Answers to Queries.
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any points connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where a direct reply is desired, a stamped and addressed envelope shonal be enclo4ed : if a request for privacy is not specially made, any query and answer may be published. Some replies, owing to pressure 4.41 our space, are held several weeks. Numerous requests reach us for lists of motorcab and commercial-vehicle owners ; these we never supply. Our adverli.ement columns are open to those who desire to make announcements to owners for the purposes of trade.
S eel Bodies.
[1942] " WAGONS " write :We would be obliged
if you could let us have the names and addresses of builders of steel side-tipping wagon bodies, complete with gearing."
ANSWER.—We know that Mr. John Bellamy, of Bvng Street, Millwall, E., makes good steel-sided tipping wagon bodies. We also believe that Braby and Co., Ltd., 352, Euston Road, N.W., does the same.
Full Weight Without the Body.
[1943] " CARL° " (Ireland) writes :—" Will you kindly let me know if a 30 li.p. Thornycroft petrol lorry (unladen weight about 46 cwt.) is restricted to a maximum speed of 12 miles per hour ! I may say that I am a reader of your excellent paper.
ANSWER.—The speed depends, in the case which you mention, upon the unladen weight of the lorry. If its unladen weight be in excess of two tons, you cannot travel at more than 12 m.p.h., but, of course, you must remember that it is a very usual thing not to reckon the bodywork in the unladen weight, as a vehicle is complete with a " nominal " body upon it.
Agricultural Motors Wanted in W. Australia.
[19141 " LAW.'' (Tarmnin, W. Australia) writes : —" Will you be. kind enough to send me the names and addresses of the principal firms of engineers who make agricultural motors? I accidentally came across your paper through a friend in this district, a day or two ago, so I thought you would be the most likely people to give me the required information."
ANSWER.—We are sending a copy of our Overseas Issue to you. You will see in the Agricultural Motor section therein the information for which you ask. The friend who brought this journal to your notice will, no doubt, have seen this special issue.
The Two-mile Speed Limit and Its Application.
[19151 " REMOVES " (Hants) writes :—" I am writing to know if you can give me advice whether the police have any power to take action for not keeping down to the two-mile limit through a country village with a steam motor tractor ; as a friend of mine has had a summons served on him for this offence, I should like your advice for my own safeguard.
" I have introduced your society to this gentleman, who is I believe quite willing to become a member, so if you would care to forward proposal forms, his name is —."
ANSWER—The two-mile limit through villages applies to locomotives which are constructed under the Locomotives Acts, whereas tractors, provided they are built in accordance with the Motor Car Acts, and registered under the Heavy Motor Car Order, are sp^cifically exempted from that spePd limit. The proper line of defence is for you or your driver to produce in court the registration of the tractor as a heavy motorcar. We certainly think you should get
costs against the police, although that course sometime leads to subsequent bad feeling.
We are seeing that particulars of the Commercial Motor Users Association are sent to your friend. As probably you are aware, membership of this organization carries with it, amongst a number of other specific benefits, free legal defence and advice and the right to call upon the permanent officials of the Association for technical and general information upon any matter concerning commercial motor vehicles. The secretary. is Mr. F. G. Bristow, and the offices are at 89, Pall Mall, S.W.
Wants Particulars of an Automaticallp-controlled Charging Set.
[1940] " A READER " (Turin) writes :—" Je sais qu'une maison qui fabrique des moteurs pour automobiles d'Angleterre, fabrique des groupes electrogenes, composes d'un moteur detonation et d'une dinamo. Ce groupe est muni d'une eopie d'acerimulateur que vient chargé de la dinamo meme.
" Cette machine presente la part icularite d'avcir min tableau de distribution automatique qui permet qu'on suspend le mouvement de chargement de Faccumulateur lorsque le meme est suffisamment chargé. " Je vous s2rai tres oblige sr vous connaissant eette chose m'imliquez . le nom de in 'liaison qui fabrique
ces machines. Oil vous voudrez me communiquer si existent en Arigleterre des bureaux de renseignernents auxquels je peux m'adresser pour eonnaitre le nom de (vile 'liaison.
" Vous pria.nt de bien vouloi I' excuser le derangement que je vous donne et dans l'attente de vous lire je vous pr6sente, Messieurs, Ines salutations distinguees.'' ANSWER,—We cannot do better than refer you to: The Aster Engineering Co., Wembley ; The Wolseley Tool and Motor Car Co., Ltd., Adderley Park, Birmingham ; and John I. Thornycroft and Co., Caxton House, Westminster, S.W. We are unable to recall the particular arrangement of petrol-electric set which you have in mind, but we do not doubt that one of these makers will be able to assist you.