Frank Cousins, general secretary of the Transport and General Workers
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Union, is to be chairman of the Central Training Council from June 17 in succession to Sir John Hunter, chairman of the Swan Hunter shipbuilding group. The appointment has been made by the Productivity and Employment Minister, Mrs. Barbara Castle; the Central Training Council advises the Minister on industrial training and particularly the Industrial Training Boards, of which there are now 23. Mr. Cousins has been a member of the council since 1964. Sir John Hunter gave a paper on industrial training at the Commercial Motor Fleet Management Conference in 1966; Mr. Cousins will be presenting a paper at CM's 1968 conference, at the London Hilton on September 19.
E. J. Pennock and R. Wedge have been appointed joint managing directors of The Laystall Engineering Group. They were formerly on the board as general managers of administration and engineering respectively.
Edward Rose, managing director and founder of Edward Rose (Birmingham) Ltd., has been appointed to the Board of the holding company William Bate (Holdings) Ltd.
T. L. Blain and C. H. C. Brown have been appointed to the board of Tyres (Scotland) Ltd. D. G. Badham has resigned from the board of Duffryn Ltd. Mr. Badham will be pursuing ather business interests in South Wales and the 3outh West but he has agreed to continue as :hairman of Powell Duffryn Wagon Co. Ltd. and is a director of Powell Duffryn's subsidiary Hydrauic Machinery (Great Britain) Ltd.
kustin O'Malley, 39, has been appointed general nanager of the Automotive Division of Pinchin iohnson, the Courtaulds paint company. This ippointment follows only three months after Mr. )'Malley was made deputy general manager of the kutomotive Division.
N. D. Ball has been elected a director of J. Brocklouse and Co. Ltd. Mr. Ball was previously an ixecutive director, As R. Askin is now within neasurable distance of normal retirement, he is. s from June 30, relinquishing his position as leputy managing director, but continuing as a irector with certain special executive duties. or health reasons H. W. Vernon is retiring from II executive duties on June 30, but remaining a lirector. J. R. Thornton and Mr. Ball will be ppointed assistant managing directors from uly 1. H. S. Douglas has been installed as 1968/69 national chairman, Industrial Transport Association. Mr. Douglas, who is regional transport manager, Procter and Gamble Ltd., Newcastle upon Tyne, has been chairman of the Association's Nottingham and Tyneside divisions, and for the past three years national vice chairman.
A. Prentice, formerly transport manager at the Co-operative Society's St. Cuthbert's depot, is now acting transport manager of the London Co-operative Society Ltd. Mr. Prentice will hold the position until a permanent manager is appointed; the post is currently being advertised.
W. R. Holland, chief traffic and commercial officer with the Teesside Corporation transport department, has been appointed deputy general manager of Nottingham City Transport. Mr. Holland has also served as transport deputy manager at Stockton and Middlesbrough.
J. Stanleigh Turner has been elected chairman of the Sand and Gravel Association of Great Britain. He succeeds H. E. Peirce, who has held this office for the past 25 years and now becomes president. A. J. C. Prior and W. Hadley Vickers were elected vice-chairmen for the coming year and F. England was appointed a vice-president.