One Hears
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That the axle tax'll come yet.
Of clay modelling for coachbuilderse Of cyclecar postal deliveries in Covent:y.
" Roll, Britannia," by the Peterborough hand.
That a four-wheeler has been placed jai the British Museum.
Of a, big sole-concession negotiation successfully completed.
That the " C.M." free costs sheets are now in their tenth thousand.
That even a complicated design may loud itself admirably to accessibility.
Of remarkable receipts from the new MusiMI Hill single-deck motorbus service.
That America is selling large -numbers of motor vehicles to buyers in the Philippines.
That a " Daily Mail" writer calls the driver of a motor-mowing machine a" Mow-motorman."
That the man who gives the best and quickest dispatch will get and hold the buesiness every time.
That " What users tell its " is being both copied in the Press and utilized for advertisement purposes in the trade.
That Messrs. Goodwin, of Kidderminster, still have an early Leyland steamer with chain-drive gearbox in regular service.
That the next Highways Legislation wi/T deal akter alia with the vexed subjectof private bridges which are below proper strength.
That amongst the applications for the New Leyland shares was one for two at-, .C1 each, which caused Mr. Sumner visions of cornering.
That in the old days busmen never used the word " pirate," but that if you aspired to be taken seriously by them you called them " odds."
That the petrol companies view with complacency and gratification the side-tracking of so many motoring interests by the red herring of alcohol.
That the Amir of Afghanistan is so pleased with the results from his Albion motor lorries that he may shortly become managing director of a company to develop further services.
That an ex-steam-roller driver, promoted to one of Barford and Perkins Pioneers, coroplairied that nowadays he had " Nowt to do but steer. and that is irritating "--or words to that effect.
That the official translator of the Municipal Board of Budapest very modestly asked :3F) for " a, legal English translation " of the recent invitation to motorbus manufacturers to submit tenders.
That the Middlesex County Couhcil Bill was specially considered by the Private Bills Committee of the House of Commons on Tuesday last, bet. that the ordinary " consideration stage." by the Neese as a whole will not tale place before Mondsy next-. That field magnets do not grow like field mice. That a magnet magnate is an electrical bigwig. Of a simple device for showing engine efficiency.
Of a number of patented but unnecessary devices.
That Magnum minerals are to be carried by Leyiands.
That more Londoners are trying their hands on Liverpool.
That armatures make revolutions, while armaments prevent them.
That it's futile to rail or to rail against the demoetatie mistorbus.
That the latest Milnes-Dairoler in Belfast has beect named " Pride of Ulster."
That lite world must be growing more kind us growlers are now seldom heard or seen.
That. many journals and writers avowedly look to the " CM." for both ideas and eubjects.
That it's a good job an R.A.C. annual meeting does not occur in the middle of every C.M.U.A. Committee.
Of tardy late comers clamouring because the C.M.U.A. will take no more Parade entries except of new vehicles.
Of bodies for Edison chassis in hand at Hora's and Liversidge's, and that it's to be a case of" puzzle, find the batteries," so neatly are they accommodated.
That a photo. loaned by the " C.M." and so acknowledged heads the appeal of the Newport (Mon.) Chamber of Commerce for funds to buy a motor ambulance. -o- That had the L.O.O.C. granted the full " Busmen's charter " it would have me-ant another 1.P.1,2W,000 on to the wages bill annually, which would have meant putting Ito the shutters.
From Mr. Frank Cluirehill. at Sydney N.S.W., that the interest of Australian agents in Sydney, light cars appears to have swamped all else, and that there is arelative deadness of business in commercial motor vehicles " down under.'