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" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage i's by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie (Jrozier.
Motorbuses to the Metropolis.
Scotland Yard authorities have recently examined a new type of motorbus :Mich will in all probability shortly be seen running to and from the Metropolis. It is said that the vehicle is somewhat different from the types of vehicles at present in use in London, and that it is one of a number which Messrs. Harvey and Burrows, of Hertford, are about to run from the country into the Metropolis. The particular route over which these vehicles will run is from Hertford to Waltham Cross, the Metropolitan area being entered at Cheshunt. It is stated that the service will start soon after Easter, and that in addition there will also be a 20-minute service from Hertford to Waltham Cross.
This company are also arranging to develop other routes from Hertford to the centre of London, and that this phase of passenger-vehicle operation is under consideration is indicated by the fact that another company is about to start running omnibuses from Luton to Victoria.
Closing of Tenby Roads. _
The general secretary of the Commercial Motor Users Association has received notice from the Roads Department of the MInistry of Transport that a local inquiry will he held at Tenby on Thursday, April 6th, at 11.30 a.m., to consider an application by the county council of Pembroke for an Order prohibiting the driving of heavy motorcars and locomotives on the followingi roads in Tenby:-.
(1) Gas Lane, the NortOn and High Street from the northern end of Norton Cottage to the northern end of Liavallin House; and (2) Lower Park Road, Park Road, and Upper Park Road.
The question of opposing the application is being considered by the Association, and any user of heavy motor vehicles wha is interested should communicate with the general secretary at 50, Pall Mall, London, S.W. 1.
New Motor Fuel Industry in South Africa.
It is stated in a communication from Cape Town that the 10 million gallons of surplus wine in the Peninsula is to be converted into motor fuel, for which par-se a substantial factory has been erected at Pearl, from which the first output was made a few weeks ago. The stagnation of the wine industry last year, and the proposal to let the huge surplus go to waste, suggested the idea to a Natal Senator attending the session of Parliament that the wine could be converted to industrial purposes. He transmitted his idea to the directors of the Natal Cane By-Products Co., who are conducting a successful factory at Merebank, outside Durban, mainly for the manufacture of the motor fuel natalite, methylated spirit, ether, chloroform, and other productions from alcoholic spirit. The Natal company realized the poasiIlafttree of utilizing the Cape wines, and 4.32 negotiations with the Western Province Wine Growers' Association resulted in the formation of the South African Motor Fuel Supply Co., Ltd., whose operations are now in full swing. Today a substantial factory with modern plant is in full working order at an initial cost of £60,000.
The wine arrives in leaguers and hogsheads, and is dumped into three storage tanks each holding 30,000 gallons. From the receiving tanks it is drawn up to the supply tank, and thence to the still, which is one of the latest types for the production of pure alcohol, and is capable of turning out 3,000 gallons per day.
Warning to Drivers.
The Automobile Association is informed that the Hampshire police have received instructions to take urgent action in the case of heavy vehicles exceeding their statutory speed limits. All members of the A.A. Industrial Vehicle Section in Hampshire, or whose vehicles are likely to be passing through, should see that this warning Is brought to the notice of all their drivers.
Trailer Lights.
Should trailers in tow of motor wagons
exhibit front lights? In giving judgment in a case where a Liverpool firm of motor haulage contractors was sued for damages—the sequel to a trailer accident,—the County Court judge at Warrington said he considered that new regulations should be made with regard to the lighting of trailers, which were often unnoticed, even in daylight. The fact that trailers are not required to carry front, lights he described "as a permitted trap -full of peril."
Fish by Road Motor.
The fish merchants of Aberdeen have recently been conducting trials with a steam wagon between Aberdeen and Glasgow, the vehicle carrying a load of 5-6 tons of fish, and leaving Aberdeen in the middle of the afternoon in order to arrive at. Glasgow in time for the following morning's market.
It is claimed that the cost of transport will work out at about 28s. per ton as compared with 56s. by goods train and '74s. by passenger train; moreover, by the cheaper method of transport there is only one handling of the fish, the steamer taking its load right from Aberdeen fish market to Glasgow, thus saving the cost of cartage and laboursin loading and reloading at both ends.
The trial has been an unqualified success, and it is anticipated that a number of similar vehicles will shortly be engaged on fish transport between Aberdeen and Glasgow.
Manchester Traffic Regulations.
The proposaLs of the Manchester Watch Committee as to the regulation of traffic have been approved by the Ministry of Transport, who have informed the committee that its proposals will be embodied in a legislative measure to be brought forward.
Amongst these proposals is one to direct pedestrians on footpaths to keep to the left, and another to make cumpulsory on heavy motor vehicles the use of a standard anti-mud-splashing device. Another suggestion to meet the city's congested traffic difficulty is to divert certain vehicles from passing through Manchester. Such a Me can be instanced by a vehicle travelling from Altrincliam to Stockport, which would be diverted at Old Trafford.
British Trade-mark Rights.
Within the last few months there has been brought into existence a powerful organization of trade-mark owners, its purpose being to obtain a more adequate degree of protection for British trademark rights in foreign countries and to stamp out, so far as possible, the flagrant abuse of British marks.
The new organization, known as the Trade marks, Pa'ents and Designs Federation, Ltd., has offices at 60, Bank Chambers, 329, High Holborn, London, W.C.1. Its activities are entirely reshicted to work of a public nature, and it has no intention of doing any private work, such as is usually undertaken by trade-mark and patent agents.
The federation acts as the advisers of the Federation of British Industries, with wham it has entered into an agreement for mutual support in matters of common interest, its consultative adviser being Mr. Ralph Griffin late registrar of designs and trade-marks at the Patent Office.
The price of the Maxwell lorry chassis] has been reduced 275.
Sixty-three motor coaches are to be licensed at Ramsgate for the forthcoming season.
Economy in Overhauling.
With the article on overhauling the 35 hp. six-cylinder Halley the number of articles now totals 20, covering altogether 33 models. Articles on loadiag for road testing and on testing the overhauled vehicle are included in the series. We have had each article reprinted on strong paper, and offer the reprints at each. Thousands of.` these reprints have been sold, as it is recognized by every garage proprietor and repairer that the information contained in the articles should be kept in a 'permanent form. When a vehicle is brought in for repair or overhaul, even with no previous experience of the maketor type, the works foreman is able by reference to the article to see exactly what is involved and what need not beiclone, and an eetimate of cost and time likely to be coeupied can readily be given, whereas, without the info-mation before him, it is fairly certain that much delay and unnecessary work would be involved. We provide garage propriers with strong . binding cases in which all the reprinte may be bound ea they are issued, andsonic have bought further sets of reprints in order that one may be kept by the worke manager and one by the foreman, whilst in souse cases the articles are pasted on cards sad varnished.
On page 94 we give a list of the vehicles dealt with in the series of overhauling articles, and orders for reprints should either give the number of the article or the name of the vehicle, and be accompanied by a remittance of 6d for each reprint. To garage proprietors and owners of commercial motor vehicles these articles should prove, and are proving, of immense value, Saving time and money. The information given in them is not obtainable is. any other form, the manufacturers themselves having collaborated with us in their production.
Roadrails Progress.
At, the general meeting of Roadrails, Ltd.. held a few days ago, the chairman of the company, Viscount Afilner' K.G., reported on the progress made by the company during the first, 10 months' trading.
The interest which is being taken in the Roadrail form of transport is worldwide, and in -Uganda, the first British Colony to make an extended trial of the system, an experimental track of a few miles was found so useful that the Government decided to lay down 50 miles, and ordered, through the Crown Agents, two of the company's tractors, which were built by Guy Motors, Ltd., and shipped last December. This line is to be used for the transportation of the next cotton crop.
On the other side of Africa, on the Gold Coast Colony, where a greatly extended scheme of transportation is urgently required, a big scheme of development is now under consideration, which includes the 'construction of a number of Roadrail lines as feeders to the main rail, way.
The company have sold a concession for the use of the system in Spain and Spanish Morocco on favourable terms. In Spanish Morocco a 25-kilometre line is being constructed, a part of which is being used by the military authorities. Concessions have also been granted for Roumania and Scotland, and in the latter country a short Roadrail lino for commercial purposes is under construction and will in all probability be in operation this summer. Negotiations are pendingwith many other counties for the introduction of the system, and what is of particular interest is the fact that negotiations are in progress for laying down a line in connection with the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley.
According to the accounts' the sum of £29,835, which represents the amount received from the parties to iwhom the company have granted concessions fer the use of the system in certain comities, has been employed in writing down the value of patents and goodwilL Further items of interest include book debts and payments in advance, amounting to £31,057, and cash at, bank and in hand, £14-,860. On the other side of the accounts £34,000 represents the sale of options to subscribeto farther shares at par as and when the company decide to make a" further issue. It is anticipated that this figure will be increased to £50,006 in the course of 1922.
Midland Transport Workers.
In the endeavour to meet present exigent conditions employers in North Midland areas have suggested an entire revision of existing rates of wages of road transport workers. The matter came up for discuSsion at a meeting of the area board held at Nottingham one day last week, when it was contended that, in the general interest of the industry, some reductions must be effected. Representatives of both :the employers and workers attended the gathering, at which the matter was discussed at considerable length, it being left ultimately to a sub-committee, composed equally of members of the two sections of the board, to report at a future meeting.
Tilling Report.
The report of the directors of Thomas Tilling, Ltd., for the year ended December 31st last shows a profit of £150,504, which, added to the sum brought forward from the previous year, viz., £64,674, makes a, total of £205,178. After making provision for the items detailed in the profit and loss account, there remains a balance of £184,400. Of this sum, £8,250 has been absorbed by the payment of a dividend onsthe preference shares, and the payment of a dividend of 15 per cent., less tax on the ordinary shares will absorb another £46,327. The income debenture stockholders are entitled to additional interest et the rate of 1 per cent. for the year, which will absorb £3,417, and of the remaining sum £64,148 is to be placed to the special reserve fund for properties, investments, etc., leaving a balance to be carried forward, subject to the liability for excess profit duty for the year 1920 of £62,258.
It is interesting to note that mention is made of the economical running of the new Tilling-Stevens petrol-electric buses of large seating eepacity in London, service.
The price of the Stewart cha.asis, for which Melchior, Armstrong and Dessau (London), Ltd., are the distributors, has been -reduced as follows :—Model 11. (15 cwt.) to £295; Model 9 (30 cwt.) to £445.
In the advertisement of TillingStevens Motors, Ltd., in our last issue the prices for the 5-ton gear-driven model and the 2-ton gear-driven model were reversed. The price of the former model is £840 and of the latter £550.
C.M.U.A. Parade Entrants.
The list of team entries for the C.ALI.J.A. parade; which takes place on Saturday, Ma,rch 25th, is as follows :--s• Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd. ; Beck and Pollitzer (4); British Petroleum Co., Ltd. (2); Carter, Paterson and Co., Ltd. (1); F. Braby and Co., Ltd. (2) ; Bryant and May, Ltd. (2); • Cement Marketing
Co. (1) ; Luek• Milling Co., Ltd. (1) • Crosse and Blackwell; Ltd(2) ; Gas Light and Cake Co. Ltd. (6): •Sardner,
Lockett and Hinton, (2); Hoare and Co., Ltd. (1) ; .John Knight, Ltd. (3); London 'Wholesale Dairiessletd. (1) ; E. Nelson and Sons, Ltd. (6) ; E. Modhurst, Ltd. (I); Geo. Munro, Ltd. (2) ; National Benzole Co., Ltd. (1); John Lenanton and Sons. Ltd. (1); Robert Porter Ltd. (1); J. Robertson and Sons, Ltd. (2); Sanders' Bros., Ltd. (3) ; Smith. Garrett. andCo., Ltd. (2) ; Ltd. t4) ; Scuth Metropolitan Gas Co., Ltd. (2); J. Travers'and Sons, Ltd. (1) United Yeast Go., Ltd. (1); Westminster City C:ouncil (8); Chas. A. Wells (2) ; R. White anclaSoes, Ltd. (1); T. Wethepecl
and SOne; Ltd. {2). .
The figure-. in brackets denotes the number of teams entered by each con'corn, a team consisting of three vehicles.
A New Service Station.
Cedric Gerages, Ltd., who have a number of garages in the south-we-stern districts of London., have recently opened a new petrol service station at 181, Brixton Hill, S.W., halfway between Brixton and Streatham. The island-site on which the station is built is• well situated, being right on the main road, and the station and the adjoining garages and workshops cover close on one acre of ground.
There are four Bowser 5-gallon petrol pampa installed, each of which can discharge fuel, at the rate of 20 gallons per minute. The fuel which is stacked includes B.P., Shell, Pratt's, and benzole. The Bowser pump, it should be mentioned, has been approved by the Standards Department of the Board of Trade and gives accurate measurements. Lubricating oil is also stored on the Bowser principle, • several 100-galloncapacity tanks 'being installed, one of which is-set aside for special Sternol taxi oil. These tanks will accommodate the lubricating oils made by Sterns, Ltd.
A full range of pneumatic and solid tyres is being stochecl, and a preAs, to facilitate xernov7ft and replacement .of solid tyres will shortly be in position.
The service station will be used during the summer as a booking office and starting point for motor coaches.
The station is under the direct control of Mr. H. W. Peck, late of the H.O.C.D. (A.A. section), who, after the war, became transport manager to Messrs. Spalding and Hodge.
Death of Mr. C. Binks.
We learn with regret of the death of Mr. Charles Binks, Who was suddenly taken ill on March 4th and passed away three days later. Mr. Binks was the fciunder of the carburetter business which has been established at Pho-,nix Works, Church Street, Eccles, Manchester, for many years. His life has been -an interesting one, and commenced, as so many others of the well-known members of the trade have done, in the cycle business. He possessed an inventive genius) and, although the mine of the • firm is chiefly coupled with carburetters, Mr. 'links has put many other appliances on the market.
Pontypridd Bus Services.
There are great developments in the passenger motorbus service at Pontyp4dcl. The Yellow Mater Co. have instituted a service of seven journeys per day'ea,ch way, between Pontypridd, el6011 and Ystradmynach. The service tilers a more frequent communication than is provided by the railways. The Phillips Garage Co. have organized an hourly service between ,Pantypridd and. Mountain Ash, stopping at intermediate towns and villages. The fares have been reduced to 20 per cent. less than the railway charge.
Rotax Service Agents.
Rotax (Motor Accessories), Ltd., Rotax Works, Willesden Junction, London, N.W.10, have appointed the underMentioned firms as their official service agents :—Alexander Mosses, Ltd., Glass Yard, Victoria Gardens, Notting HilL Gate, W.11, for the district of West of London; Messrs. Car Lighting and Ignition Supply, 54, Seamoor Road, Westbourne, Bournemouth, for the Bournemouth district; end Wm. Coates and Son, Ltd., 1-11, Fountain Street, Belfast, for the district of Belfast and the six. counties iii the Irish Northern Parliamentary area.
South Wales Road Suggestion.
The Caerphilly Chamber of Trade has urged upon the council the need for providing an alternative road, suitable for transport of the heavy type, to that at present used for communication between Caerphilly and Cardiff. The matter was discussed by the council On Tuesday, and it was decided to consult the Pontypridd authorities on the matter in the conference to be convened with respect to the new Pontypridd-Caerphilly road. The present Caerphilly-Cardiff route is one of the steepest in the county and totally Unsuited for use by motor vehicles.
—" The Marine Oil Engine Handbook."
In these days, when the majority of yachtsmen own motor vehicles of some sort, while the Marine motor is rapidly becoming universal in all kinds of plea sure craft, it is often useful for motorists to know something about motor heats and the machinery for the•ir propulsion. This want is well met by "T4 Marine Oil Engine Handbook," of which a sixth edition has just been published. In this work will be found all kinds of information likely to be useful to those who take charge of marine motors afloat, the matter being worded in simple language and accompanied by numerous illustrations wherever these can be of assistance.
The handbook (3s, 5d.) is published by Temple Press Ltd., 7-15, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C..1, and is obtainable at all principal booksellers and bookstalls or direct from the publishers, 3s, 94. post free.
Careless Driving.
Glasgow Corporation Magistrates Committee has promised to consider a communication from Mr. John Lawrie, secretary of the Cyclists' Touring Club, with regard to the careless driving of motorcars and the splashing of mud by these vehicles, and as to the question of obtaining statutory powers to enforce the use of anti-mud splashing devices.
The Useful Ambulance.
The annual report of the York chief constable mentions that a Wolseley motor ambulance WEiS purchased during the year, and the last horse has been disposed of. A scale of charges has been fixed for the use of the ambulance outside the city, and a modified charge when used by the citizens. -Nothing is charged for attending street accidents. The vehicle is in constant demand, and has largely increased the efficiency of the ambulance service. An assistant engineer of the fire brigade acts as driver. Since February last year it has been used on 495 occasions.
Thirty motor lorries were imported into India in the last month of -1921.
According to returns issued by the police traffic superintendent 3,524 motor lorries were registered in New South Wales in 1921, as against 2,901, in 1920. Country taxicab registrationsalso increased from 267 in 1920 to 368 in 1921.
Dennis Doings.
Recent orders secured by Dennis Bros., Tad., include six 4-4-ton and six 2i-ton cha,ssis for India, ten 2i-ton lorries for the British Petroleum Co., Ltd. ten. 4-4-ton chassis and one 30-seater 4.6 h.p. motor coach with bulbous body for their Scottish agents, Rassleigh, Ltd., Edinburgh, and ten 4-4-ton chassis for their Birmingham agents, Messrs. Wells and Mayner. Through their Federated Malay States agents, Messrs. Wearne Bros., the company are exhibiting at the Malaya Borneo Exhibition at Singapore one 3-4ton and one 4-tan chassis similar to their exhibits at Olympia..
Inst.A.E. Northern Meeting.
On March 22nd Mr. A. T. J. Kersey will read his paper on " Torque Diagrams for Internal-combustion Engines" before the North of England Centre Of the Institution of Automobile Engineers, at the Assembly Rooms, EAucation Offices, Chapel Street, Salford, at 7.30 p.m. The chair will be occupied by Mr. Geo. Watson, the president of the institution. Mi. Kersey has spent a considerable amount of time and experiment in regard to this particular subject, and has collected and tabulated data, which are of a highly interesting and valuable nature to all designers and engineers, _
Thornycrofts in Singapore.
:The illustration which we reproduce on this page has just been received by J. I. Thornycroft and CO., Ltd., from their resident representative at Singapore, and it shows a Thornycroft type X lorry, one of two vehicles, supplied through the company's agent to the Past and Telegraph Department of the Colony. Both these vehicles are used in the maintenance of the telegraph service, and it will be seen from the picture that special brackets fixed to the front of the chassis frame are used for accommodat ing the 40-ft. telegraph poles. These two vehicles have been running for the past nine months and have given entire satisfaction, showing a remarkably.loW petrol consumption subsequent to' the carburetters being adjusted to suit, the local climatic conditions.
Petroleum in Peru.
There is only one petroleum field actually producing in Peru, that being situated near the Ecuadorian frontier, although petroleum has been proved in other areas, notably in the Buell-cane' district.
The quantity of petroleum and its derivatives produced iW Peru in 1919 was 348,649 metric tons, and hi 1920, 373,280 metric tong,, and at the end of October last, according to ,a report of tho Department of Overseas Trade, the number of workmen employed in the industry was about 2,700.
e• A number of British interests are endeavouring to extend their operations in Pe ru.
Accommodation at Liverpool.
We are informed -by the Addison Motor Co., Ltd., that, owing to the continued increase in commercial vehide business, they have been compelled to acquire larger ,premises for garage and works, which have been secured in a central position at 1, :Fax Street;
Liverpool. The new works are fully equipped for the repair of any type of commercial vehicle, whilst accommbdalion is provideddor about 20 lorries.* Haulage contractors yieiting Liverpool who find difficulty in securing garage accommodation might with advantage make a note of this address.
1 The company, .are prepared to undertake maintenance contracts at competitive rates for either single vehicles or for fleets.
Agricultural Machinery for Canada.
WM. Trade Commissioner. at Winnipeg reports that Mr. P. J. McGregor Smith, of the University of Alberta, Edmonton, will be pleased to receive catalogues from British concerns manufacturing agricultural equipment. Such catalogues are -useful in connection with lectures, and many American firins make a feature a thisform of propaganda. Lantern slides illustrating methods of
■ construction and use will also be wel:come, and it is suggested that those makers who decide to communicate with the Trade Commissioner on the matter might notify the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, S.W.1.
Petroleum in Colombia.
Duiing the past year the interest in -the Colombian petroleum fields has in-creased owing to the influx of numerous prospectors seeking concessions and likely zones for expkiitation.
The existing legislation governing the -working of petroleum fields in the Republic, is framed rather to protect -national rights than to attract foreign -capital, a, fact which hag hampered development in the past. The petroleum laws are under consideration, both by the Colombian authorities and representatives of foreign interests in the country, with a view to modifying them by such amendments as will permit foreign concerns to undertake operations' in the country under more favourable'conditions, A large. amount of money has been „spent during the past 10 or 12 years in prospecting rand in sinking wells which have shown no results. The petroleum deposits in Colombia, however, would .appear to be considerable in spite of the
fact that very little production has so far taken place.
The deposits occur in both the cretaceous and tertiary series in grades frnm heavy oil oi asphaltic type to a light paraffin base oil.
The Colombian areas which may be classified as oil districts comprise about 34,000 sq. miles, of which some 6p00 sq. miles are areas -of possible exploitation. The few square miles which can be called proven oil territory are principally „in the Care-re region on the east bank of the Magdalena River near Barranca Bermeja, where three wells only are producing Oil.
The impartation of petroleum into C-olombia, is practically confined. to the crude oil used by the Cartagena Oil Refining Co., which is supplied by the West Indian Oil Co., and the production of these refineries meets the demand of the Colombian market. Their importation is about 1J:100,000 gallons annually. The Tropical Oil Co. are establishing refineries for, their wells, and later will be supplying the local market with motor spirit.
Peruvian Roads.
There are about 1,500 miles of roads in Peru that are passable by motor vehicles. The majority of them are, however, in very -poor condition. Most of the land traffic in this undeveloped country is by mule-back over mountain trails,„ and the roads are of little importance except near the principal centres,.
The Burnett Mater.Ty-re and Rubber Co., Yerbury Rubber Mills, Trowbridge, have made considerable reductions mu the prices of their pneumatic tyres, especially in the suction-cup and etudded types.
Duties on Traction Engines.
According to advice from Melbourne (Australia), variations in the duties on traction engines have been decided nport by the Minister for Customs, Mr. Badgers. During the tariff debate last year a new Sub-item was inserted under item 177, which provided that traction engines of a class not made in Australia, as prescribed by departmental by-laws,. should be admitted free under the British preferential tariff, and that duties of 5 and 113 per cent, respectively should be imposed under the intermediate and general tariff. It was considered that Australian manufacturers were not in a position to supply the requirements of Australian producers. Instructions were given that full inquiries
should be made with a view to giving expression to the wishes of Parliament. Mr. Rodgers has now decided that, as Australian manufacturers are making tractors of only one type, namely, wheel tractors, the by-laws are to be framed so that all other types of tractors, such as the caterpillar and cable types, will be admitted as provided in item 177b. Wheel-type tractors of a horse-power essentially different Irons those made in Australia will also be admitted in this way.
Inst. P.E. Paper.
A general meeting of the Institution of Production. Engineers will be held at 7.30 p.m. on March 24th at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Storey's Gate, .London, S.W. On this occasion Mr. E. Fairbrother, A.Fe.A.S., general engineer of F. W. Berwick and Ca., Ltd., Park Royal, London, -NW. 10, will read a paper dealing with " Inspection Methcids.
Local Proceedings.
St. Albans Rural District Council haa. decided to purchase a steam motor wagon.
Glasgow Corporation has asked a subcommittee to consider the provision of further fire-escapes.
The Annfiehl Plain St. John Ambulance Brigade is raising funds for the provision of a motor ambulance. • Ripon Corporation has adjourned for future consideration the proposed purchase of a motor tipping wagon.
Glasgow Corporation Watch Commit: tee has decided to re-advertise for ten ders for the supply of two motor pumps.
Newport (I.O.W.) Corporation has referred to a sub-committee tenders for the supply of a steam or petrol motor wagon. .
Sydney (New South Wales) Municipal Council has decided to invite tenders for the supply of two motor gully cleansing machines.
Swansea Corporation Watch Committee has agreed to .purchase a motorvan for the conveyance of prisoners from outlying stations to the central station.
Rotherham Corporation Rousing Committee has asked the Tramways Committee to consider the provision of transport facilities on the housing estate.
Walthamstow 'Urban District Council proposes to get prices for the supply of two new 1-ton Ford chassis, and also for the reconditioning of the two existing motor ambulances.• Kendal Corporation has decided to obtain more information as to the running costa of motor vehicles before deciding whether mechanical transport should be adopted for refuse collection.
Bournemouth Corporation Licensing• Committee recommends granting six more motorbus licences to the Rants. and Dorset Motor Services, Ltd., which is extending its services from Blandford to Shaftesbury, Electric Trucks Require a Licensed Driver.
The point was decided at Southport a few days ago as to whether it is necessary for the driver of an electric railway platform truck to have a licence when taking the vehicle along a public highway. When the driver was first summoned before the magistrates the case was adjourned for a month in order that British Electric Vehicles, Ltd., of South_ port, might taken the matter up with the Ministry of Transport. From the Ministry's statement it was quite clear that motor luggage trucks on railway station platforms cannot be driven along a public highway unless tho driver is duly licensed. In disinissing the summons against the offending driver, who had been sent out to test the truck on the road, on the payment of costs, the magistrates stated that they regarded the offence as a technical one.
Shell-Mex Conviviality. ,
The third annual dinner of the Shell garage staff took place on Friday, March '3rd, at the Old Be11 Restaurant, Rolborn, Mr. M. V. Ambler, the chief en gineer of Shell Mex, Ltd., being in the chair, supported by Mr. R. T. Smith, the garage superintendent. The excellent dinner was followed by a most successful concert contributed to by various members of the staff, includ ing a number of ladies. During the interval following the Royal toast, Mr. C. Ross proposed " Shell Max, Ltd.," reply being made by the chairman, who pointed out the splendid treatment accorded to every member of the staff by the company. Mr. R. T. Smith proposed " The Visitors," which wasreplied to by Messrs. James and King. The last toast was that of " The Chairman," which was given in a few wellchosen words by Mr. Lewzey. It had a most enthusiastic reception, and showed the popularity which had been attained by Mr. Ambler, who combines business instincts with a personality which endears him to all his staff.
A Four-wheeled Hansom Cab.
A very smaat-looking turnout has recently made its appearance in the Bois de Boulogne which is reminiscent of the London hansom cab of bygone days. As will be seen from our illustration, the driver is perched on an elevated seat at the rear, with the usual controls and steering in front of him. On investigation by our Paris representative, we find that this vehicle is nothing more or less
than another of those Ford camoultagea for which French ingenuity is famed.
The bodywork leaves nothing to be desired either in style, workmanship, or convenience. As a hansom cab it is very roomy and comfortable, although the leg-room might be improved by bulged doors. There is, of course, no earthly reason why other chassis than Fonds conld not be mounted with the same bod;yavork. As to the mechanical part, it simply consists in removing the steering column, clutch pedals, and the brake lever from their accustomed places and in connecting them by jointed rods and bell-crank levers to their re,spective units. The inventor is Mr. P. Josso, 10, Rue Gnersant, Paris, who informs ue. that the idea is patented.
A Scottish Tramways Association is being formed "to promote the interests of the tramways industry."