The Purchase Department.
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Where to Buy your Supplies.
Notices of Useful Specialities from the Factory and in the Showroom,
An Inquiry for "Glide Springs."
Reply to " Sentinel " :—In answer to your query as to "glide-spring," which will double or treble the life of a solid-rubber tire, and which you presume to be one of the numerous buffer spring arrangements, we regret that we are unable to find any trace of such an appliance amongst our records. Perhaps some of our readers may be able to assist you
Aluminium in. Chassis Construction.
It is only of late years that aluminium has been used in chassis work for purposes other than crank
eases, differential housings, etc. The British Aluminium Co., Ltd., Queen Victoria Street, E.G., has been largely responsible for the more extended use of this metal. Improved constructional methods have reduced the price until now aluminium can corn pete with the non-ferreous metals. This has enabled its unusual characteristics to be taken advantage of in motor work fur practically all purposes other than the actual moving parts.
Cleaning Down the Van.
Some week or so ago there arrived in this office a neat brown-paper parcel sent by Brown Bros., Ltd. When this was opened, a peculiarly-shaped brush was disclosed. We quickly made ourselves acquainted with the fact that this had been specially designed for cleaning the spokes of motorvans. The brush, which is of convenient length for reaching between the spokes of the wheel, is curved at the end, and the bristles are carried round the base of the brush and over on to the Lop for several inches. Places in the spokes and wheels of a van usually inaccessible when ordinary brushes are used. ean be reached with ease by means of the " Bum" The Need for Homogeneous Bearing Metal.
Next to ignition troubles—and they are few nowadays—it is probable that those who have charge of motor vehicles have more frequently to attend to one or other of any plain bearings there may be on the chassis than to any other part. Of course, the use of ball bearings in modern construction has done much to ease the worry that used to occur as the result of ill-fitted, badly-metalled plain bearings in some of the early chassis. But there are many parts to which still impracticable to fit ball bearings, and it is still just as nece.ssary to discover suitable metal for the ordinary bronze plain bearing.
The principal difficulty in the selection of a suitable metal tor this purpose has always been in regard to the homogeneity of the cast material, and many have been the mishaps to shafts, bearings and housings alike through the use oF bearing metal in which segregation has taken place to a marked degree.
Realizing this difficulty, Messrs. Henry Watson and Sons, the well-known Admiralty contractors, of Walker Gate, Newcastle-on-Tyne, have taken a lot of trouble to secure an output of suitable alloy which is perfectly homogeneous, and it is this new phosphorbronze metal that we would recommend to our readers. Some little idea of the class of material which is being produced is given by an illustration above. Ordinary sand-cast phosphor-bronze bearings are often the cause of trouble, on account of the segregation which we have already mentioned. The new metal—" Phosiorum ' by name—is an alloy which is cast in stick and bush form specially for the use of builders and repairers of motor vehicles, and already a very large quantity has been supplied for this purpose. The special method in use by Watson's, of which we obviously cannot disclose any details, is found entirely to eliminate the troubles which arise from occasional variations in metalling and casting temperatures. Knowing the difficulty which many of our readers have in respect of repairs to small bearings, we should like to suggest that they try this new stuff, and let us hear what results they obtain themselves from it. From our Own investigation, we are confident they will be as glad to have heard of it, a-s are the makers who have already adopted this metal for use on their chassis. The Simms "" lighting system. The New "Seebright" Lighting Plant.
The first .detailed description of the " Seebright " combined high-tension magneto and lighting maenine was given in our issue of 31st October last. The illustration shown above gives an excellent idea of the care which has been expended upon the design of the component parts of this machine. We are pleased to be in a position to record that the " Seebright is meeting with a very favourable reception,
Realizing that. the average van driver has not, in many instances, an extended acquaintance with electrical apphances, the Simms Magneto Co., Ltd., has kept in view, throughout the whole of the construction, the importance of rendering its new appliance foolproof. Elaborate and extensive tests are made in the workshop and on the bench before any of these machines are sent out, and it is the claim of the maker that, when once fitted in position, nothing is needed but the turning of the switch.
RudgeAghitworth Wheels.
In the apt phrase of Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd., one of the great secrets of wire-wheel construction is " the problem of preventing a nut. from coming undone." The locking device used on the " R.-W." patent wheel is water-tight and weather-proof, and it has no small or delicate parts likely to be put out of order by accident or careless use. The machine illustrated herewith shows a broaching machine in use in the Rudge Coventry works. This process is becoming of increasing importance in motor construction. The day has gone by when a key knocked tightly into a key-way was judged to be ample security for holding work. It should be noted that the serrations in the hub are not drifted until the wheel is finished. This ensures accuracy, as the serrations are not thrown out by the tensioning of spokes when building, nor by warping during enamelling. A Paraffin Brazing Appliance.
Particulars of a very interesting brazing apparatus reached these offices a few days ago. This tool is equipped with a pressure container, fittedwith gauge and pump, a long length of flexible tubing, a burner, and a stand on which work under treatment may be placed. Such jobs as forging, brazing, tool tempering, etc., can be easily tackled with this burner. The portability of the whole appliance enables it to be used in any position and the heat can be directed wherever required. ft is known as the " Osco," and is manufactured by 0. Shanks and Co., of Camden Town, N.W.
Magnetic Chucks.
Th improvement in modern workshop tools has led to considerable thought being given to the matter of suitable accessories. Prominent amongst the accessories which are the direct result of modern invention and industry may be placed what are known as magnetic chucks of various descriptions.
The appliances of this type manufactured by H. M. Budgett, of Crown Works, Chelmsford, are meeting in practice with a very satisfactory amount of success. They are made in various types and shapes for attachment to lathes, planing, drilling, milling and other machines. H. M. Budgett also manufactures demagnetizers, generators, and other accessories, all of which appliances represent the latest practice in the magnetic handling of work. Such a chuck is of the greatest service to the user who does not feel inclined to incur a heavy expenditure in jigs, plates, special holding-bolts, etc.