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Summary of Code of Practice

14th March 1996, Page 59
14th March 1996
Page 59
Page 59, 14th March 1996 — Summary of Code of Practice
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It is advisable that all operators obtain copies of, and ensure their drivers are familiar with, the procedures so that they can advise the operator where there has been a deviation from those procedures. Weigh pads don't have a code of practice. Pressure is being put on the Department of Transport to produce a code so, in the meantime, make sure the driver checks that the area where the weigh check takes place is level and that the weigh pads are themselves level. What is clear is that the whole series of codes of practice need to be updated to take into account modern methods of weighing and modern technology. It seems a little disconcerting that there doesn't appear to be any method that tells the operator whether or not there is a malfunction with the machine, other than when a vehicle is driven over at speed on a dynamic axle weighbridge.There should be some inbuilt system which gives a diagnostic readout to show that the weighbridge is functioning correctly.