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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."...Tohn Beattie Crozier.
-From ..ind including the issue of 21st March the price of this journal will he increased to Threepence.
The restriction of shipping space continues adversely to affect the situation with regard to paper supplies and, especially, prices, whilst in every other direction the costs of production have rapidly increased.
It must be borne in mind that, at the price of threepence, only a portion of these increases will fay upon readers of the paper.
Present subscriptions will not be affected by the change Until the date of renewal. The new subscription rates are as follow :— U.K. Abroad. I U.K. Abroad, [ U.K. Abroad,
One Year ... 17s, 4d. 19s. 6d. I Six Months 8s. 8d. 9s. 9d. I Three Months 4s. 4d. 4s. 11d, Bus Services and Road Upkeep.
As a result of a motorbus service being operated, between Abergele and Pensarn railway station and the Linmel Park military camp by the North Wales Silver Motors; Ltd., the Denbighshire County Council put forth a claim to the company for a contribution of 4d. per mile run towards maintaining the road • way in an efficient condition under the provisions of the Local Government (Emergency) Act, 1916. The motorbus company had shown their willingness to contribute a 1d.. a mile bus run, but this had been refused by the Council. As the bus service was continued without authority,proceedings were taken in the name of the county surveyor under Section 20 of the Act.
This section makes it unlawful for any omnibus to ply for hire on or use any route which has not been regularly used by the omnibuses plying for hire before let March, 1916, except with the consent of the authority liable for the maintenance and repair of the highways along which the route rims. There is the further provision that the section shall not apply to any omnibus plying for hire on or usmg any road where the Admiralty;
• Army Council, or Minister of Munitions are of opinion that the omnibus service is necessary for and is to be used by munition workers or other peraons engaged on Government war services.
The defendants claim that they have the sanction of the military authorities to carry on the service under this provision. The Case has been adjourned in order that the Main Roads Committee of the Council may consider a proposal made by the motorbus company.
To Develop British Industries The British Industries Fair, 1918, organized by the Board of Trade (the fourth Fair of the kind since the outbreak of war) was 'opened at the Pennington Street premises of the London Dock., London, on Monday last, and will remain open until (and including) the 22nd inst. In order that there shall be no possible interference with the production of military requirements, the Fair has again been confined to pottery, glass, stationery, paper' printing, fancy goods and toys, but by the time that normal circumstances again sway commerce the Fair will have become established, and other industries will reap an instant benefit from inclusion in it. Invitations to bona-fide trade buyers can be obtained • from the Director, British Industries Fair, 10, Basinghall :qt., London, E.C. 2. Bulk Transport by Road or Rail?
In our issue of the 31st January lest, in referring to the movement of a large 61 ton kier by road from Radcliffe, we mentioned that read transit was inevitable owing to the load being beyond the gauge of the Midland Railway, and that the latter, moreover, could not promise transportation within five weeks.. We are now advised that our authority for the statements made, although of unquestionable reliability, was labouring somewhat under a misapprehension. The Midland Railway inform us that they were not concerned in the movement of the load from Radcliffe to its destination, having never been approached upon the matter; nor do they admit that delivery would have occupied five weeks, or that it was beyond the gauge limits of the railway. As a matter of fact, they point out to us that they carried this particular consignment by rail to Radcliffe, where it was put on road, and that they have frequently carried loads' far more awkward, both in respect of bulk and weight, during a week-end Tractor Demonstration.
Demonstrations of the Alldays General Purpose tractor will be .given to-day (Thursday) and to-morrow (Friday) by the Oxfordshire agent, Mr. A. R. Hallwell, 19, High Street, Chipping Norton, on Mr. John Busby's farm, about half a mile from Chipping Norton on the Charlbury Road.
Wants Tractor Agency for France.
Mr. Clarks Lannes (a young Frenchman invalided from the Army) desires to secure an agency for farm tractors for the South of France, having a certain amount of capital to assist him. Makers and concessionnaires should writs him, care of the Bergougnan Tyre Co. 184, Great Portland Street, London, W. 1.
The Apollo Manufacturing Co., Wolseley Street, Birmingham, have a few 1918 desk calendars, 7 ins. by 51 ins. giving the month at a glance. They mill send on free on receipt of a postcard mentioning THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR.
The General Vehicle td. have
removed their offices to 4, Co.,houthLipton Row, London, W.C. 1, in consequence of m
the oomandeering of their Kingsway offices by the Air Production Departinent of the M.o.M.
French Paraffin Trials.
The Automobile Chib de France is organizing some engine trials for motors (particularly for commercial vehicles) running on paraffin, which will take place on 1st May next. Full particulars caa be obtained from the Technical Com mission of the Automobile Club de Francs, 18, Boulevard Bourdon, Neuillysur-Seine. The first prize will he .50,000 francs. The second prize of 10,000 francs has been offered by the Chambre Syndicale dee, Industrie du Petrole, and the third prize of 2000 francs has been given by the Association Generale Automobile. The judges will consist of members of the A.C.F. and the two abovementioned societies, in addition to three members of the French Military Staff. The paraffin which is to be used on the test will be at the expense of the competitors. Fuel ranging between 810-820 in density, and of 35 degrees flashpoint will be available. The engines , which will be accepted must have four cylinders developing between 20 and 40 h.p. All engines entered will be subject to two separate tests. One will be a bench test, the other will be a trial on the road. All vehicles 'must weigh. not less than 1200 kilos. On the road test an observer will be carried, and he will note all causes of stoppages, etc. The road test will be over a route of approximately 1000 kilometres, and will • not be known to the competitors. The prizes will be awarded according to the lowest ton-kilometre consumption; Also there will be a "regularity prize and general prize for the motor making the best all-round performance.
Stimulating Tractor Ploughing.
As an inducement to those in charge of tractor ploughing in the West Ridieg of Yorkshire to turn out the very 'best possible work in March and April, in 'addition, to the number of prizes and honours awards already announced, Alderman Jackson of the West Riding County Council is offering £10 per month to the ploughing officers whose teams do the beat work in February, March and April. Similar prizes are' also offered to the supervisors by Mr. 'Rowland Winn? of Leeds, • the wellknown automolele experts. Such stimulations are to be applauded and might -advantageously be extended.
Bradford Wants 50 Further Lorries for M.V.C.
An appeal is being made for the enrolment with the Bradford group of the West Riding Motor Volunteer Corps of fifty more commercial vehicles. It is pointed out that the.number of lorries
enrolled up to the present will not meet the contingency that will arise in case of the mobilization of the Volunteers for home defence purpo.ses. The bulk of the work done under ordinary. circumstances by the Motor Volunteers falls to the lot of the light car, but, if the emergency arose, the serviec.s,of the lorry owner and drivers would be of vital importance. Bp to the present the response of those in 'charge of heavy commercial vehicles has not be what it should have been in view of the immense road transport activities of the trade of Bradford and district.
The French police who grant the licences had 3,388,450 litres of petrol for disposal during the month of February. Of these, 1,400,000 litres were reserved for taxis, 171,000 litres for motor omnibuses, and 604,950 litres for domestic purposes, stationary engines, etc.
Lorry Trains in U.S.A.
Despite railroad congestion, freight embargoes and blizzards, the "United States Government is getting its Army trucks through from factory to seaboard. The first army train, of thirty Packards, pioneered the way over 580 miles of snow-filled • ice-covered roads between Detroit and an Atlantic port. This run was so successful that the quarter. master's department now has six more such trains on the road to the coast, and six more are soon to be made up in Detroit. The success of this experiment has impressed dealers and private purchasers, who, to assure themselves of prompt delivery—if not the only delivery possible—are driving their cars and trucks from Detroit to distributing. points. Dealers in Philadelphia, Washington, Buffalo, Columbus and other cities have adopted the new method of transportation. In making up these trains, cars and trucks are often mounted one truck on another, or a car on a truck. This reduces the expense; The Packard Motor Car CO., of New York, has arranged to drive overland all trucks and cars now awaiting ship'meat to the factory. The first of -these trains left Detroit 23rd January: The cars and trucks are 'driven by expert drivers, accompanied by skilled, mechanics. Stops are usually made at Toledo, Youngstown, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore 'and New York, in each of which cities Packard has standard, service establishments ready to take care of the incoming trains. The cars and trucks are turned over to the customers in practically the same condition as if they had come by freight. As a matter of fact they are improved by being
worked in" under the care of experts.
Volunteer Agricultural Corps.
A French woman volunteer agricultural eorpa commenced their active operations recently at Bagneux, in France. • Many members have already
been enrolled and are giving their services on Sundays.
The Canadian Government recently bought 1000 Ford agriculture/ motors, which are to be sold to farmers at cost price plus the cost of carriage.
War Time Enterprise.
Mr. T. Tate, who is the proprietor of Tales' Commercial Garage, Old Crown Yard, and Central Garage, Queen Street, Wakefield, carries on an extensive business in repairs at both garages, and is noted for "service" amongst commer cial vehicle users of the district. He holds the chief agency for the 'ord Motor Co., carries a large stock of spare parts, pneumatic tyres and accessories of all kinds. He also has a powerful tyre press installed at the Old Crown Yard premises, and has in stock a large quantity of solid tyres of the sizes most used in the district. Mr. Tate has also embraced the manufacture of gas containers and the fitting of bags to lorries, and many users in the district have one or more vehicles fitted up with his installa
tion. Mr. Tale's garage business has been developed chiefly during the war period, and consequently he has been handieapped for the necessary alterations to buildings, etc. lent he purposes, after the war is over, 'to acquire central premises and fit up a garage which, iA his own words, shall be "second to none in the district." The offices of he company are at Bull Ring, Wakefield.
00,000 for Breach.
The Bosch Magneto Co., of America, his just been cast in damages to the tune of £20,000 for failure to use the name " Rushmore " in its advertisements of the Rushmore electric starters, which it was manufacturing under royalty, and had undertaken to market as either "Rushmore," Bosch-Resh.more " starters, or "System Rushmore.' It used its own name instead and omitted the name of the inventor, hence the breach of contract.
A Spare Parts List.
The need for adequate spare parts lists has been emphasized by active service conditions. Co,nsideraNe attention has been devoted to them, and ea a result of the co-operation a many brains, their compilation has now been reduced almost to a fine art. Each successive talkion carries us nearer to perfection. The latest emanates from the makers of the Pagefield commercial vehicles, and is an outstanding example of its type. Its 45 pages of illustrations are each faced
E28 by textual description of the items pictured. The reproductions are from photographs, and great care has evidently been taken in the selection of the viewpoint, so that, the clearest exposition of the article has been obtained. The frontispiece is an excellent oiling chart, and for ease of reference. In order to save unnecessary handling of the illustrated list, which is handsomely bound in green cloth, with gold lettering, a supplementary numerical list is included.
A Hun Lament.
The leading members of the German automobile incrustry look forward to the future with earnest anxiety. They axe of the .opinion that the output of motor yehicles, highly increased for war emergency reasons, cannot be disposed of in the coming peace years, or that the extensive plants of the large companies can
be sufficiently utilized; even the foremost foreign markets which were taking before the war 40 per cent, of the German manufacturers' output will be closed for some years.
Wilfred Henry Porter, garage proprietor, Codford, Wilts., has been adjudicated bankrupt.
Not Here ! Thank You!
It has just been decided in the States that motor transport services working regularly from city to city are classed as common carriers, and required to give bills of lading to shippers, to supply reports-to the Railroad Commission, and to be responsible to the shippers for the safety of the goods. It is also decided that the Railcoad Commission. will have control over firms and concerns carrying on a business of this character. This is an interesting development, but it is to be hoped that it will not be followed on this side the Atlantic, as the less the motor transport firms have to do with the railroad organizations, the better.
Internal Combustion Turbine.
An inventor, Mr. IL S. Coles, has recently been granted protection for an internal combustion turbine. The number of the specification is 112,092. The subject of this patent lies prin • cipally in the collective arrangement of the parts. A revolving turbine wheel takes in a supply of air at its centre, and under the action of centrifugal force throws it into two compartments which diametrically oppose one another, but which are disposed tangentially to the circumference of the wheel. These compression chambers are each fitted with a sparking plug and an oil fuel inlet valve. lOpposite each is an exhaust valve. Long curved vanes, which project almost to the centre of the turbine, serve to direct the air to the compression chambers; the short ones, it is claimed, receive the force of the explosion and drive the wheel round, the gases escaping into the exhaust passage in due course. Both the exhaust valves and the oil inlet valves are opened by gearing at selected periods, and the sparking plug is operated in the usual manner.
Messrs. Spencer Moulton and Co., Ltd., advise us that they have allocated the sole agency for Spencer Moulton
solid rubber tyres for the counties of Glamorgan, Monmouth, Hereford, Gloucester, Somerset, Dorset, Devon and Cornwall to Messrs. Haslam and Strutton,11, Windsor Place, Cardiff, and Bristol Bridge, Bristcrl. The agency for the whole of Wales excepting Glamorganshire has been taken by Messrs.-Tom Norton, Ltd., of Llandrindod Wells.
Recent Registrations.
Arthur Bazley, Ltd., with a capital of £5000 in £1 shdres, to be proprietors and letters on hire of steam or motor ploughs, threshing and binding machinery, motor tractors, etc.
Medbourne Motor Traction Co., Ltd., with a capital of 21000 in £1 shares, to be farmers, agricultural engineers, haulage contractors, threshing machine proprietors, motorcar and tractor proprietors, etc.
Whitehead Motors, Ltd., with a capital of 2000 in £1 shares, to be manufacturers of, and dealers in, motors, internal combustion, aero, and other engines, machines, devices, or contrivances, motorcars, lorries and vehicles, etc. Registered office is at 61, Grena Road, Richmond, Surrey.
Cartwright and Adey, LW., with a capital of 210,000 in L1 shares, to take over the business of manufacturers of "Puncture Seal" and other rubber compounds, rand to adopt an agreement with W. Cartwright; also to carry on the business of indiarubber merchants, motorcar dealers, motor tyre dealers, ironfounders, steel manufacturers, box makers, etc. Registered office is at 29, Duke Street, St. James's, S.W. 1.
Industrial Reconstruction.
The Industrial Reconstruction Council held a meeting at Manchester yesterday (Wednesday.), under the auspices of the Lord Mayor. Mr. G. H. Roberts, Minister of Labour, and Sir William McCormick., Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, were the leading speakers. This is the. first of a series of public towns' meetings in all the great induetriasl centres of the country, arranged by the Industrial Reconstruction Council with the object of awakening national interest in the vital industrial problems of the immediate future.
The Super-Spark Plug Attach
We have all heard of the spark-gap idea which was very much to the front five or six years _ago, as a supposed means of increasing the efficiency of the plug. Our American 'friends have gone one better by the introduction of a device which is called the Super-Spark, and this is an attachment to the sparkplug bead.
To be brief, the device consists of a specially constructed insulated, air-tight, spark chamber, the base cup being constructed of manganese steel baying ..a point on the inside centre projecting upwards to meet the centre pin and threaded on the inside portion to receive the insulator, which is termed the " stern-condensite " insulator, and is subjected to •a 300 degree heat test before use. The centre pin is constructed of a three-Metal alloy, and is held in place by the ideulator, which has a metal insert on the upper portion to receive the centre pin, and is also threaded at the lower inside portion, which, with the upper insert, acts as a locking device for the -centre pin after adjustment has been made. The smaller portion of the _plug is threaded to fit the base cup, and is put into the latter by a freezing Process which renders the chamber thus
formed air-tight. It is claimed that by passing the current down this central electrode in the way described, the formation of the spark within the chamber burns up the oxygen out of the confined air, leaving only the nitrogen, and thus creating a nitrogen chamber, in which subseqneet
jump sparks are made' and it is claimed that the use of this Super-Spark device creates an impulsive rash of high pressure current which stretches across the spark gap, increasing voltage 75 per cent, and decreasing amperage approximately 60 per cent., thus eliminating the heat which causes carbonizing, arcing and eating away of the points. The Super-Spark is guaranteed for two years.
Berkeley's Business.
The City Corporation of Birmingham have sold their Robey tractor to Mr. E. E. Cottam, of Southwell, Notts., and are replacing it by steam wagons. Mr. Hy. Boyer, of Terminus Wharf. Pad
dington, has purchased a 5-toe Wallis and Steevens tractor, on accountof his extea contract work. Both machines
were meld through W.Berkeley and CO., 39, Victoria Street, London, S.W.
The Wisconsin Motor Manufacturing Co., whose eengiries are in considerable use in this country in trucks and tractors, has now increased its capitalization to $1,000,000, for the purpose of building and equipping a new factory having a floor space of 43,600 sq. ft.
Local Proceedings.
Windsor R.D.C. is to purchase a steam tractor not exceeding £500,
Bolton Corporation Motor Works Committee hail purchased a steam wagon. , . Knaresborough R.D.C. is making inquiries about motor wagons, one being required for haulage purposes.
Glasgow C.O. has accepted the tender of the Edison Accumulator Co., Ltd., for a 5-ton electric vehicle at £1740.
Halifax Corporation 'Waterworks Committee proposes to purchase a Vauxhall motorcar for 150 guineas.
Maidenhead T.C. is applying to the L.G.B. for sanction to borrow 1000 to purchase a motor fire-engine. 'Edmonton U.D.C. is to obtain tenders for the conversion of an ambulance into a motor ambulance.
The Watch' Committee of the Salford Corporation proposes to buy a secondhand 60 .h.p.Napier chassis for £240, and convert it into a motor fire-engine..
Leyton U.D.C. has instructed the surveyor to apply for a priority.certitcate for two additional motorvans instead of one as recommended het month, having regard to the period of time taken in obtaining the vehicles.
Ilford U.D.C. having experienced great difficulty in carrying out team work by reason of the shortage of horses, has decided to invite tenders for two electric lorries with a. carrying capacity of 3i tons each.
A Clayton and Shuttleworth steam wagon has been impressed from the Walthamstow U.D.C. by the War Office, who has paid 610 for the vehicle. The Surveyor of the Council has been directed to inquire as to the purchase of a secondhand vehicle.
Barnstaple T.C. has asked the clerk to 'suggest to • the Local. Government Bomel to arrange for keel authorities after the war to-purchase motor vehicles
from the Government.. _ . Willesden U.D.C. has passed building plans lodged by the British Ensign' Motors; Ltd., for anaddition to their
.factory peeinises Hawthorn' 'Road. Plans submitted by Hoods and -Bodies, Ltd., have also been approved for Alteratione to factory premiees in High Street, Harlesden.