) _Buffalo-Springfield tandem roller.
1L—Exhibitor: Mr. B. Horne, Main Road Surveyor, Soclbury District, Gloucester County Council, Apparatus fitted to tar boiler for releasing horse in the event of fire. (Boiler supplied by Brisfowe Machinery Department, 11, Tothill Street, S.W.) No. 12.--Exhibitor: Mr. B. P. Gray, 13,.Suffolk Street, Birmingham.
The Gray horseshoe pad was .placed first in the judges' awards in the £100 prize competition for a device to prevent horses slipping on road surfaces, 1913,14. Horses shod with Gray's patent flexible bridge pad (an improvement upon the above), and which have been in use several weeks, will be exhibited, and the process of shoeing a horse with the pad will he shown.
13.—Exhibitors: Karrier Motors, Ltd., 68, Victoria Streets S.W.1.
Karrier road-sweeping and collecting machine. Will operate over any roads. Speed, 8 m.p.h. Capacity of container, five tons.
No. 14.'--Exhibitors: Agricultural and General Engineers, Central House, KingSway, W.C.
fa) Stearn roller. Aveling ancl Porter. Ten tons weight empty with compound piston valve engine. Patent water'. spraying apparatus acting an all four roller wheels and fitted with Morrison patent .scarifier.
(b) -Motor roller. Barford and Perkins. Weight .about 11. tens empty, 14 tons full, with paraffin carburetter. Stone box, holds 15 cwt. read metal.
-(c) Steam wagon. Garrett. 'Five tens capacity, fitted with standard wooden body, with hinged sides and tailboard.
(d) Electric vehicle. Garrett. Two and a half tons capacity, with electrically operated end-tipping body specially designed for municipal work, and as in use in the Borough of Hampstead.
No. 15.—Exhibitors: Carrosserie Latymer, Ltd., Pamber Street Works, Wahner Road, London, W.10.
Tipping trailer, 4 ton, side and end tipping, constructed of steel: The tipping mechanism can be operated by one man by device running on hall bearings in a dust and dirt proof casihg.
No. 16.--:-Exkilitors: Clement Talbot, Lid., Barlby Road, W.10.
Austin 2-3 ton chassis fitted with end-tipping gear. Allsteel metal body.
• N. W.—Exhibitors: Lacre MotorCar Co., 78, York Road, King's Cross,_N.
Tipping wagon. Claimed for this are :—Simple design, lightness, efficiency, and speed. By slight efforE on the hand crank, the load becomes self-tipping, and, similarly, will recover. The wagon will tip and recover in under 30 sees.
No. 18.—Exhibitors: Lacre Motor Car Co., 78, York Road,. King's Cross, N.
Gully emptier. This machine cleanses street -gullies by high-pressuye spray from punip, breaking up the sediments which are carried to tank through main up-take pipe. With this machine preliminary stirring is. not required, and surface water is retained in the gully.
No. 19.—Exhibitors: St. Marylebono Borough Council (MrJ. Gait, A.M.Inst.C.E., Highways Engineer): Straker-Squire 3 ton chassis, fitted with body for dust collodion, 9 cubic yds. capacity, interchangeable with a 750gallon water-tank, supplied by the Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd., Warwick.
Austin 2-3 ton chassis, fitted with a body for dust collec, tion of 8. cubic yds. capacity, supplied by Messrs. C. Chalmers, Ltd., Redhill, and the body fitted with the Craymer miloader, supplied by Messrs. Craymer Unloaders, Ltd., Peckham.
20.—Exhibitors Holborn Borough Couneil (Mr, E. E. Spurred, Borough Engineer). (a) Lacre motor sweeper. Three-wheeled, petrol driven. Sweeps 6 ft. 6 ins. wide. Has shown great saving over horse brooms.
(b) Straker-Squire street-washing machine. Capacity of tank, 1,200 gallons. Average speed per hour, 12 miles.
(e) Straker-Squire gully cleanser. Vacuum system. Capacity of cylinder, 850 gallons.
No. 21.----Exliibitars : Shoreditch Borough Council (Mr, T.
Hustler, Borough Engineer), .
Lattly four-wheeled motor sweeping machine. Latest t:ype. In use 'has shown an increase in mileage of over 31 per cent. over horse brooms, and saving over old system. Petrol consumption, gallon far14 miles. Sweeping action, 5 ft. 11 ins. At an average speed of 6i m.p.h. will sweep a roadway surface of 194,000 sq. ft.
NO22.—Exhibitors : Atkinson and Go., Preston. Street-washing wagon, with high-pressure discharge. Capacity of tank, 1,350 gallons. Fitted with squeegee arrangement. Built specially for Southwark Borough Council (Mr. A. Harrison, 31.1nst.C.E., Engineer).
No, 23.—Exhibitors : Hendon Urban District Council (Mr. A., 0. Knight,. A.M.Inst.C.E,, Engineer).
Steam wagons in use in Hendon for the collection of house refuse. The wagon is mounted on rubber tyres, and has a mechanically operated end-tipping body. Supplied bY Clayton Wagons,Ltd., Titanic Works, Lincoln.
No. 24.—Exhibitors Tilling-Stevens Motors, 1.4d.. Petrol-electric vehicle.