Out and HomPt In the Dennis Works. Wot Woe Wen. Wot Woe Wen. Why Go to barking? — By " The Extractor."
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" We have six motor hearses on order," said Mr. Raymond Dennis to me in answer to my Inquiry. I had finished an interesting round of the Dennis factory at Woodbridge, and I think I had seen every conceivable , model of commercial vehicle, either finished or in progress. Then I had thought. to put a poser, because, although I have seen one or two motor hearses up in the North, they are coming on, very slowly, and motor weddingcarriages cannot be said to have really arrived yet, so Tar as I can see.
Anyhow, at the Dennis works I passed in review municipal vehicles, motorspirit tank wagons for several different companies, hotel omnibuses, and an unending collection of chars-ke banes. I was specially interested in one of the lastmentioned which when 1 passed was fitted with a change " body whieh nude. it into a lorry. It was made clear to me that the change from char-it-banes body to lorry could be effected ma very short time, so that, in districts where the char-itbanes is only used intermittently, haulage can also be readily undertaken. Ambulances were in evidence, and, of course, fire engines, also War Office subsidy vehi
cles. In the works, which I have not walked round for a year or two, tremendous alterations have been effected. 1 do not know that I have seen a finer in plant. I was n time to
view the luncheon-hour stampede, and I found that Dennis Bros. now employ over 900 men.
it would appear that this company is practically giving over the whole of its works now to making eommereial vehicles, because in the garage hard by I espied a RollsRoyce touring car with most tasteful body design, the ownership of which was admitted by my " guide, philosopher and friend," Mr. Raymond Dennis.
When Mr. A. Aldersey Taylor explained to me that. he was now interested in " What Was When," I asked him to repeat it or spell it, and then I requested him to parse it. A German friend was at hand, who explained that the meaning and spelling of the words were practically the same in his language, which was interesting as showing the derivation of two modern tongues. But I was still a long way off any elucidation. After more mystification, Mr. Taylor had mercy on me, and deigned to explain that he had gone in with Mr. S. Nevill, of S. S. Nevill, Ltd. They had secured the sole concession for Bridins Recorder, and the three cabalistic words referred to formed part of the sentence "What. your van was doing when out." And very useful it, is to know exactly what has been happening. You take out the disc on which the tell tale perforations have been made whilst the driver has been out, and the day's doings are before you exactly as if you had been sitting all
day by the driver's side. It is so truthful that it is almost. uncanny. I mentioned the idea that some future Bran development would be a recorder for human beings to carry, and a commercial representative who was present perceptibly sh ikkle red.
It transpired in conversation that these are very readily taken up. The last order to come in being one from Joseph Lyons and Co., Lid., for these recorders for their entire motor fleet.
As I possess an extensive knowledge of the country surrounding London, and as the younger brigade are just discovering that the open country is preferable to London at the week-ends, a question is sometimes put to me as to the Sunday bus routes to interest
ing places in Greater London. I looked up, therefore, one of the wonderful L.G'.0.C. maps, to see what they are doing on all sides. Goodness knows one meets their buses in all sorts of sylvan spots, and it is all most desirable, or will be rather, when roads are constructed to resist the unusual weights at speed. However, I have always felt a pang of regret that the old-time names of bus routes, such as the " Royal Blue" and the " City Atlas" have fallen into disuse, and in their place a prosaic number has been installed. If you crossed to Ireland or the Isle of Man by the number 36, no sweet memories could be associated with the excursion. Whereas one recalls pleasantly and talks about a trip on the " Lady Olive" or the "Manx King." It is interesting, therefore, to see a development in the Sunday bus Services which departs a little from the utilitarianism by which we have become immersed. It will be seen from the accompanying designs that artistic heraldic effects are bcought into play on the bus signs, some of which rather suggest easy railway-station puzzles in the weekly papers. The dog's head indicative of Barking is, of course, vary lucid, the puzzle part of it being why anyone, not obliged to, should desire to go there. There are great possibilities in this scheme of signs from the educational standpoint, and the artistic effect will be, no doubt, well supervised. I see a bus extension goes to a place named Wormley, the drawing of which would want nice handling. It this mechanical age a worm gear might delicately fill the bill ■ 1111.1111111
On Friday next Mr. E. Houghton sails for Australia, there to take up permanent residence. He has for years been acting as manager for Mr. A. W. R.oslingIon, the wellknown automobile exporter. A year or two ago he went to Australia and Canada in Mr. Roslington's interests, and, although he is now taking other agencies in hand, he is still keeping up a close business connection with the old firm. Our good wishes go with him.
Mr. F. W. K. Davies, of Sidney Straker and Squire, Ltd., is temporarily laid by the. heels.
.Mr. Frank Morris, identified so long with the town of King's Lynn, is likely to be engaged in the commercial-vehicle industry again before long.