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Although, probably, of little immediate practical effect, considerable importance must be attached to the Ministry of Transport White Paper on Service and Rates (Coastwise Shipping) .
This affects the road-transport industry in that there is a recommendation that the present voluntary agreement between the railways and the coastwise liner companies, which has been in operation for 10 years, should be extended to embrace road haulage and canal companies.
Responsible for the report is a Ministry Sub-committee appointed to consider the question of competition of the railways and other forms of transport with coastwise shipping_ Chicken-hut on Wheels Proved to be a Trailer.
" When is a trailer not a trailer? I submit that the answer is when it is a hen-hut," said Mr. E. W. Roythorne, of Spalding, at North Holland Sessions, Boston, last week. He was defending Messrs. Harry and Jack Slater, haulage contractors, who were summoned for using a lorry to draw a trailer at Fishtoft, on July 4, so as to render it liable to a higher rate of duty than had been paid. Mr. Harry Slater was also summoned for using a lorry and trailer not equipped with an efficient braking system, on the same occasion.
The case for the prosecution was that a chicken-hut, with four small iron wheels and attached to the rear of the lorry by chains, was a trailer. It was stated that the dimensions of the chicken-hut were 9 ft. by 7 ft.
Mr. George T. Colain, taxation officer to Holland County Council, said that the ordinary revenue duty on the lorry concerned would be £35 per annum ; to draw the trailer, an additional annual duty of £15 would be payable. Mr. Roythorne, for the defence, contended that there was no definition, in the Finance Acts, of a trailer. According to the Road Traffic Act, 1930, a trailer must be a vehicle, and in no sense could a chicken-hut be called a vehicle. It was part of the load which defendants were being paid to remove from one place to another.
After much legal argument and a retirement, the chairman (Mr. G. L. Nussey) said : "The magistrates are unanimously of opinion that this was a vehicle being drawn behind this lorry in such a way as to constitute a trailer, but we realize that the defendants may not have realized the fact. We are only imposing fines of 5s. each in the first case, and 5s. in the second case, really as a warning to other persons that they should not do this."
"Power and Speed "—A New Book by Temple Press Ltd.
"The best book of its type," such is the opinion of critics who have seen " Power and Speed "—the new book just published by Temple Press Ltd., proprietors of The Commercial Motor. Every phase of the employment of the 824 petrol and oil engine is covered, not in the form of a dry-as-dust treatise, but in a breezy and interesting manner.
Never before have so many fine photographs and line drawings been included in a book of this kind, and the illustrations are ably supported by writers who are masters of their subjects, Laurence Pomeroy, Junr., Technical Editor of The Motor, is responsible for the motorcar section; R. L. de Burgh Walkerley, "Grande Vitesse " of The Motor, gives a review of International Grands Prix and Sports Car Racing; British Motor Sport is dealt with by F. J. Findon, Editor of The Light Car; Captain G. E. T. Eyston writes on Super Speeds on Land; there is a chapter by H.R.H. Prince Chula of Siam, G.C.V.O., on International 1,500 c.c. Racing, and John Cobb deals with the Romance of Record Breaking.
The Era of the Commercial Motor is covered by G. Mackenzie Junner, Editor of The Commercial Motor and Light Metals; flying is covered in three excellent chapters by C. G. Grey, Editor of The Aeroplane, F. D. Bradbrooke and Mrs, C. M. McAlery, also of that journal; there is, too, a chapter written by Flt.-Lieut. C. S. Staniland, a Fairey test pilot.
Sir Malcolm Campbell contributes some interesting facts relative to the Water Speed Record; A. P. Chalkley, Editor of The Motor ship, writes about Modern Motor Ships. The Oil Engine and Diesel Locomotives and Trains are subjects ably dealt with by D. S. D. Williams of The Oil Engine.
Whilst "Speed and Power 'S makes an espeCial appeal to the younger generation, it may he said to appeal to readers of all ages.
It is now on sale at 8s, 6d. from all booksellers, or may be obtained direct from Temple Press Ltd. at 9s. post free.
A Loss to the Industry.
It was with deep regret that we learned of the death, which occurred on October 10, of Mr. Ernest Claude Thomas, managing director of Transport Services, Ltd., a director of all its subsidiary companies, and chairman of many of them. He was also chairman of Dexine, Ltd.
Mr. Thomas, who was 52 years of age, had had a distinguished war career. -He was a major in the 18th Hussars and commanded the Machine ,Gun Brigade in Mesopotamia. later being attached to the political service in the East.
He was a founder member of the Long Distance Road Haulage Association, a member of the national council of A.R.O. since its inception, chairman of the clearing-house section of that body, a member of the national council of the C.M.U.A., and a member of the national haulage board of that Associa tion. He represented the on wages and rates at National Conferences, and played a leading part in representations to the Ministry of Transport in respect of licence duties and extension of period.
A well-known hunting man, he was keen on all field sport. APATHY LOSES LICENCE.
An application by Messrs. B. and H. Transport, of Oldham and Hollinwood, near Manchester, for the regrant of their A licence, was refused by Sir William Hart (North-western Deputy Licensing Authority) on Tuesday.
The ground of the refusal was that the applicants had twice failed to attend the Court and had not communicated any explanation of their non-attendance. Mr. G. H. P. I3e_ames (for the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co.) recalled that, at a previous inquiry, Messrs. B. and H. Transport were listed for renewal and a variation of licence. As the applicants were not present the variation was refused and the renewal was ordered to be re-listed, but again they were absent. It appeared to him that if it was too much trouble for the applicants to present themselves, the licence was not much required.
Sir William Hart concurred and refused the application.
Ford Van Prices Reduced.
At the moment of going to press we learn that the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., has reduced the prices of certain of its products as follow:-5-cwt. van to £112 10s. (from £115), 10-cwt. van to £165 (from £168), 10-cwt. chassis to £132 10s. (from £135).
Haulier Given Another Chance.
The West Midland Licensing Authority (Mr. H. Trevor Morgan), who recently held an inquiry to consider whether he should exercise his power to revoke or suspend the A licence or Mr. Harry Joseph Portlock, of Birmingham, for consistent failure to observe conditions, has decided to issue a further warning to the licence holder.
It was alleged at the inquiry (reported in the issue of The Commercial Motor dated September 30) that, largely as the result of failure by drivers to keep proper records, Mr. Portlock had broken the licence conditions on over 100 occasions.
Success of a Commercial-vehicle Salesmen's School.
Practical utility was the outstanding characteristic of the course of instruction for commercial-vehicle salesmen, held recently at Peterborough over a complete week.
Our own contributor and costs expert, S.T_R., was responsible for the lectures on "Transport Law and Economics," whilst Mr. L. W. 3. Hancock dealt with "The Psychology of Salesmanship" and the application of the oil engine to road transport, i.e.,
One afternoon was devoted to hypothetical sales, in which selected members of the class acted as actual buyers, the others taking roles as sellers. On Friday an examination was held, on the results of which diplomas will be awarded.
F. Perkins, Ltd., which sponsored the scheme, is to be congratulated upon its enterprise. NEED FOR LIVESTOCK FLOAT PROVED.
At a sitting of the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, at Aberdeen, last week, evidence was led by various farmers to prove that another cattle float was needed in the Kildrummy district. Mr. James Coutts, Mossat, applied for the transfer of the licence held by Mr. G. L. Watson, Newmachar, whose business he had bought, and objections were lodged by the Londen and North Eastern Railway Co. and by Mr. James Gordon, Bellabeg.
Mr. John Walker, farmer and auctioneer, Kildrummy, said he sometimes missed the sheep market at Aberdeen because there was no float available. The Rev. John Calder, ICildrummy, said a float was badly needed in the district and applicant gave evidence to the effect that he had received numerous complaints on the subject. He presented a petition in his favour with 94 signatures.
Mr. Henry Riches, the Licensing Authority, granted the application, the vehicle to operate for the collection and delivery of livestock within 12 miles of Mossat, with an extension to Aberdeen and Alford for collection and delivery.
A Cry for Utilization of Coal.
Some of the effects of the quest for speed, largely an outcome of the internal-combustion engine, were commented on by Mr. A. C. Gardner in his presidential address at a recent meeting, in Glasgow, of the Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland.
The natural coal resources of the country, once the foundation of its wealth and prosperity, were rapidly declining in importance, as each form of transport, except that of the railways, was being steadily invaded by the use of foreign oil. Moreover, the rising importance of oil as a revenueproducing subject had introduced political and financial considerations into the realm of industry.
The advantages of liquid fuel were so many and so essential to our needs to-day, that the encouragement and assistance of the engineer and chemist to transform and utilize the coal resources of the country would seem to be the imperative duty of a State endowed mainly with that form of mineral wealth.
Appeal for a London A Licence.
Before the Appeal Tribunal in London, during the week commencing October 24, will be heard the appeal of the Palace Transport, Ltd., Carlisle Street, Lambeth, London, S.E.1. This is against the .refusal of the Metropolitan Licensing Authority to grant an A licence. Respondent in the case is the Great Western Railway Co.
Freeing Cambridge Toll Bridge.
Clayhithe toll bridge, the only road crossing the River Cam for a distance of 10 miles north-east of Cambridge, is to be freed from tolls and reconstructed. Towards the cost of the scheme, estimated at about £9,000, a grant has been made from the Road Fund. The bridge is on an unclassified road, connecting the villages of Horning.sea and Waterbeach.
Shipping Guide for Hauliers.
The following is the number of ships arriving at the London docks, wharves and jetties named, from October 14 to 22 inclusive:—I)ocxs: King George V, 7; Royal Albert, 8; Royal Victoria, 5; Surrey Commercial, 8; East India, 1; West India, 4; South West India, 4; Tilbury, 10; Tilbury Stage, 3; Millwall, 6; Royal, 3; London, 3. WHARVES: Hays, 3; Butler's, 1. Tilbury Jetty, 3. Regent's Canal, 1.
Oil-engine Lubrication Elucidated.
An informative leaflet on oil-engine lubrication has just been published by Alexander Duckham and Co., Ltd., 16 and IS, Cannon Street, London, E.C.4. Copies can be obtained on application; readers should ask for Leaflet No. 38.
The subject has been dealt with clearly and concisely and the problems of dilution, carbonization and sludging are explained. Useful advice is given on the choice of oils for specific types of engine, andthe distinguishing features of lubricants are outlined together with brief descriptions of the various tests to which they may be subjected. S.M.M. AND T. AND THE STEEL MAKERS.
A committee of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has been formed and is in touch with the British Iron and Steel Federation. It is hoped by this means to effect a satisfactory settlement of the problems as to prices, etc., which, for some time, have been agitating the motor-vehicle industry.'
Progress of Guy Motors.
When announcing to the workpeople of Guy Motors, Ltd., the decision to give a holiday with pay, last Saturday, to mark the peaceful settlement of the crisis, Mr. S. S. Guy mentioned that, even allowing for the slight recession in general business, he could see that the Guy factory would be fully employed for at least the next eight or nine months. , British Standard Methods of Testing Glues.
The British Standards Institution has just issued a revision of the " British Standard Methods for Testing Glues (Bone, Skin and Fish Glues) (B.S.
647-1938)." This standard includes methods for determining all the leading properties, such as moisture, viscosity, keeping quality and joint strength. Copies are obtainable, at 3s. 9d. (including postage), from the Publications Department, British Standards Institution, 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1.