The Campaign Comforts Concerts.
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Our New Scheme for a Series of Works Concerts is now Properly Launched, and should Result in Satisfactory Additions to the Revenue Side ot the Fund's 1915-1916 Accounts.
Our readers will have been kept apprised by our periodical reports of the progress of the Fund, as to the renewed efforts which will have to be made on its behalf to enable us satisfactorily to encompass the much greater task that is set to us this year as compared with that which we have now effectively accom plished in the 12 months that are concluded. .
We now have the pleasure to announce particulars of a new scheme which we have had in hand for some weeks past, and which now has been satisfactorily launched: We look forward to its proving not only a satisfactory medium for the acquisition of further monetary aid during the coming season, but as the means of bringing the very considerable work which is involved in the Fund's organization arid operation, before those particular sections of the public to whomr it. should, in fact, offer greatest interest.
Obviously that public can best be reached in some way or another through the works, which have been, since the war began, and still are, engaged in the production of the motor vehicles of all kinds which form the raison d'être of the Army Service Corps, Mechanical Transport Columns—not by any means emitting the motor ambulances. It, therefore, became necessary to consider how best to insure increased attention in that direction, and the result has been the organization of a series of high-class concerts, in co-operation with active works committees composed of representative members of the respective works staffs. The conditions pertaining to those arrangements are that we shall secure audiences which will be specifically concerned with the objects of the Fund, and which will be more or less easy to interest on. account of their localization in connection with each of the bigger factories.
Without any specific desire to give precedence in respect of our fixtures, we have, owing to the incidence of available halls and dates, decided that the first concert should be .that which is. being organized,: in co-operation with the staff of the Lacre Co.'s works.
We reproduce on this page the first poster or whatw ill undoubtedly be a very considerable series. The second date .already now fixed is that for the ilth November, when the Town Hall Baths at. Luton will be the scene of a great Commercar concert which will have the active co-operation of Mr. H. Underdown and his Luton works staff. The. third of the concerts is now being fixed for Guildford. Mr. Bay Dennis and Mr. Arthur Drummond are interesting themselves in connection with the local arrangements. In all probability the fourth will be in connection with the Tilling-Stevens works at Maidstone, and we are, in this instance, lucky to secure the active co-operation of Mr. Albert G. Micklebtirgh, a managing director. Other dates already contemplated and which wo. hope to be able to announce. definitely without much further delay, are for the Royal Automobile Club, early in December, and for one or two of the biggest of the A.S.C., M.T., depots themselves. Negotiation; are also proceeding for the fixing of a date in each case for a concert in co-operation with the officials of The Assoeiat!d Equipment Co., Ltd., of Walthamstow, J. and E. Hall, Ltd., of Dartford, John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., of Basingstoke, etc., etc. The performers at these concerts will be well-known London artisteS, who will be paid for their iserviees, as it is against the wishes of those connected with. this Fund that it should be made the means of imposing upon people who are capable of earning their livings in this skilful way, by endeavouring at a time like the present to get them to provide the means-for money oney raising raising at little or no cost to the promoters. The Campaign Comforts Concerts will win or fall on their merits ; we think there is, obviously, no question of the latter contingency The artistes who have been engaged for the earliest. concerts of this series include Miss Florence West, Mr Banda -Taekson,Miss May Windsor, Mr. Will Edwards, Mr. Chass. Lewis, Mr. Arthur Hill, Mr. Fred Wildon and Mr. Cyril Weller, and a special feature is to be made of a lantern leeturette by the Editor of this journal, Mr. F 5: Slitapnell-Smith; dealing with the A.S.C., 111.7f.
We should like to take this.opportunity at the .opening of this new enterprise, to tender our thanks for the whole-hearted co-operation which has been so spontaneously offered by works managements and their leading officials. This in itself is evidence of the industry's appreciation of the facilities which we have been • enabled to afford for them to be able, by support of the Fund, to have a care for their own men in the A.S.C., M.T., as well as for those others of the many thousands who are so closely associated, as drivers and mechanics, with the machines turned out in these respective factories. Not only have motor-lorry manufacturers so readily offered their help, but we have, for instance in eases like that of Guildford, been recipients of a ready expression of desire treassist from Drummond Bros., Ltd., of Guildford, the well-known machine tool manu f acturers.